High school physics knowledge points, the Beijing area Urgent ah, thank you, my foundation is not very good. I'm not very good at it. I almost never learned it in my first year of high school, but I'm

High school physics knowledge points, the Beijing area Urgent ah, thank you, my foundation is not very good. I'm not very good at it. I almost never learned it in my first year of high school, but I'm going to take the test, thank you. Description of motion

1. content standards (1) through historical facts, a preliminary understanding of the background of the emergence of modern experimental science, to recognize the role of experimentation in the development of physics. Example 1 Understand Aristotle's main ideas and research methods on force and motion. Example 2 Understand Galileo's experimental research work, and recognize Galileo's scientific ideas and methods of experiments. (2) To understand the characteristics of physical models in the study of physics and appreciate the role of physical models in exploring the laws of nature through the understanding of a prime mover. Example 3 Recognize under what circumstances an object can be regarded as a prime point. (3) To experience the process of experimental study of uniformly variable linear motion, to understand displacement, velocity and acceleration, to understand the law of uniformly variable linear motion, and to appreciate the role of experiments in discovering the laws of nature. Example 4 To study uniformly-variable linear motion by punctuation timer, stroboscopic photography or other experimental methods. Example 5 Through historical facts, understand the experimental and reasoning methods used by Galileo to study free-fall motion. (4) To be able to describe uniformly variable linear motion with formulas and images, and to appreciate the importance of mathematics in the study of physical problems. (2) Suggested activities (1) Through experiments to study the mass of the same, different sizes of objects falling in the air, from which to understand the effect of air on the falling motion. (2) To understand and discuss the significance of Galileo's study of the motion of objects in the development of science and the progress of mankind by finding information, etc.

Interaction and Laws of Motion

1. Content Standards (1) Recognize the laws of sliding friction and static friction through experimentation, and be able to calculate friction in terms of kinetic friction factor. (2) Know common deformations, understand the elasticity of objects through experiments, and know Hooke's law. Example 1 Investigate the shapes and purposes of springs used in daily life and production (e.g., to obtain elastic force or to slow down vibration, etc.). Example 2 To make a simple spring scale and explain its working principle by Hooke's law. (3) Through experiments, understand the synthesis and decomposition of forces, know the conditions of equilibrium of *** point forces, distinguish between vector and scalar, and analyze problems in daily life with the synthesis and decomposition of forces. Example 3 Investigate the magnitude of the combined force of two *** point forces of equal magnitude at different angles. (4) Through experiments, investigate the relationship between acceleration and the mass of an object and the force on an object. Understand Newton's laws of motion and use them to explain relevant problems in life. Recognize the phenomena of overweight and weightlessness through experiments. Example 4 Measure acceleration, force and mass through experiments, make images representing the relationship between acceleration and force and acceleration and mass respectively, and write the equation of the relationship between acceleration and force and mass according to the images. To appreciate the scientific method used in the process of investigation. Example 5 Explain the relationship between the force of gravity on an object and its mass according to Newton's second law. (5) Recognize the importance of the unit system in physics. Know the mechanical units in the International System of Units. Example 6 Define the units of force by giving k = 1 in the equation. 2. Suggested Activities (1) Investigate examples of the use of static friction in daily life and production. (2) Understand and experience weightlessness and overweight through a variety of activities, such as riding an elevator or a roller coaster at an amusement park. (3) Design a device that displays the magnitude of acceleration according to Newton's second law. (4) Through listening to lectures, watching videos and other activities, learn about the lives of astronauts, learn about experiments in microgravity conditions on artificial satellites, and try to design a program for experiments in microgravity conditions on artificial satellites or spacecraft.

