Nuclear power science and technology papers?

Nuclear power, as a kind of clean energy, is of great strategic significance for meeting China's power demand, optimizing energy structure, reducing environmental pollution, and promoting sustainable economic and energy development. I have organized for you, I hope you like it.

Part I

An Analysis of the Development of Nuclear Power in China

Abstract: As a kind of clean energy, nuclear power is of great strategic significance to meet China's power demand, optimize energy structure, reduce environmental pollution, and promote the sustainable development of economy and energy. Firstly, it states the current situation of nuclear power development in China and puts forward the problems existing in its development process, and then puts forward the strategic measures for the development of nuclear energy in the light of China's actual situation.

Keywords: China; nuclear power; strategic measures

Chinese Classification Number: F12 Literature Symbol Code: A Article Number: 1673-291X***2011***07-0200-02


China's long-standing coal-based energy structure not only can no longer adapt to the rapid development of the economy, but also has caused a more serious social energy and environmental problems. On the energy side, coal can be used by human beings for 200 to 20020 years [1], and it is self-evident that China is facing the serious situation of coal depletion; on the environmental side, burning various fossil fuels will emit a large amount of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, sulfur oxides, nitrogen oxides and other harmful gases as well as a large amount of smog to the atmosphere, which will cause extremely serious damage to the environment. Therefore, it is necessary for China to actively improve the energy utilization structure and realize diversified energy supply. At present, due to the difference between the dry season and the abundant season, the hydroelectric power is not stable enough; and solar and wind energy are unlikely to occupy a large share of the total installed power capacity in the short term. Therefore, nuclear energy is the only energy source that has reached industrial application and can replace fossil fuels on a large scale [2]. Therefore, this paper starts from the necessity of developing nuclear power in China, combines the current situation of nuclear power industry in China and the existing problems, and proposes the strategic measures for the development of nuclear power in China.

I. The current situation of China's nuclear power development

As of the end of 2008, China*** has 11 nuclear power units put into commercial execution, the installed capacity of nuclear power reaches 9.1 million kilowatts, accounting for 1.1% of China's installed capacity of electric power [3], and China has formed three nuclear power bases in Guangdong, Zhejiang and Jiangsu. Among them, Qinshan II is a nuclear power unit designed, procured, constructed and operated independently by China, and 47 out of 55 large key devices have been localized, marking China's ability to construct nuclear power plants independently [4]. At the same time, China has entered the ranks of nuclear power plant exporters, Pakistan Chashma nuclear power plant is China's first nuclear power plant according to international safety standards of independent design, production and manufacturing. China has also cultivated and trained a number of professionals in the scientific research, design, construction and execution of nuclear power, and has a relatively complete nuclear power talent team.

Through the efforts of various departments, China's nuclear power has formed a large-scale batch development pattern [5]. Second-generation improved pressurized water reactor nuclear power technology route - CPR1000 has been applied in nuclear power plant special projects, in the accumulation of second-generation technology reserves and experience in the implementation of the basis, China is also actively absorbing the safety and economy of higher third-generation nuclear power technology. The enhancement of device manufacturing capacity, the introduction of advanced technologies and the accumulation of achievements and experience in nuclear power construction have laid the foundation for the further development of nuclear power in China. It is expected that by 2020, the total installed capacity of electric power in China will be about 900 million to 950 million kW. Considering the constraints of coal resources, transportation capacity, environmental capacity and other affordability constraints, the proportion of the total installed capacity of China's coal-fired power plants will drop from the current 70% to 61%, while the proportion of nuclear power in the country's installed capacity of electric power generation will reach 4% by 2020, and the scale of commissioning of nuclear power will be 40 million kilowatts. The annual power generation of nuclear power will reach 260 billion to 280 billion kilowatt-hours.

Second, China's nuclear power development problems

Nuclear power in China's development of nearly three decades, reducing the production of nearly 100 million tons of coal and its transportation, the development of the national economy and environmental protection has played an indelible role. However, there are still various problems such as unclear organizational model, backward standard system and insufficient technological innovation.

1. Nuclear power development lacks long-term and overall planning, which also directly leads to China's nuclear power standardization system is low. The development of nuclear power industry involves the country's long-term energy strategy, for China is in the process of industrialization, the important role of nuclear power in the development of the national economy more prominent. At present, the status quo of multi-national introduction of nuclear power, multiple reactor types, multiple technologies and multiple types of standards in China is difficult to ensure the sustainable development of China's nuclear power industry.

2. The economy of nuclear power development is low. The average construction price of nuclear power plants than the investment of 1,742 U.S. dollars / kilowatt, the average construction price of coal-fired power plants than the investment of 889 U.S. dollars / kilowatt, the average construction price of nuclear power and coal-fired power than the investment of 1.94 [3]. In addition, the feed-in tariff of nuclear power is also higher compared with coal power, which will inevitably weaken the competitiveness of nuclear power in the electricity market.

