Long years of work in the substation occupational hazards?

Yes, we are engaged in occupational health testing (Guangdong Zhongjian Inspection Technology Co., Ltd.).

Like you this is mainly industrial frequency electric field, there may also be noise.

The hazards of industrial frequency electromagnetic field radiation on the human body is the category of very low electromagnetic field radiation, mainly in the form of electric field radiation on the human body. The role of living organisms is mainly thermal and non-thermal effects. Long-term work in the industrial frequency electromagnetic field radiation, maintenance, inspection and other operations of the population survey found that the incidence of neurasthenia syndrome increased, the electrocardiogram appeared P-R time prolongation, shortening of the Q-T interval and peripheral blood micronucleus increase and other changes. Prolonged exposure to low-intensity radiofrequency radiation can cause a number of manifestations of chronic radiation syndrome, generally certain physiological dysfunctions, but also changes in biochemical indicators. The effect on the nervous system is the most sensitive response and the most common manifestations, neurasthenia syndrome such as headache, dizziness, fatigue, fatigue, sleep disorders and memory loss, in addition to the long accompanied by sweaty hands and feet, hair loss, agitation and other symptoms; often accompanied by tightness in the chest, palpitations, precordial discomfort and pain.