Wastewater treatment equipment can be broadly divided into:
Living wastewater treatment equipment
Integrated wastewater treatment equipment
Buried wastewater treatment equipment
Food factory wastewater treatment
Hospital Sewage Treatment
Rural Sewage Treatment
Slaughtering Sewage Treatment
Printing and Dyeing Sewage Treatment Equipments
and so on.
To domestic sewage
The sewage treatment equipment needed as an example is divided into three categories:
1, special equipment: various types of sewage pumps, sludge pumps, storage pumps, metering pumps, screw pumps, air compressors, Roots blower, centrifugal blower, appearance of the aeration machine, the initiative to take the water sampling machine, grating cleaner, scraper, scraper, scraping sludge suction machine, sludge concentration scraper Suction sludge machine, sludge thickening and scraping machine, digester sludge mixing equipment, biogas boiler, heat exchanger, medicine mixing machine and sludge dewatering machine.
2, electrical equipment: AC and DC motors, variable speed motors, starting switchgear, lighting equipment, lightning protection equipment, power conversion and distribution equipment (including cables, indoor line overhead lines, blocking switches, load switches, fuses, a few oil switches, voltage transformers, current transformers, power capacitors, disconnectors, protectors, active devices and grounding devices, etc.).
3, general equipment: electric hoist, centrifuge, thermostat, oven, refrigerator, a variety of manual and electric gate valves, butterfly valves, gate opener and check valves, landscaping medicinal sprinkler trucks, hand-push and electric lawnmowers, winches, lathes, planing machines, milling machines, bridge cranes, delivery vehicles and so on.
Content tags:sewage treatment equipment,domestic sewage treatment equipment
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