Nurse bed-making law exam practice video

Nurse bed-making law exam operation video - nurse bed-making law related practice video, click here ~

: Nurses, must be in accordance with the relevant legal provisions of the Commission on Health standards and norms of the nursing industry to carry out the appropriate nursing program, observation of the patient's body weight, understanding of the patient's condition, and cooperate with the doctor treatment And from the physiological psychological, socio-cultural and spiritual aspects, daily activities, medication and safety issues. Engaged in full clinical operation or single special nursing activities related to medical treatment, such as mechanical sputum removal, puncture infusion, admission education, discharge guidance, implementation of medical advice, bedding and quilt change, safety tips, take medication and dispense medication and set up medication, shorthand of the condition, information into the file, collection of specimens, handover of responsibility, observation of the condition, and medical waste disfiguring and disinfecting.

Medical waste management classification, collection of suggestions, learning and training, delivery of standards to send inspection, guide the patients, night checkups, equipment inspection, equipment cleaning, organization of housekeeping, the implementation of the 5s, discharge accounting, sorting out medical records, the dissemination of medical advice, nursing demonstration, rescue first aid, on-time inspection, abnormal reports, the issuance of goods, computer registration, repair and maintenance, measurement of body temperature, skills assessment, classification of patients, pest removal Nursing activities, such as patient review, etc., as necessary. Nurses who are registered to practice and obtain a certificate of practice, and who are engaged in nursing activities in accordance with the provisions of these regulations, and who perform the duties of protecting human life, alleviating the pain of patients, and promoting health.