***The same compulsory module Physics II

(I) Mechanical and energy 1. Content Standards (1) Give examples of work as a measure of energy change, and understand work and power. Concerned about the magnitude and significance of power of common machinery in life and production. Example 1 Analyze the work done by a force when the direction of movement of an object is not in a straight line with the direction of the force. Example 2 Analyze the relationship between traction and speed when the power of a car engine is certain. (2) Through experiments, investigate the relationship between work done by a constant force and the change in kinetic energy of an object. Understand kinetic energy and the kinetic energy theorem. Explain the phenomena in life and production with the kinetic energy theorem. Example 3 Investigate the relationship between work done by a constant force and the change in kinetic energy of an object using a punctuation timer or phototimer. Example 4 Derive the kinetic energy theorem from Newton's second law. (3) Understand gravitational potential energy. Know the relationship between the change in gravitational potential energy and the work done by gravity. (4) Verify the law of conservation of mechanical energy through experimentation. Understand the law of conservation of mechanical energy. Use the law of conservation of mechanical energy to analyze problems related to life and production. (5) Understand that there are many forms of energy in nature. Know that conservation of energy is one of the most basic and universal laws of nature. (6) To recognize the importance of improving efficiency through the conservation of energy and the directionality of energy conversion and transfer. To understand the relationship between energy and human survival and social development, and to know the great significance of sustainable development. Example 5 Evaluate the benefits and possible problems of nuclear energy for human beings. 2. Suggested Activities (1) Design an experiment to measure the power of a person in a certain kind of motion. (2) Collect data on the relationship between the braking distance of a car and its speed by searching for information and visiting the relevant departments, and try to explain it with the kinetic energy theorem. (II) Parabolic motion and circular motion 1. content standards (1) will use the method of motion synthesis and decomposition to analyze parabolic motion. Example 1 Take the displacement of an object in the horizontal and vertical directions as the horizontal and vertical coordinates respectively, and depict the trajectory of an object in parabolic motion. (2) Can describe uniform circular motion. Know centripetal acceleration. (3) Can use Newton's second law to analyze the centripetal force in uniform circular motion. Analyze centrifugal phenomena in life and production. Example 2 Estimate the centripetal force on a bicycle as it turns a corner. (4) Pay attention to the connection between the laws of parabolic and circular motion and daily life. (2) Suggested activities (1) Compare the difference between the shape of an actual ballistic trajectory and a parabola by searching for information and trying to make an explanation. (2) Investigate the inclination of a highway curve or the difference in height of two rails at a railroad curve. (III) Achievements and Limitations of Classical Mechanics 1. Content Standards (1) Understand the process of discovering the law of universal gravitation through relevant facts. Know the law of universal gravitation. Recognize the significance of the discovery of the law of universal gravitation and appreciate the role of scientific laws in the exploration of the unknown world. Example 1 To illustrate the role of scientific laws in mankind's understanding of the world through the discovery of an unknown celestial body using the law of universal gravitation. (2) Can calculate the orbital velocity of an artificial satellite. Know the second and third cosmic velocities. (3) Have a preliminary understanding of the classical and relativistic views of space and time, and know the influence of the theory of relativity on man's understanding of the world. (4) Preliminary understanding of the quantization phenomenon in the microscopic world, know the characteristics of the energy changes of macroscopic objects and microscopic particles, and appreciate that the establishment of quantum theory has deepened mankind's understanding of the material world. (5) Through examples, understand the development history and great achievements of classical mechanics, appreciate the value and significance of the creation of classical mechanics, and recognize the practical scope and limitations of classical mechanics. Example 2 To understand the significant contributions of classical mechanics to the development of space technology. Example 3 Understand the diversity and unity of the fall of heavy objects and the motion of celestial bodies, and know the important role played by the law of gravity in the development of science. (6) To appreciate the importance of the scientific method of research in the understanding of nature. Give examples to illustrate the progress of physics for the promotion of natural science. 2. Suggested Activities (1) Watch video films about artificial Earth satellites, space shuttles, and space stations. (2) Collect information on the history and prospects of space development in China and the world, and write a survey report. Elective Module The elective courses are designed to meet students' learning needs on the basis of the *** same compulsory courses. The elective courses take into account both the basic learning needs of students and provide space for their further development; different modules suitable for their interests and aptitudes are designed for students, and the interconnection and ***same requirements of the different modules are also taken into account.

