Optical Film Thickness Gauge Usage and Principles

Optical Thickness Gauge (SpectraThick Series) Core Technology and Principle Description

The SpectraThick series features non-contact, non-destructive measurements, no sample pre-treatment, and software support for Windows operating systems, etc. The ST series is a non-metallic film thickness gauge that measures the thickness of oxide films formed on substrates such as wafer, glass, and photo-resist, etc., using visible light. The ST series is an instrument that uses visible light to measure the thickness of non-metallic films such as oxide films, nitride films, and photoresist films formed on substrates such as wafer and glass.

The principle of measurement is as follows: When light is shone vertically on the film on top of the wafer or glass being measured, a portion of the light is reflected on the surface of the film, and a portion of the light passes through the film and is reflected at the interface between the film and the substrate (wafer or glass). The light reflected from the surface of the film interferes with the light reflected from the bottom of the film, and the SpectraThick series utilizes this interference phenomenon to measure film thickness.

Tungsten Lamp is used as the light source, and the wavelength range is 400 nm to 800 nm. The ST2000 to ST7000 are based on this principle, and the diameter of the measurement area is 4 μm to 40 μm (2 μm to 20 μm optional.) The ST8000-Map, which is one of K-MAC's major products, has image processors, and is capable of measuring the film thickness. The ST8000-Map, one of K-MAC's major products, is a new concept in film thickness measurement that exceeds the limits of conventional film thickness measurement instruments with its image processes function. The minimum diameter of the measurement area is 0.2μm, which is far beyond the limit of conventional thickness measurement instruments (4μm). The Thickness Map, which can only be obtained by measuring dozens of points in sequence, can be obtained in a single measurement, resulting in a significant increase in both speed and accuracy. This technology has been patented.

Another advantage of the K-MAC SpectraThick series is the ability to measure the thickness of thin films formed on rough surfaces (e.g., iron sheets, copper sheets), which cannot be measured with conventional instruments. This is a new conceptual measurement principle called VisualThick OS. In addition to film thickness measurement, it can also measure transmittance, surface resistance of ITO film formed on glass, and contact angle.

Product Description

This instrument measures film thickness by shining UV-Vis light on the measurement object and utilizing the light reflected from the measurement object.

This product is mainly used in the research and development or production of conductive films, especially in semiconductor and related display work as

In-Line Monitoring Instrument.

Product Features

1) Because it utilizes light, it is non-contact, non-destructive, and will not affect the experimental samples.

2) Thickness and n,k data can be obtained.

3) Measurement is fast and accurate, and there is no need to destroy or process the sample for measurement.

4) Measures multilayer films up to 3 layers.

5) Manual or automatic type can be freely selected depending on the application.

6) Various styles of products are available and can be designed according to customer's requirements.

7)Measurement of film thickness on Wafer/LCD (Stage size 3")

8)Table Top type, suitable for universities, research labs, etc.