3. Nuclear power autonomy and localization procedures need to be improved. As China's nuclear power started late, the key core technology has not yet achieved substantial breakthroughs, did not fully realize the million-class large-capacity nuclear power units, engineering design, manufacturing autonomy. Moreover, nearly three decades, failed to form a unified, practicable nuclear energy strategic objectives, development planning and its appropriate industrial policy, in the special case has been built to form a variety of reactor type, the introduction of multi-country, objectively unfavorable to the situation of nuclear power localization.

4. Insufficient nuclear power talents and lack of technological innovation. China's nuclear power talent there is a lack of, break phenomenon. The number of talents is insufficient, the proportion of professional structure of talents is imbalanced, the loss of nuclear power talents, aging, and China's universities and colleges have limited training capacity. Technology, with independent property rights and international leading level of core technology research and development capabilities significantly behind foreign nuclear power developed countries. Although some progress has been made in the localization of nuclear power devices, the key nuclear power devices and key components of the devices can still not be manufactured domestically.

5. Lack of natural uranium and poor radioactive waste management. China's proven uranium resources are insufficient, and the natural production capacity is low; in addition, with the development of nuclear power, how to deal with radioactive waste also needs to be properly resolved.

3. Strategic measures for China's nuclear power development

1. Improve the overall and long-term planning of the nuclear power industry. China should formulate a medium and long-term plan in line with China's nuclear power development as soon as possible, and strive to achieve a unified reactor type, a unified standard, and to incorporate nuclear power construction into the overall planning of electric power. At the same time, learn from the U.S. "small owner" type, France "big owner" type, Japan "supplier" type, South Korea "integration" and many other nuclear power industry. "and many other nuclear power industry organization mode type, to find suitable for China's national conditions of the nuclear power industry development model, so as to ensure that the layout of China's nuclear power construction is more reasonable, to ensure the sustainable development of nuclear power.

2. Improve the economy of nuclear power and increase the capital investment in nuclear power. Nuclear power and coal power economy, compared with the built price than the high investment characteristics; and compared with the domestic grid electricity prices also have no advantage. Therefore, the realization of nuclear power standardization, batch production, efforts to control the cost of nuclear power plant projects, improve the nuclear power plant load factor, reflected in the price of electricity in the environmental discount, so that the nuclear power plant in the economically developed, energy shortages and transportation tensions in the region and coal power competition, which is the fundamental way out of China's nuclear power development. In addition, the lack of funds is one of the main factors restricting the development of nuclear power in China, so China must increase the capital investment in the development of nuclear power to ensure the sustainable development of China's nuclear power business.

3. Accelerate nuclear power localization and autonomy procedure. To improve the autonomization and localization of China's nuclear power, it is necessary to adhere to the combination of the introduction of advanced science and technology and digestion, absorption and innovation. Introducing millions of millions of pressurized water reactors, keeping an eye on the most advanced technology in the international arena, and launching the third and fourth generation of nuclear power technology on the basis of the perfection and maturity of the second generation of nuclear power technology. Continuously improve the localization level of nuclear power, promote the optimization and upgrading of China's nuclear power industry, so as to ensure the sustainable development of the nuclear industry.

4. Cultivate nuclear power talents and strengthen nuclear power technology innovation. In order to realize the take-off of China's nuclear power industry at an early date, we must grasp the cultivation of a number of high-level nuclear power technology talents and improve the talent incentive policy. At the same time, we should emphasize the on-the-job training of employees and strive to build a team of nuclear power talents who understand technology and are good at management. In terms of technological innovation: firstly, we should improve the safety and economy of the units; secondly, we should improve the nuclear waste treatment technology, prevent nuclear proliferation, and strive to realize the nuclear fuel recycling; thirdly, we should develop new reactor types, adhere to the three-step guideline of hot-fast-fusion reactor, and strive for the steady development and gradual formation of new reactor types on the basis of guaranteeing the safety and economy of the new reactor types. On the basis of ensuring the safety and economy of the new reactor types, we will strive to make the new reactor types develop steadily and gradually form the mainstay of China's nuclear energy, and at the same time speed up the process of nuclear power autonomy and localization.

5. Ensure sustainable supply of natural uranium and proper disposal of radioactive waste. Sufficient natural uranium is a prerequisite for the sustainable development of nuclear power, and China's natural uranium reserves must be actively explored to ensure a sustainable supply of natural uranium. At the same time, technological innovation should be strengthened to prevent the leakage of radioactive waste and even to realize the reuse of waste.