Elective 1-1

(I) Electromagnetic Phenomena and Laws 1. Content Standards (1) Analyze electrostatic phenomena using microscopic models of matter and the law of conservation of charge. Recognize the law of interaction between point charges. (2) through the experiment, know the electric field and magnetic field, will use the electric field lines, electric field strength to describe the electric field, will use the magnetic susceptibility, magnetic induction strength to describe the magnetic field. Know the magnetic flux. Example 1 Use electric field lines to depict the electric field around two equal dissimilar point charges. Example 2 Depict the magnetic field around an energized straight wire using lines of magnetic induction. (3) Understand the importance of experimental research by scientists such as Auster and Ampere in the understanding of electromagnetic phenomena. (4) Know the factors affecting the magnitude and direction of the amperometric force on an energized wire in a uniform magnetic field. Example 3 Briefly describe the important role of Auster's experiment in revealing the laws of electromagnetism. (4) Recognize the Lorentz force through experiments. Know the factors affecting the direction of the Lorentz force. Understand the principle of magnetic deflection of an electron beam and its application in technology. Example 4 Observe the deflection of cathode rays in a magnetic field. Example 5 To gain a preliminary understanding of the working principle of the picture tube. (5) Collect information on the process of discovery of the law of electromagnetic induction and know the law of electromagnetic induction. List the applications of electromagnetic induction phenomena in daily life and production, and appreciate the scientific attitude and scientific spirit of human beings in exploring the laws of nature. (6) To have a preliminary understanding of the basic ideas of Maxwell's electromagnetic field theory and to appreciate its significance in the development of physics. Preliminary understanding of field is one of the forms of the existence of matter. (2) Suggested Activities Compare and contrast the Law of Gravity and Coulomb's Law, and discuss the diversity and unity of the laws of nature. (ii) Electromagnetic Technology and Social Development 1. Content Standards (1) Collect information about major technological inventions in the field of electromagnetism. Recognize the important role of these technological inventions on human lifestyle and social development from a historical perspective. Example 1 Explain the research and invention of magnetic phenomenon in ancient China and its influence on social development. Example 2 Collect information on Edison's technical inventions related to electricity. Example 3 Briefly describe the important role played by the telephone on people's way of life and social development. (2) Understand the role played by generators and motors in the way energy is utilized and in the development of industry. Example 4 Compare and contrast the workings of heat engines and electric motors, and discuss the role of technological change from heat engines to electric motors in industrial development. (3) Understand common sensors and their applications, and appreciate the convenience brought by the application of sensors. Example 5 Know that temperature sensors have the function of converting temperature signals into electrical signals. (4) List the wide applications of electromagnetic waves in daily life and production. Understand the impact of the technological applications of electromagnetic waves on human lifestyles, and express their opinions with specific examples in daily life. Example 6 Discuss the impact of the development of communication technology on human lifestyles. (5) To give examples of the positive and negative impacts of the application of science and technology on modern human life, and to express their views on the importance of coordinated development of science, technology and society. Example 7 Give examples to illustrate the positive and negative impacts of the application of electromagnetic waves on human life. (1) Collect information and organize a seminar or exhibition on the theme of "Science, Technology and Society". (2) Investigate and discuss whether the use of cell phones has a negative impact on the human body. (III) Household Appliances and Daily Life 1. Content Standards (1) To have a preliminary understanding of the basic working principles of common household appliances, and to be able to use them correctly according to the manuals. Example 1 By observing and consulting information, understand the structure and working principle of microwave oven, and be able to use microwave oven correctly according to the instructions. Example 2 Through observation, consult the information, understand the structure and working principle of the tape recorder, can according to the instructions for the correct use of the tape recorder. (2) Know the meaning of the technical parameters of common household appliances, and be able to choose household appliances reasonably according to needs. Discuss the ways to save electricity in the family. Example 3 Read the manual of a washing machine and know the meaning of its technical parameters. (3) Identify resistors, capacitors and inductors, and understand their roles in circuits. To have a preliminary sense of determining the causes of malfunctioning of household electrical appliances. (4) Understand the knowledge of home circuit and safe use of electricity, and have the awareness of safe use of electricity. (1) Discuss the issues of continuous updating of electrical appliances and disposal of used electrical appliances from the perspectives of resource utilization, environmental protection and social development. (2) Visit shopping malls, collect information on different brands and models of washing machines, and discuss how to buy a washing machine.

