Moms? Postpartum? Leakage? What should I do? Can you use the Reflux Gynecological Radiofrequency Treatment? I'm not sure if you're a good person, but I'm sure you're a good person.
I also have the problem of post-partum urine leakage, just after giving birth to laugh or sneeze hard when the bottom will be a little leakage. The injection and medication can only manage a moment, not long after it will recur, listening to friends say medical instrument can solve this situation, back to think about it after all is a private part of it how also have to choose a formal instrument to rest assured, check a lot of information and consult the hospital before choosing a sharp FuNuo, it is the only approved national class III medical device gynecological radio frequency treatment instrument, the regular medical institutions in order to treat, and will not be on the body have side effects. After a month and a half after the end of treatment, I went to the follow-up, there is no urine leakage phenomenon, I did not continue treatment, and now has almost a year, the leakage has not appeared once again, the recovery is quite good.