Seeking a good clothing management sales and inventory software?

1, qinsi sales and qinsi business

Qinsi technology in the enterprise service market in 2016 can be said to be out of the limelight, first of all in August in the capital winter against the trend of success in the completion of the ten million PreA round of financing, and then rated as "China's most valuable investment in the field of enterprise services enterprise", the number of merchants also exceeded

QinQi is the first company in the world to be awarded the "Most Valuable Enterprise in China's Enterprise Service Industry".

Qinsi technology products are dedicated to the apparel industry "Qinsi sales inventory" and the industry's general "Qinsi business", two products are cell phones, computers, tablets, the full platform support products, need to be especially noted is that Qinsi using the "Free" mode, you do not need to spend any fees can be directly registered to use, QinSi also docked taobao tmall, express logistics, supporting hardware, etc., has initially formed a "merchant ecological" trend, in the field of saas is very competitive, the need to do product The selection of friends do not prevent more attention to some of the company's products.

2, Kingdee Wisdom of the inventory

Shenzhen's Kingdee financial management system to borrow the long-term domination of China's enterprise software list or the position of the flower, and Beijing's UFIDA and called "North UFIDA South Kingdee". Its sales and inventory system wisdom for the stand-alone version of the system, the recent increase in network functions. With the well-known brand, mature product experience, even in the case of multi-platform inventory has been very much, the wisdom of the record is still the majority of the bosses of the primary consideration.

3, Butterfly Inventory

Butterfly is also a stand-alone version of the Inventory, and Kingdee Wisdom record product form is very similar to the price system is almost the same, according to the set of purchases to use. In terms of mobile product development, Butterfly has invested more resources than Kingdee Wisdom. Butterfly has branches and agents in most cities across the country, and its promotion channel capability is very strong, so Butterfly's market share is also very high.

4, Si Xun sales inventory

2016 Si Xun this traditional old brand company also did a lot of changes, first of all, the name was changed, at the beginning of the year by the "Shenzhen Wanguo Si Xun Software Company Limited" renamed "Shenzhen City, Si Xun Software Co. Ltd." at the beginning of the year. In August in the new board listed trading. SXS for the catering industry specifically launched the inventory "day store" on-line is also quite popular. From the national small and medium-sized enterprise share transfer system publicized "Si Xun 2016 first half of the report", Si Xun in 2013 was acquired by the stone-based information was not affected, is still at a very high rate of growth. This shows that once the SAAS software is molded and online, its later earnings will be very robust.

5, move the United Inventory

In the entire first half of 2016, move the United Inventory in the major application merchants have been ranked relatively upstream, generally second only to the QinShi Inventory ranked second, in the paid list and even many times topped the list. This inventory mobile interface is refreshingly simple, very easy to get started, basically no threshold for use. Of course, the simplicity of the product will naturally bring the shortcomings of incomplete functionality, the boss please choose according to their own situation.