CT technician medical equipment users business competence assessment question bank where?

CT technician medical equipment users business competence assessment question bank, online is indeed very little, I was examining the time is also looking for everywhere, a lot of them are messy, recommend that you go to the search attack learning network, many years of the old information site, the site has a search box, you search for the CT technician, the question bank is very rich, quite accurate, used to know that it is indeed very good, the old site out of the same thing is not the same!

The questions expand on the importance of the CT technician's work to give a brief introduction to it!

The impact of the pre-scanning position on the diagnostic report: the pre-scanning position correctly or not directly affects the scanning process and image quality, thus affecting the doctor's diagnosis. Therefore, the technician should be correct in the position, left and right to be symmetrical, so as not to affect the diagnosis due to asymmetric errors; to remember to instruct the patient to remove the metal jewelry and foreign objects in the examination area of the disease that do not move the examination area during scanning, so as not to produce artifacts; for the examination of abdominal and pelvic organs, the patient should be fully gastrointestinal tract preparations, including drinking iodine water, cleaning the intestinal tract and full bladder, etc., so as to enable them to obtain a good CT images.

The impact of scanning completeness on the diagnostic report: Whether the positioning of the examination site is accurate and the scanning range is complete, all play a brief role in the doctor's diagnosis. Therefore, technicians are required to have a high sense of responsibility, skilled professional theory and operating skills, not afraid of trouble and save the operating procedures, for small lesions should be added to the thin-layer scanning, suspected hepatic hemangiomas should be delayed scanning, artifacts caused by human factors or scanning incomplete scanning should be re-scanning, only in this way can the patient get complete scanning, so as to obtain high-quality images to assist in the diagnosis.

The impact of good and bad photography on the diagnostic report: patients come to the hospital, spend money on the examination, coupled with the labor paid by the technician, ultimately reflected in the photo, and the quality of the photo directly affects the doctor's diagnostic level, so take a good photo of the photo appears to be particularly important, the technician should be proficient in the image processing technology and filming technology, the correct use of the window technology, adjusting the width of the window, the window to make the image to achieve the best effect, some parts to take two kinds of pictures. The effect of some parts to be photographed in two windows can not be missed, according to the lesion to measure the size and CT value of the image to mark, to be enlarged after processing.