Carnegie once said that a person's success depends about 15% on knowledge and skills and 85% on communication ? the ability to express one's opinion and the ability to inspire enthusiasm in others. Indeed, people who are good at communicating are often respected, loved and embraced. So what kind of communication styles make people feel comfortable and contribute to success? Below I have compiled the communication styles of communication for your reading reference.
Communication styles of communication: praise the behavior rather than the individual
For example, if the other person is a chef, never say: you are really amazing cook. He knows in his heart that there are more chefs than him. But if you tell him that you eat at his restaurant half the week, that's a very smart compliment.
Communicative exchange: expressing compliments through a third party
As the old man used to say? You don't say anything bad about people behind their backs," he said.
The old saying goes, "Don't say bad things behind your back." But saying good things behind your back is half the battle, and hearing praise from a third person can be even more real and persuasive.
Communicating the way you communicate: Being kind is also about being nice
Being kind is about being respectful and appreciative, so don't overdo it. If the other person is through others indirectly hear your praise, than you directly tell me more of a surprise. On the other hand, if you are criticizing the other person, don't tell them through a third party to avoid adding fuel to the fire.
When someone does something small for you, just say thank you and sorry for the trouble. As for the shallow, please teach your Excellency. This kind of lack of feelings of polite words, can be exempted.
Communicating: In the face of other people's praise, just say thank you
When people are praised, they tend to answer "yes" or "yes" with a smile. The first thing you need to do is to get your hands dirty and get out of the way. Instead of doing that, you should just accept it and say thank you directly to the other person. Sometimes when someone praises our clothes or something, if you say, "It's just cheap! You'll be embarrassed if you say, "It's just cheap!
Communicative exchange: have the grace to appreciate your competitors
When your rival or someone you hate is praised, don't rush to say: But? Show your own elegance.
Communication: Criticism also depends on the relationship
Advice may not be contrary to the ear, even if you mean well, the other side may not appreciate, or even misunderstand your good intentions. Unless you and the other party have a certain friendship or a basis of trust, do not feel free to criticize.
Communication: Criticism can also be very pleasant to the ear
It's easier to say: ? Regarding your ? , I have some thoughts that perhaps you could listen to.?
Communicating the exchange: timing is important
Never on a Monday morning, almost most people suffer from Monday blues. Also don't do it on a Friday before work, so as not to ruin the other person's weekend vacation.
Communicative communication: pay attention to the occasion
Do not criticize your friends or colleagues in front of outsiders, these words are good to say in private behind closed doors.
Communicating with your friends and coworkers
In addition to criticizing, you should also provide positive suggestions for improvement to make your criticisms more persuasive.
Communication: Avoiding the wrong answer
Something like: No, it's not. This kind of statement makes you look like you're deliberately looking for trouble. Also, we often say: "I've heard that?
It's not a good idea to say "I've heard that", but it feels like you've heard it from someone else, and it's not appropriate.
Communication: Don't answer yes
It's a terrible thing to say, and when the other person hears it, they'll inevitably think: "You're not asking a question you know you're not asking". So just chime in and say, yes!
Communicating the way to communicate: changing the useless mantra
Everyone has a habit of speaking in a mantra, but it's easy to be offended by it. For example: do you know what I mean, are you clear? , basically? , honestly?
Communicative communication: removing unnecessary noise
Some people have a habit of adding ? and other auxiliary words like ? It means "ah", "ah", "ah", "ah", and "ah". I don't know what to say, but I'm not sure. I'm not sure if I'm a good person or a good person.
Communication: Don't ask what your company does
You meet someone at an event, and he introduces himself by saying that he works for a company. Don't ask: what does your company do? The event might be organized by their company, and you'd be embarrassed if you didn't know.
And don't say: I hear you're doing well! Because the other side may have dropped 30% this quarter. You should say: What is your position in the company? Don't ask if you don't know the person's occupation, because chances are they don't have a job.
Communication: Don't ask people you don't know why
If you don't know each other well enough, ask them why. Sometimes there will be chastisement, probing people's privacy. For example, why did you do that, why did you make this decision, these questions should be avoided.
Communication: Don't assume everyone knows you
When you meet someone you've met before, but don't know well, never say: ? You remember me? If you don't remember, you'll be embarrassed. The best way to do this is to introduce yourself first. I'm glad to see you again," he said.
Communicative communication: It's okay to say no
If your host recommends something you don't want to eat at a meal, say: "I'm sorry, I can't eat that. I'm sorry, I can't eat this dish, but I'll eat a little more...? Let the other person feel that you really like and appreciate the food they prepared. If you are full, you can say: ? These dishes are so delicious, if I wasn't so full, I would really like to eat more...?
Communicative exchange: don't show that you're better than the other person
When talking in a social setting, if someone says he's just been to New York for a week, don't say that the last time you were there you were there for a month, which will spoil the conversation. It's better to go along with what the person is saying and share your feelings and favorites about New York.
Communication: The 1-second rule
When you listen to someone's conversation, pause for a second before answering to represent that you've just been listening carefully, and then answer back as if you've been waiting to interrupt them.
Communication: Smile and refuse to answer personal questions
If you're asked a personal question that you don't want to answer, or a question that makes you uncomfortable, you can smile and say: ? I can't answer that question. It doesn't embarrass the other person and holds your line.
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