Elective Module Elective 1-2

(I) Thermal Phenomena and Laws 1. Content Standards (1) Understand the basic viewpoints of the molecular dynamics theory, and cite relevant experimental evidence. Recognize temperature, gas pressure and internal energy with molecular dynamics theory and statistical view. Example 1 Observe and explain Brownian motion. (2) Understand the first law of thermodynamics. Know that conservation of energy is a fundamental law universally obeyed in nature. (3) To understand the second law of thermodynamics and entropy as a physical quantity describing the degree of disorder in a system through examples such as the directionality of heat conduction in nature. Example 2 Try to illustrate the second law of thermodynamics with examples from life. (4) To be able to apply the first and second laws of thermodynamics to explain the transformation and transfer of energy and directionality in nature. Example 3 Discuss the first and second types of perpetual motion machines. 2. Suggested Activities (1) Conduct an experiment to estimate the molecular size of oleic acid. (2) Use the Internet to collect pictures and written materials and discuss the reasons why perpetual motion machines cannot "move forever". (II) Heat and Life 1. Content Standards (1) Give examples of the different ways people use internal energy. Example 1 Understand the different ways of supplying electricity and heat by solar energy. Preliminary understanding of new technologies for domestic solar water heaters. (2) Recognize the problems of energy conversion and conservation in heat engines. To recognize the importance of improving the efficiency of heat engines through conservation of energy and the directionality of energy conversion and transfer. Example 2 Understand the problem of conversion and conservation of energy in the operation of automobiles. (3) To understand the basic principles of household appliances and refrigeration equipment, to try to reasonably purchase household appliances according to technical parameters and family needs, and to be able to use household appliances correctly according to the instructions. Example 3 Understand the technical parameters of air-conditioners and choose them reasonably according to needs. Example 4 Know the causes and consequences of the destruction of the ozone layer, and understand the efforts made by human beings to protect the ozone layer. (1) Visit shopping malls, collect information on different brands and models of air-conditioners, and discuss how to buy air-conditioners reasonably. (2) Discuss the social problems caused by the widespread use of automobiles. (3) Energy and Social Development 1. Content Standards (1) Recognize the impact of the invention and application of the steam engine on the development and use of energy by mankind. Preliminary understanding of the first industrial revolution, recognize the role of the widespread use of heat engines on science, social development and the transformation of human lifestyles. Example 1 Know the characteristics of Watt's steam engine and discuss the application, development, and innovation of the steam engine in contributing to the study of physics. Example 2 Gather historical information and discuss the great impact of the widespread use of steam engines in textiles, transportation and other industries on the development of human politics, economy, culture and society. (2) To recognize the impact of research results on electromagnetism and its technological applications on the use of energy by human beings through historical information on the use of electrical energy by human beings. (3) To have a preliminary understanding of the Second Industrial Revolution and the role played by the use of electric energy on the development of science and society as well as the transformation of human lifestyles. Example 3 Briefly describe the role of the use of electrical energy in promoting social development. (3) To have a preliminary understanding of the properties of some typical rays, and to know the application and protection of radiation phenomena. To understand the impact of the application of nuclear technology on human life and social development. Understand the meaning of Einstein's mass-energy equation. To know the fission reaction and fusion reaction. Recognize the development and use of nuclear energy through historical information on human use of nuclear energy. Example 4 Understand the application of radioactivity in medicine and agriculture. Example 5 Understand the achievements and prospects of the development and utilization of nuclear technology in China. Example 6 Apply Einstein's mass-energy equation to show that the energy involved in nuclear reactions is enormous. (4) To collect information and discuss the environmental pollution problems brought about by energy use, to understand the harm of environmental pollution, to think about the relationship between the coordinated development of science, technology and society, to know the great significance of sustainable development, and to have the awareness and action of environmental protection. Example 7 To collect information and understand the necessity and methods of proper disposal of radioactive wastes in nuclear power plants. Ex.8 To collect information and investigate the main sources of local air pollution. Example 9 Investigate and study the main causes of local water pollution. 2. Suggested Activities (1) Investigate the power generation capacity of a power plant and estimate how many large vehicles are needed to transport the amount of coal used by the power plant to generate electricity every day. (2) Design a program to use solar energy for heating, consider the influence of the surrounding environment on the use of solar energy, exchange and discuss the design. (3) Investigate the use of heat-related appliances in the home and discuss how they can be used to save energy. (4) Investigate local energy use and environmental pollution, analyze the main pollutants and sources of pollution in the local environment, and make suggestions to the relevant departments for protecting the environment.

