There are many assembly language textbooks, covering various processors. A rough count is no less than a hundred. Among so many textbooks, the most commonly used ones can be classified and listed as follows: 1. "x86 Assembly Language: From Real Mode to Protected Mode", written by Li Zhong, Electronic Industry Press, 2013-1.
Based on INTEL x86 processor, NASM compiler and BOCHS virtual machine. Assembly language is the language of the processor. In this sense, since learning assembly language, you must directly program for the hardware instead of using inexplicable DOS interrupts and API calls. This is an interesting book that doesn't spend its time calculating boring math problems. Instead, it teaches you how to control hardware directly, display characters, read hard disk data, control other hardware, etc. without resorting to BIOS, DOS, Windows, Linux, or any other software support.
We know that 32-bit and 64-bit are mainstream, real mode and DOS operating systems have become history, and both Linux and Windows work in protected mode. This book talks about the real mode to the 32-bit protected mode, especially focusing on the 32-bit protected mode. Reading this book will be very helpful in understanding the working principles of modern computers and modern operating systems.
2. "Assembly Language" (2nd Edition), written by Wang Shuang, Tsinghua University Press, 2013-4-1
Based on INTEL 8086 processor and MASM compiler, As well as the assembly textbook for the DOS platform, it is completely based on the real mode of the 8086 processor and does not involve the commonly used 32-bit and 64-bit modes. However, because it is easy to understand, readers have responded well.
3. "80X86 Assembly Language Programming Tutorial", edited by Yang Jiwen and others, Tsinghua University Press, 1999-3-1
Compiled based on INTEL x86 processor, MASM and TASM device, including 16-bit real mode and 32-bit protected mode, and the latter is described in more detail.
4. "32-bit Assembly Language Programming", edited by Qian Xiaojie, Machinery Industry Press, 2011-8-1
Based on INTEL x86 processor and MASM compiler, As well as compiled teaching materials for the WINDOWS platform.
5. "16/32-bit Microcomputer Principle Assembly Language and Interface Technology", edited by Qian Xiaojie and Chen Tao, Machinery Industry Press, 2005-2-1
Based on INTEL x86 Processor, discusses the basic principles, assembly language and interface technology of 16-bit microcomputers, and introduces related technologies of 32-bit microcomputer systems.
6. "Intel Assembly Language Programming" (Fifth Edition), written by (American) Owen, Electronic Industry Press, 2012-7-1
Based on INTEL x86 processor , MASM compiler, and assembly textbooks for DOS/WINDOWS platforms, including both 16-bit real mode and 32-bit protected mode.
7. "The Art of Programming in Assembly Language" (2nd Edition), written by (American) Hyde, Tsinghua University Press, 2011-12-1
Based on INTEL x86 processor , using the author's self-made high-level language assembler (High Level Assembler, HLA) as a teaching tool to partially obtain the advantages and functions of high-level languages.
8. "x86 PC Assembly Language, Design and Interface" (Fifth Edition), (USA) Mazdi, Causey, Electronic Industry Press, 2011-1-1
Based on INTEL x86 processor, it covers both 16-bit real mode and 32-bit protected mode, and also introduces 64-bit. 1. "Assembly Language Programming - Based on ARM Architecture" (2nd Edition), edited by Wen Quangang and others, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics Press, 2010-8-1
Based on ARM Architecture Processor is an introductory textbook for learning embedded technology.
2. "Learning AVR Microcontrollers from Zero Basics", edited by Xu Yimin and others, Machinery Industry Press, 2011-1-1
Overview of microcontrollers, avr microcontroller development tools, avr microcontroller c Language, basic structure of atmega16 microcontroller, avr instruction system and assembly system, etc.
3. "51 Microcontroller Simulation Combat Tutorial Based on Multisim10", edited by Nie Dian and Ding Wei, Electronic Industry Press, 2010-2-1
Explains the use of NI Multisim 10 in Various main functions in microcontroller simulation.
4. "PIC18 Microcontroller: Architecture, Programming and Interface Design", (USA) Berry, Tsinghua University Press, 2009-4-1
Microcontrol Devices are widely used in automobiles, home appliances, industrial control, medical equipment and many other fields. This book takes Microchip's PIC18 series microcontrollers as an example to comprehensively explain how to use C language and assembly language to program microcontrollers.
5. "CASL Assembly Language Programming", edited by Zhao Lihui, China Electric Power Press, 2002-10-1
CASL assembly language is China's computer software professional technical qualification and proficiency examination A must-take for senior programmers. This book is a monograph about CASL assembly language programming.