Vivo cell phone lasts a few years

Vivo cell phone life is around one year.

Because after a year of use there will be lag, the battery is not durable and so on, you have to replace the phone, the reason why Apple's cell phone can be used for three years, mainly because it is a good system. As for the vivo phone life is usually a few years that also depends on how you use it, if you love your phone more, there is no problem to use it for two or three years.

Operating system

VivoX60Pro+ comes with OriginOS 1.0 factory system based on Android 11, which supports Atomic Components, Atomic Notifications, Behavioral Wallpapers, Parallel Worlds, etc. OriginOS redraws the icons and also offers two icon styles -Exquisite and Minimalist, and Vivo provides option buttons so that users can choose according to their preferences.

OriginOS offers four windows for wallpapers with icons on them, so users can customize the wallpaper presentation to their liking, and the different sizes of tiles on the OriginOS desktop are not differentiated by the apps, features, or widgets they are part of.