When the Chubian River reached Jingshan, he saw rough jade in the stone and gave it to Li, the king of Chu. The king let the Jade Man see him and said, "Shi Ye." The king accused him of cheating and gouged out his left foot. The pawn, Li, offered it again. The king let the Jade Man see him and said, "Shi Ye." The king accused him of cheating and gouged out his right foot. Dead, Li, he wanted to offer it, for fear that the king would see harm, but he cried for three days and nights, followed by blood. Knowing this, the king of Wen told him, "There are many people in the world, and there is no sorrow for a son to cry alone." He said, "I haven't cried enough. Baoyu is called a stone, and a virtuous man is called a cheat because he cries. " The king took the fruit paste and ordered the jade man to cut it. The fruit was beautiful and rewarded handsomely. Ishikawa and Shibi thought it was a treasure.
He Jia's jade-priceless treasure
Translation of He Shibi;
Bian He, a Chu man, went to Jingshan and found a piece of jade. He took this jade and presented it to Li, the king of Chu. Li Guowang sent a jade craftsman to identify it. "It's stone," said the jade craftsman. Li Guowang accused him of deceiving himself and ordered his left foot to be cut off. After Li's death, his son succeeded to the throne. Bian He went to offer jade again. King Wu sent a jade craftsman to identify it. The jade craftsman said, "It's a stone." King Wu also accused him of deceiving himself and ordered his right foot to be cut off. After his death, his son Wen succeeded to the throne. Bian He wanted to offer Baoyu again, and worried that King Wen would harm him, so he held the jade in his arms and cried for three days and nights. His tears dried up and blood flowed out. King Wen heard about this and sent someone to tell him, "Many people in the world have their feet cut off. Why are you crying and sad alone? " Bian He said, "I'm not sad because my foot was cut off. Baoyu was identified as a stubborn stone, but the loyal minister was considered a liar. This is where I am sad. " King Wen ordered the stone to be brought and the jade craftsman to ponder it. It is really a treasure jade. So she has been passed down from generation to generation and is regarded as a treasure.
Notes on He Shibi;
1, Bong: Respect with both hands.
2. Stage: Identification and inspection.
3. Hey: Cut off your feet.
4. Danger: The death of the princes in the Zhou Dynasty is called danger.
5, tears followed by blood: tears dry to bleeding. Followed by blood, that is, followed by blood and followed by tears.
6. Jade Man: A craftsman who carves jade articles.
7. Kitchen: The death of the ancient prince was called the kitchen.
8. also: wait until.
9. Smell: I heard.
10, therefore: reason.
Cultural knowledge of "He";
Cult: ancient torture. Bian He presented Baoyu and was punished by the King of Chu for no reason. "Wei" means cutting off the foot, and "Wei" means removing the kneecap. Sun Bin, a great strategist in the Warring States Period, was flogged because Pang Juan was jealous, that is, his kneecap was removed. The punishment in feudal society was extremely cruel. In addition to chopping and smashing, there are dozens of punishments such as flogging, jumping in the New Year and chopping.
Interpretation of Shi Bi;
1. Why is this Baoyu called "He"? What are its characteristics?
A: The origin of He Shibi: After King Wen of Chu ascended the throne, Bian He wept bitterly at the foot of Chu Mountain for three days and nights, so that his eyes overflowed with blood. King Wen was very surprised and sent someone to ask him, "Are there many people cut off?" Why are you the only one so sad? " Bian He sighed, "I'm not sad because it was cut off, but because the precious stones were treated as stones, and the loyal ministers were treated as the ministers who bullied the monarch. It's sad that right and wrong are reversed! " So, King Wen ordered people to cut this rough jade open, and it really was a rare jade. In order to reward Bian He's loyalty, this piece of beautiful jade was named "Heshibi", which is also the legendary Heshibi in later generations. Characteristics of Heshibi: cyan, moist, shiny and moist.
2. What does the origin of He tell us?
A: A talented person may not be appreciated for a while, but his talent will eventually be revealed.
Appreciation of He Shibi;
With regard to Heshibi, a series of well-known stories have been deduced in history, such as Lin Xiangru's return to Zhao in perfect condition, Qin Shihuang's seal of Heshibi as a national goal, and his loss of a corner in the war. Choi and Bian He are also troubled. The legend of He Shibi has always been regarded as a metaphor of talent tragedy. There is a saying that "there is Bole in the world, and there is a swift horse." Just think, it is because two generations of Chu kings have no vision and don't know the goods that they regard Baoyu as a stone, so Bian He lost his foot. Throughout the ages, there are countless tragic stories of burying talents like He Shibi!
The excavation process of this jade shows that this treasure jade is too "deep" to recognize. First of all, it is "Phoenix Habitat Stone" that attracted Bian He's attention. If it weren't for Bian He's caution, it wouldn't have been discovered. Secondly, the first two kings of Chu failed to identify Baoyu, which shows that this Baoyu is really difficult to identify; Third, the color finally shows its brilliance after being "chiseled". If you don't give it this chance, Baoyu will still be buried ... If it is not hidden in a stone, if this Baoyu is easy to recognize, if Bian He handles the "stone" himself, the story will definitely be very different!
Let's talk about the topic of "talents" again. Many "talents" feel that they are not satisfied with their talents. Is this a mistake of the times and society? Did you find the reason on yourself? Is it really "there is Bole in the world, and then there is a swift horse"? If those "swift horses" can find their own opportunities to show their feet, then why should the talented "Bole" come out for identification? Ordinary people can see it! From another point of view, it is precisely because Bole does not often appear in the world that we "swift horses" should change our thinking and find ways to stand out by ourselves! Waiting for the "Bole" that doesn't know when it appears, I can only bury myself!
Brief introduction of the author of He:
Han Feizi was born in the thirty-fifth year (about 28 1 year BC) and died in the fourteenth year of Qin Dynasty (233 BC). Han Fei was a son of Han Gongzi (the son of the monarch), who was born at the end of the Warring States Period (now Xinzheng, Henan). Learn from Xunzi, a famous philosopher, thinker, political commentator and essayist in ancient China, and a master of legalist thought, later known as "Zi Han" or "Han Feizi", and a representative of China's famous legalist thought in ancient times.