Health room, as the name implies, is a village-level unit of medical institutions, in the past there are village health office, village health center, village medical point and other various names. After the new medical reform, the state will be village-level medical institutions unified called village health room. And the previous village health room, village health clinic, village medical point to merge, forming the current each administrative village has a standardized village health room.
Village health rooms are not allowed to be leased, transferred or contracted out to others. The village health office must be set up within the jurisdiction of the village, and there is only one designated medical institution in each administrative village.
Basic conditions include:
1, obtaining the "medical institution practice license" and related professional diagnosis and treatment technology service access permit, professional and technical personnel with the appropriate licensing qualifications, the village health office doctor must have a rural doctor or practicing assistant doctor qualification or above;
2, the village health office must be implemented in the integration of management;
3, have the With the corresponding level of size, function, technical personnel, medical equipment and technical level, technical personnel village health room must be equipped with one to three people, health center medical point must be more than three people, medical service behavior management norms, sound system;
4, strict implementation of the national basic medical service price policy, charging standards and unified bidding for the distribution of medicines and the highest price limit provisions, commitment to the first level of hospital charges 80% of the standard charges;
5, to become the new rural cooperative medical care designated medical institutions, and commitment to strictly implement the new rural cooperative medical care related policies, systems and regulations;
6, in line with the new rural cooperative medical care outpatient designated medical points, village health center evaluation and acceptance criteria.
Legal basis
The People's Republic of China*** and the State Construction Law
Article 8 Application for obtaining a construction permit shall have the following conditions:
(1) has been applied for the approval of the land use of that construction project;
(2) according to the law should be applied for the planning permit for construction works
(ii) the construction project planning permit has been obtained;
(iii) where demolition is required, the progress of demolition is in line with the construction requirements;
(iv) the building construction enterprise has been identified;
(v) there are financial arrangements, construction drawings and technical information to meet the needs of the construction;
(vi) there are specific measures to ensure the quality of the project and safety.
The competent administrative department of construction shall, within seven days from the date of receipt of the application, issue a construction license for applications that meet the conditions.