Medical unit procurement of computers, please recommend a few ~ to be specific model ~


CPU AMD Speedlane II X2 245 (box) ×1 ¥ 405

Motherboard MSI 785GTM-E45 ×1 ¥ 499

Memory Kingston 2GB DDR2 800 (Narrow) ×1 ¥ 335

Hard disk Seagate 500GB 7200.12 16M (Serial / Diffuse) ST350 ×1 ¥ 335

Optical drive Pioneer DVD-130D ×1 ¥ 125

LCD monitor AOC 936Swb ×1 ¥ 740

Chassis Buffalo A0707 (with power supply) ×1 ¥ 192

Keyboard and Mouse Set Twin Flying Swallows KB-283U Finger as 16 sculpture photoelectric set ×1 ¥ 80

Speaker Langqin X3 ×1 ¥ 99 Total amount: 2810 yuan


CPU AMD Speedlong II X2 215 (loose) ×1 ¥ 290

Motherboard Maxthon MS-M3A785G ×1 ¥ 398

Memory Kingston 2GB DDR2 667 ×1 ¥ 145

Hard disk WD 320GB 7200rpm 16MB(Serial/YS) ×1 ¥295

Optical Drive Pioneer DVD-130D ×1 ¥125

LCD LG W1942S ×1 ¥799

Chassis Century Star Little Fish ×1 ¥218

Keyboard and Mouse Set Shuangfeiyan 520X Internet Cafe Set ×1 ¥80

Keyboard and Mouse Set Shuangfeiyan 520X Internet Cafe Set ×1 ¥80

Sound Box

Speaker Langqin X3 ×1 ¥ 99 Total amount: 2449 yuan


CPU AMD Slew X2 5000 (loose) ×1 ¥ 366

Motherboard MSI 785GTM-E45 ×1 ¥ 499

Memory Kingston 2GB DDR2 800 (narrow) ×1 ¥ 335

This is the first time that I've seen this product in the market. p>Hard Drive Seagate 500GB 7200.12 16M (Serial/Bulk) ST350 ×1 ¥335

Optical Drive Pioneer DVD-130D ×1 ¥125

Video Card Seven rainbow color 9600GT-GD3 CF Gold Edition 512M N1 ×1 ¥499

LCD Monitor Delilon 104A ×1 ¥499 <

Case Multicolor MF007 (with power supply) ×1 ¥ 248

Keyboard and Mouse Set Shuangfeiyan 520X Internet Cafe Specialty Set ×1 ¥ 80

Speaker Langqin X3 ×1 ¥ 99 Total Amount: 3,085 yuan


CPU Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5300 (box) ×1 ¥ 415

Motherboard ASUS P550GT/GD3 CF Gold Edition 512M N1 ×1 ¥ 415

This is the first time that I have ever seen a motherboard with the same name, and it's not just for the first time, but for the second time.

Motherboard ASUS P5KPL-AM SE ×1 ¥ 410

Memory ADATA 2GB DDR3 1333 (10,000 Purple) ×1 ¥ 350

Hard disk Seagate 500GB 7200.12 16M (Serial/Hard Disk) ST350 ×1 ¥ 335

Optical drive Pioneer DVD-130D ×1 ¥ 125

LCD monitor Philips 190.0 ¥ 1,500

This is the first time I've ever seen an LCD monitor with an Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5300 (box).

LCD Philips 193E1 ×1 ¥880

Case Buffalo A0707 (with power supply) ×1 ¥192

Keyboard and Mouse Set Twin Flying Swallow 520X Internet Cafe Specialty Set ×1 ¥80

Speaker Langqin X3 ×1 ¥99 Total Amount: 2886 yuan


CU Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5300(Box) ×1 ¥ 420

Motherboard ASUS P5KPL-AM SE ×1 ¥ 410

Memory Kingston 2GB DDR2 800(Narrow) ×1 ¥ 335

Hard Drive Seagate 320GB 7200.12 16M ×1 ¥ 315

Optical Drive Pioneer DVD-130D ×1 ¥ 125

LCD AOC 919Sw + × 1 ¥ 780

Chassis Youze 6909 × 1 ¥ 120 ¥ 120

Power supply AOC Cool King Diamond 2.3 version × 1 ¥ 199

Keyboard and Mouse Set Shuangfeiyan 520X Internet cafe love set × 1 ¥ 80

Speaker Langqin X3 × 1 ¥ 99 Total amount: 2888 yuan


CPU Intel Pentium Dual-Core E5300(Box) ×1 ¥420

Motherboard ASUS P5KPL-AM SE ×1 ¥410

Memory Kingston 1GB DDR2 800 ×1 ¥190

Disk Seagate 320GB 7200.12 16M ×1 ¥315

Hard disk 16M ×1 ¥315

Optical Drive Pioneer DVD-130D ×1 ¥125

LCD Monitor Samsung 943NW+ ×1 ¥899

Chassis Power Train Stampede X3 ×1 ¥180

Power Supply Aerospace Cooling King Diamond 2.3 ×1 ¥199

Keyboard and Mouse Set Ssquare Swift 520X Internet cafe favorite set ×1 ¥ 80

Speaker Langqin X3 ×1 ¥ 99 Total amount: 2932 yuan