After a long period of development, nuclear energy has taken shape in China. As an alternative energy source to solve energy shortage and reduce environmental pollution, nuclear power has formed the three pillars of China's electric power with thermal power and hydropower. Nevertheless, the problems in the process of nuclear power development also need to be solved urgently. In this regard, we should fully absorb and summarize the development experience and shortcomings of the nuclear power industry in the past 30 years, plan the development of nuclear power in an integrated manner, accelerate the process of independent nationalization, cultivate nuclear power talents, strengthen technological innovation, and improve the economics of nuclear power, so as to ensure the healthy and sustainable development of China's nuclear power industry.


[1] Jing Ji-Qiang, Luan Hongwei. World Nuclear Power Development History and China's Nuclear Power Development Road [J]. Northeast Power Technology, 2008, ***2***.

[2]Yang Xuhong, Ye Jianhua, Qian Hong, Xue Yang. A preliminary study on the status and development of China's nuclear power industry[J]. Shanghai Electric Power, 2007, ***6***.

[3] Zou Shuliang. Analysis of the Economics of Nuclear Power in China[J]. Journal of Nanhua University: Social Science Edition, 2009, ***2***.

[4] Qi Enlan. Study on the Problems of Nuclear Power Development in China[J]. China Electric Power, 2005, ***4***.

[5]Ye Qi-Nan. Research on China's nuclear power development strategy[J]. Power Grid and Clean Energy, 2010, ***1***.

[6]Du Guogong, Du Guoyu. Strategic thinking on the development of China's nuclear power industry[J]. Shandong Economy, 2009, ***3***. [Responsibility Editor An Shiyou]

Part II

Nuclear Power Engineering Materials Management

Abstract Nuclear power engineering materials accounted for about 55% of the total investment, the value of the high, several units of materials procurement price of up to tens of billions of yuan; ***1*** types of complexity, the number of huge, resulting in a huge amount of materials transaction record information; ***2*** safety, quality assurance level classification complexity The process control is strict, traceability requirements, standards, specifications; ***3*** management cycle is up to more than 5 years; ***4*** storage and maintenance requirements are strict, constant temperature and humidity, cleanliness and other control requirements. Due to the special nature of nuclear power materials, materials management is an important element of nuclear power engineering special project management. On-site construction progress plays an important logistical support. As a nuclear power engineering materials this paper analyzes the problems in the decentralized management of nuclear power engineering materials and puts forward suggestions.

Keywords nuclear power warehousing material management

I, nuclear power engineering material management mode

Current nuclear power engineering material site warehousing management mode is mainly divided into two categories, one is decentralized management, that is, the warehousing management work by the installation of the island of the contractors managed separately; this management mode in the previous construction of nuclear power with more, after the end of the project, a lot of items are lost. More serious, especially consumable materials and spare parts, due to the general contractor can not do a good job of monitoring and management of the following installation units, installation units in the use of the process of waste and loss of the more serious than the previous budgeted amount to be more, so that the cost of engineering materials to increase, and then purchased again to increase the procurement cycle, which affects the progress of the project. Can not review the arrival and departure of items in a timely manner dynamic, but also can not be closely linked with the site construction progress. Secondly, centralized management, that is, the general contractor undertakes all the warehouse business, this management to avoid the installation of the unit random waste and loss of material phenomenon, but also brought about by the bad unified management and cost increase. Due to the variety of warehouse personnel, the personnel required skills, cultural level requirements are different, not easy to unify the management, increase management costs. This management mode to avoid the installation of the unit random waste and loss of materials, this management mode also has shortcomings, the general contractor can not effectively supervise the items, nuclear power in the continuous exploration of nuclear power project items management mode, but also not only in the actual work of improving and innovating management mode. Hainan nuclear power in the project material management aspects of innovation, effectively have to avoid the shortcomings of the first two management methods, the rational use of people and the use of machinery, the first time to use the general contracting and then subcontracting management mode, warehousing specific operations by a contractor or a professional logistics company to operate, the general contractor only to establish to build a smaller items management team, responsible for the management, supervision of contractors, responsible for the day-to-day work, responsible for Coordinate the installation of various contractors material department, to ensure the smooth progress of the work of A supply items.

Two, engineering materials, several control and management recommendations

The management of the entire project materials, including planning, design, procurement, construction of warehouses in several major areas.

Design, procurement, planning issues. In the actual construction process, the progress of the publication of construction drawings is often difficult to meet the needs of the procurement schedule, so it is not possible to provide a timely list of drawing materials as the basis for procurement. In this case, the procurement work is based on the historical reference power plant installation material procurement list for procurement, but due to the existence of design changes and site changes in different special projects, resulting in a certain degree of procurement omissions, material shortages or surplus waste. The supply plan is prepared according to the three-level procurement progress plan and procurement contract, and the entries are relatively coarse, and the installation demand plan is prepared according to the four-level plan, and the two plans do not match well in the level of details, which, on the one hand, results in the backlog of project materials arriving at the warehouse in advance, leading to insufficient storage capacity, and the difference of some items arriving at the warehouse from the specific time of installation is two to three years, which not only occupies the amount of inventory, but also makes the device This not only occupies the stock, but also affects the quality of the device due to the high temperature and humidity of Hainan weather, which makes the device easy to rust and aging, and also increases the work task for the maintenance of the items in the later stage, leading to the increase of cost.