Elective Module Elective 2-1

(I) Circuits and Electricity 1. Content Standards (1) Know Ohm's law for closed circuits. Know the electric potential and internal resistance of a power supply. Observe common power sources and read instructions to understand their main characteristics. Know the effects of batteries on the environment. Example 1 Explain why electric lights dim when the electrical load increases. Example 2 Discuss the main characteristics of lithium batteries, nickel-metal hydride batteries, and nickel-cadmium batteries and their respective applications. (2) Learn to use a multi-meter through practical exercises. Know the principle of a multi-meter. Example 3 Conduct physics experiments with a multi-meter instead of a student meter. Example 4 Use the multi-meter as a measuring tool to determine the positive and negative poles of a diode and to determine whether a large-capacity capacitor is disconnected or leaking. (3) Understand electric fields and electric field strength, and know the role of capacitors. (4) Understand magnetic field, magnetic induction and magnetic flux. Recognize the amperometric force through experiments and can determine the direction of the amperometric force. Example 5 Observe the structure of a magnetoelectric meter and analyze how it works. (5) Recognize the Lorentz force through experimentation. To understand the principle of magnetic deflection of an electron beam and its application in science and technology. Example 6 Observe the deflection of cathode rays in a magnetic field. (6) Recognize experimentally the conditions for the generation of induced electromotive force and the factors affecting the magnitude of induced electromotive force. Will determine the direction of induced current when a straight wire is moving in a magnetic field. Cite examples of applications of the phenomenon of electromagnetic induction in technology. (7) Know alternating current and three-phase alternating current. Explore experimentally the relationship between voltage and number of turns in a transformer. Describe the basic principles of power transmission over long distances. Example 7 Know the peak and RMS values of AC and their relationship. Example 8 Know the line and phase voltages of three-phase currents and know the three-phase four-wire power supply. (8) To recognize the significance of physics for technological, economic and social development through the application of electrical energy. (2) Suggested activities (1) Compare the main technical specifications and scope of application of various commercially available battery chargers. (2) Understand the local waste battery disposal, contact with the environmental protection department, the establishment of waste battery recycling station. (3) Collect several small electromagnetic relays, compare their structures, understand their applicable occasions, and utilize one of them to design a practical control circuit. (4) Compare and contrast the characteristics of DC and AC power transmission by finding information, and investigate the development of DC power transmission at home and abroad. (5) Assemble a small transformer. (II) Electromagnetic waves and information technology 1. content standards (1) Understand electromagnetic waves and their emission, propagation and reception principles. Know the electromagnetic nature of light and electromagnetic spectrum. Give examples of the application of electromagnetic waves in social life. Example 1 Compare the different propagation characteristics of long, medium, short and microwaves in radio waves. (2) To collect information on the modes of operation of mobile communications, common terminology and common features of cell phones. Example 2 To understand the working principle of cell phones. (3) To understand the working principle of common sensors through experiments or examples, to understand the application of sensors in production and life, and to appreciate the convenience brought by the application of sensors. Example 3 To understand the role of sensors by taking microphone, electronic scale, automobile exhaust gas detector, etc. as examples. Recognize that sensors are devices that convert non-electrical quantities into electrical quantities. Example 4 Perform physics experiments using sensors connected to a computer for real-time measurements. (4) To understand the development of integrated circuits and the significant impact of microelectronics on daily life, economy and society. (5) To have a preliminary understanding of the modes of operation of television, radio and television sets, and to know the main structure of a television set. To understand new advances in television and radio technology. Example 5: To understand the main differences between high-definition television and ordinary television. (6) To have a preliminary understanding of the components of a home computer. (7) Know the difference between analog and digital signals. Understand the development of information dissemination, processing and storage technologies. Understand the impact of network technology on the economy and society, and be able to express their own opinions. 2. Suggested Activities (1) Make a radio with discrete components or integrated circuits. (2) Make a wireless microphone. (3) Make a simple self-control device using sensors. (4) Observe the internal structure of a home computer. (5) Learn the meanings of VCD, DVD, MP3, MPEG ...... and understand the related technical principles and methods of use by looking up information and asking for advice.