How to solve the problem of mismatch between the arrival and installation progress of the required items, according to the other nuclear power installation progress of the materials used to analyze, combined with the site of the construction progress, the development of the items of the one-year arrival of the rolling plan, issued to the supplier, in advance to make arrangements for the arrival of the goods, but also to control the arrival of the items too early. Installation unit according to the second level construction progress plan, the preparation of three, four level construction progress plan, in the fourth level progress plan based on the actual construction with the preparation of three-month rolling installation demand plan. According to the installation demand plan of the construction and installation unit, verify whether the requested items have arrived, contact the supplier in time to solve the arrival problem in advance to meet the needs of the construction site.

I. Construction of the warehouse:

Warehouse planning and construction issues. Arranged in the nuclear power site plan, the warehouse arrangement and the site between the plant scientific arrangements to prevent the warehouse is far from the site construction, the secondary handling of cranes, trucks, forklifts, labor costs increase. It also increases the safety risk. General contracting should establish a standardized system for warehouse design and construction. According to the nuclear power material storage level, category, size should establish different storage level warehouse to meet the material storage requirements. Warehouses are equipped with traveling trucks, forklifts, and other machines, fire-fighting facilities, ventilation and moisture preservation facilities, security facilities such as cameras and security guard booths, and power supply facilities such as lighting and power. We conduct daily safety inspections of the warehouse facilities and make relevant inspection records. Secondly, all kinds of operational activities in the warehouse, there must be relevant program regulations and management rules and regulations, so that there are rules and regulations to follow, there is evidence to follow, which is also the management policy of the nuclear power industry.

Second, the arrival of open box inspection defects:

As of a few days ago, the arrival of open box inspection of defects in the statistics, open box inspection defects have been 2,000, has been closed more than 1,100, the nuclear power project is close to the end of the project, these defects have not been closed to the defects of the inspection report, in accordance with the requirements of the handover can not be rolled up, although most of these defects are a number of small problems. The focus of the latter part of the work in the closure of the inspection defects above, to reduce the problem of open box inspection, personal recommendations from the source: ***1*** open box, opposite which major installations and supply more manufacturers, in the open box inspection, the requirements of the manufacturers must participate in the inspection, found that the small problem or doubtful problems in the open box inspection can be resolved. ***2*** For the inspection found some small problems, such as small areas of rust, parts off, such as manufacturers of personnel did not come to the scene to participate in the opening of the box, these issues can be arranged for the warehouse contractor in the opening of the box can be dealt with to reduce the opening of the box inspection. ***3*** participate in the unpacking inspection personnel, such as unpacking found in the sealing gasket, pipe joints and other scratch phenomenon, such as steel wire rope, cable, steel pipe arriving meters missing a little bit of these problems installation unit QC personnel in the unpacking inspection can be concluded, does not affect the site of the installation of the use.

Three, material management system SAP

Because of the variety of nuclear power materials, a huge number of daily arrivals, unpacking, warehousing, querying activities, resulting in a huge amount of transaction record information, these records to be used in the system software to be actually managed. Modern material management software SAP, can help us to actual daily work management needs, and resources *** enjoy, the accuracy of information. Consumption statistics of engineering materials, the later cost of settlement provides reliable information.

Four, material storage level requirements

Site storage and maintenance. Warehouses are roughly divided into three levels, the first level for constant temperature and humidity warehouse, temperature control at 16 ℃ ~ 25 ℃, humidity less than or equal to 60%, anti-static, anti strong magnetic field, maintain cleanliness, etc.; the second level for the general indoor or thermal insulation warehouse, the third level for the general open-air warehouse. During the storage period, it is necessary to carry out preventive and corrective maintenance on the stored materials according to the frequency and content required in the specification book, such as anticorrosive oiling, gas or liquid protection, energized heat preservation and drying, rotating, etc., and corrective maintenance is carried out when quality abnormality is detected, and serious quality problems are dealt with in accordance with the Nonconformity Report. All maintenance work must form a record for verification.

V. Summary

With the growing demand for energy and non-renewable energy sources of mankind's diminishing, nuclear energy has become one of the key objects in the energy plans of a number of countries, especially in our country, nuclear energy has entered a stage of rapid development. Material management from the former single mode into a diversified, modernized management mode, scientific management, reduce management costs, better for nuclear power construction to provide a strong guarantee.


[1]Ren Yongjuan, Xue Runze. Warehouse management in the construction stage of nuclear power plant [J]. Analyzing China's Urban Economy, 2011

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