Elective Module Elective 2-2

(I) Forces and Mechanics 1. Content Standards (1) Will distinguish between translational motion and rotation. Will describe rotation. Observe common transmissions and understand their function. Example 1 Identify examples of translational to rotational or rotational to translational motion on machinery such as presses, internal combustion engines, cranes, etc. through models, pictures, or videos. Example 2 Make a simple hydraulic actuator using a syringe and a hose to verify the relationship between force and the cross-sectional area of the plunger and the distance traveled. Example 3 Analyze how the rotation ratio can be adjusted to save force when going uphill on a variable speed bicycle. (2) Recognize, through experimentation, the conditions for the balance of *** point forces. Give examples to illustrate the application of the condition of balance of forces at *** point in life and production. (3) Through examples, recognize the application of elasticity and vanity in technology. Example 4 The cross-section of a railroad track is made in the shape of an I-beam, and tubes are used instead of rods in the steel frame of a house; discuss the purpose of this. (4) Through experiments, recognize the conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body and be able to analyze the equilibrium of an object using the conditions of equilibrium of a rigid body. Example 5 Analyze the relationship between the maximum lifting mass of a tower crane and the length of the cantilever, the mass of the body, and the mass of the counterweight. (5) Through examples, recognize common load-bearing structures and their characteristics. Know the factors affecting the degree of stability. Example 6 Analyze the mechanical characteristics of various new and old structures of rural houses and their economy. (6) To recognize the importance of the use of machinery for the development of human society. To have a preliminary overview of the development of modern machinery. Example 7 Collect information to understand the application of robots in production and life. 2. Suggested Activities (1) Observe the transmission mechanism of machine tools or other machinery and vehicles. (2) Collect information to categorize the structures of various common large, medium and small bridges and discuss their characteristics from the point of view of mechanics. (3) Observe the transmission and steering systems of automobiles (or tractors). (4) Visit a factory and investigate the application of various machines in the factory. (5) Design or improve a piece of machinery to make daily life easier. (6) To collect information about the application of robots in production and life. (II) Heat and heat engines 1. Content standards (1) Understand the working principles of internal combustion engines, gas turbines, and jet engines. Understand the significance of the main technical parameters of the internal combustion engine. Example 1 Understand the principle of operation of an electronically controlled fuel-injected internal combustion engine. (2) Know the efficiency of a heat engine and the main factors affecting it. Through examples, analyze the flow of energy in the operation of a heat engine. Know ways and means to improve the efficiency of heat engines. (3) Know the composition and main structure of refrigerators and air-conditioners, and understand their cooling principles. Example 2 Analyze the working principle of cold and warm air-conditioners. (4) Know the impact of heat engines on the environment. Understand ways to minimize the impact of heat engines on the environment. Example 3 Investigate, through information, the main sources of local air pollution. (5) To appreciate the significance of science and technology for economic and social progress through the development of heat engines. Pay attention to the development trend of new heat engines. (2) Decompose the internal combustion engines of pesticide sprayers or walking tractors and motorcycles to understand their structures and working principles. (2) Consult the information and compare the main technical parameters of several domestic automobile internal combustion engines. (3) Investigate the models of internal combustion engines used in the region, their main technical performances and the development and changes in recent years. (4) Observe the automobile (or tractor) engine, cooling system, oil supply system, air supply and exhaust system. (5) Consult information and analyze the changes in China's automobile exhaust emission standards in recent years. (6) Investigate the relationship between the pollution indices of various local air pollutants and the weather of the day, the heating of residents, and the flow of automobiles, and analyze the main factors affecting local air pollution.

Elective Module Elective 2-3

(I) Light and Optical Instruments 1. Content Standards (1) Through experimentation, understand the law of refraction of light. Will determine the refractive index of materials. (2) Recognize the phenomenon of total reflection of light. Preliminary understanding of the working principle of optical fiber and optical fiber in production, life applications. Recognize the significant impact of optical fiber technology on economic and social life. Example 1 Demonstrate the propagation of light along a column of water (or a curved glass column). Example 2 Observe the structure of optical fiber cable. (3) Explore and understand the laws of lens imaging. Will determine the focal length of a convex lens. Example 3 Investigate the laws of lens imaging by experiment and drawing. Example 4 Express the laws of lens imaging using formulas. (4) Understand the meaning of the main technical parameters of a camera. Know the principles of microscope and telescope. Example 5 Under a certain exposure, change the depth of field by changing the combination of aperture and shutter. Example 6 To have a preliminary understanding of the principles of automatic camera light metering and distance measurement. Example 7 To understand the structure of Kepler's telescope and Galileo's telescope. (5) To understand the phenomena of interference, diffraction and polarization of light and their applications in life and production through experiments. Example 8 Observe the polarization phenomenon of light reflected from a glass surface and light scattered from the sky with a polarizer. (6) Understand the properties and applications of lasers. Understand the principles of common solid-state and gas lasers. Give examples of applications of laser technology in life and production. Example 9 Perform experiments on interference and diffraction of light with a laser pointer (direct laser light to the eyes is prohibited). Example 10 Understand the application of laser technology in medicine. (7) To know the characteristics of new electric light sources and their applications. Example 11 To observe the structure of a high-pressure mercury lamp and understand its luminous principle. Compare and contrast the different characteristics of tungsten halogen lamps and ordinary incandescent lamps. Example 12 Study the function of the white balance control button of camcorders or digital cameras, and appreciate the difference between images taken under different light sources. (1) Make your own simple telescope, observe the starry sky with the telescope, and exchange the observation results with your classmates. (2) to the optical store to understand the principle of optometry, visit the process of grinding lenses. (3) Investigate the new features of various cameras on the market. (4) Help the biology lab instructor maintain and repair microscopes. (5) Identify ordinary glass and natural crystals using polarizers and explore the physical principles of this technique. (6) To make a power switch indicator using light emitting diodes. (7) To take photographs with a digital camera under the guidance of the teacher and to discuss the different features of a digital camera and an ordinary camera. (II) Atomic Structure and Nuclear Technology 1. Content Standards (1) Know the structure of atoms and atomic nuclei. Know that some atomic nuclei undergo decay. Will use the half-life to express the rate of decay. Understand the applications of decay. Example 1 Know the principles of dating ancient wood using carbon 14. (2) Know X-rays, alpha rays, beta rays, gamma rays and their properties. Know the effects of rays on living organisms. List the main applications of rays in medicine etc. Know the hazards and protection against radiation. Example 2 Understand the need for and common methods of proper disposal of radioactive waste from nuclear power plants. Example 3 To gain a preliminary understanding of the principles of using radiation to treat cancer. Example 4 To investigate the development of medical imaging technology in recent years. (3) To have a preliminary understanding of the concept of radioisotopes and their applications. (4) To know about nuclear fission and chain reaction, and to have a preliminary understanding of the types and working principles of reactors. Know the mode of operation of a nuclear power plant. To know the basic principles, main features, and protection points of nuclear weapons, which are often covered in the mass media. (5) To know about nuclear fusion. Follow the progress of research on controlled fusion reactions. Example 5 Analyze the principles of magnetic confinement of plasma and learn about advances in this area. (6) Discuss the significance of the application of nuclear energy for economic and social development and the problems that may arise. 2. Suggested Activities (1) Investigate the local use of radiation. (2) To visit hospitals to learn about the development of diagnostic and therapeutic radiography, to see diagnostic and therapeutic radiography equipment, and to learn about the treatment of radioactive sources after use. (3) To investigate the radioactivity of commonly used construction materials and related national standards. (4) To collect information, analyze the current situation and prospects of nuclear power development in the world and China, and write an overview. Elective