The plural form of Behemoth (see below), "Bahamoh", was miswritten as "Bahamut" when it traveled to Arabia, and the legends about it have changed considerably. The legend of Bahamut has changed considerably. The legend of Bahamut represents the Arabian view of the universe, in which Bahamut resembles a giant fish floating on a sea without bubbles, with a giant bull on its back carrying a ruby mountain with an angel on it, six hells above the angel, the earth above the hells, and seven heavens above the earth. Beneath Bahamut was an endless ocean, and below the ocean was an abyss of darkness, and below that was an ocean of fire, and at the bottom crawled a giant serpent that would have swallowed all of creation if it had not been for the fear of Allah, the Almighty. bahamut was so large that it was beyond the reach of human sight, and the story of the 496th night of the Tafsir says that Jesus, after having looked at bahamut once fainted and fell unconscious for three days and nights.
DND Divine Lineage - Bahamut, God of the Good Dragons
Platinum Dragon, King of the Good Dragons, Lord of the North Wind
Weak Divine Power
Sacred Emblems: Stars and Nebulae
Plane of Residence: Celestial Realm
Formation: Order-abiding goodness
Priesthood: King of the Good Dragons, God of the Winds
Devotees: Good Dragons, anyone who dodges the attacks of evil dragons
Priestly camp: Order-abiding Goodness, Neutral Goodness
Domains: Atmosphere, Kindness, Luck, Protection
Preferred Weapon: Claw
Bahamut is venerated in many places. While all good dragons honor Bahamut, among them, the gold, silver, and brass dragons hold him in a unique and notable supreme respect. Other dragons, even the Evil Dragons (perhaps minus his rival, Tiamat, the God of Evil Dragons), also honor Bahamut for his wisdom and power.
In his natural form, Bahamut is a platinum-colored, slender, sinuous dragon. The silvery-white scales that cover his body reflect beautifully even in the faintest of light. Bahamut's cat-like eyes are deep blue, and are said to glow a pale greenish color like a midsummer sky. Others insist that Bahamut's eyes are a grayish blue like the heart of a glacier. Perhaps these two accounts simply reflect the shifting moods of the great platinum dragon.
The Doctrine
Bahamut is strictly against anything evil. He cannot tolerate any evil deeds. Other than that, he would qualify as one of the most compassionate beings in the multiverse. He has infinite sympathy for the ravaged, the invaded and the helpless. He strongly and urgently asks his followers to do good, but he also prefers mortals to solve the problems they are capable of solving on their own, to face their own wars. For Bahamut, he prefers to provide clues and information, to heal the wounded, or to be a (temporary) refuge, rather than to go and directly take over the burdens that people carry on their shoulders.
Clergy and Pantheon
Bahamut has few priests, and even fewer pantheons. He accepts worship only from good priests. Most of Bahamut's priests, who are dragons, demi-dragons, or other creatures fascinated by Bahamut's philosophy, reside wherever they are needed, and spend their lives in subtle and delicate struggles for the good of goodness, and by subtle and delicate, I mean that they endeavor to keep their struggles as free from any earthly harm as possible.
Many gold, silver, and brass dragons maintain a shrine to Bahamut in their lairs; the shrines are simple, and usually contain little more than the holy emblem of Bahamut painted on the wall.
Supergiant Dragon
Sigil Rank: 10
Life Dice: 53d12+742 (1378hp)
Preemptive Attack Adjustment: +4 (proficient in Preemptive Attack)
Speed: 60 ft. Flight: 300 ft. Perfect Maneuverability, Swim: 60 ft.
Defense Rating: 76 (-8 size, +10 sigil level, +52 natural defense, +12 deflection)
Attack Bonus: Bite +76 melee, 2 claws +71 melee, 2 wings +71 melee, tail slap +71 melee; or spell +76 melee contact or +55 ranged contact
Damage Bonus: Bite 4d8+21/19-20, claws 2d8+10, wings 4d6+10, tail swipe 4d6+31; or attack with a spell
Occupation/Threat Range: 40 ft * 80 ft / 15 ft
Special Attacks: dragon's breath, crushing, tail swipe, spells, spell-like abilities, domain divine power, transcendent divine power.
Special Attributes: divine immunity, immunity to fire-like spells, damage reduction 45/+4, spontaneous casting of divine spells, understands, speaks, and reads all languages and speaks directly to any living being within 10 miles, telecommunicates, realm of the gods and goddesses, teleportation at will and without error, travels at will to realm of the gods and goddesses, dim vision for 10 miles, olfactory senses, darkvision, SR+2, divine aura (1000 ft. DC 32) )
Immunity Adjustments: Toughness +52, Reflexes +38, Will +51
Abilities: Strength 53, Dexterity 10, Constitution 39, Intelligence 35, Perception 36, Charisma 35
Skills: Alchemy +50, Animal Understanding +75, Bluffing +75, Concentration +82, Negotiation +75, Disguise +44, Extrication +66, Collecting Information +75, Medicine +51, Intimidate +75, Sense of Direction +51, Knowledge (Arcane) +44, Knowledge (History) +44, Knowledge (Places) +44, Knowledge (Nature) +44, Knowledge (Religion) +44, Knowledge (Plane) +44, Listening +81, Scrying +78, Searching +75, Spotting +79, Spells of Discernment +78, Reconnoitering +81, Wilderness Knowledge +51 51
Expertise: Alertness, Blind Fighting, Smooth Chop, Fighting Casting, Expert, Flying Attack, Enhanced Smooth Chop, Circling, Proficient Critical Strike (Bite), Proficient Disarming Weapon, Proficient Preemptive Attack, Slamming Attack, Seize, Stunt Flying
Dragon's Breath (Su): three types of dragon's breath weapons are available to Bahamut.
Freeze: 36d10 points of freezing damage in a cone 80 feet long. The damage can be halved by a Reflex check (DC 30).
Vaporize: a swirling mist will fill a cone-shaped space 80 ft. long, and creatures in this space will be shocked and go into vaporized form for 32 rounds. Passing a toughness check (DC 60) nullifies this dragon's breath attack.
Disintegration: a light blue ray fills a space 5 feet high, 5 feet wide, and 160 feet long. Creatures that do not pass a toughness check (DC 60) are immediately destroyed. Creatures that pass the toughness check still take 18d10 damage. The rays will create a 5-foot-by-5-foot-by-160-foot void in an item that fails the check; it deals 18d10 damage to the check item.
Whatever dragon's breath weapon Bahamut uses, he must wait 1d4 rounds to use it again.
Crush (Ex): Bahamut can land on a foe as a standard action, using his entire body to crush them. Crush attacks are only effective against opponents of Large size or smaller. A single crush attack can cover all enemies that are under Bahamut's body. Enemies within the attack area must pass a Reflex check (DC 60) or they are automatically crushed and will take 4d8+31 points of damage per round until Bahamut himself leaves. Bahamut can maintain the suppression with a normal grapple attack.
Tail Sweep (Ex): the Bahamut can swipe its tail with a standard action across a semicircle-shaped area 40 feet in diameter. Creatures of Medium size or smaller take 2d8+31 points of damage in it and need to make a Reflex check (DC 60) to determine if they will be knocked down.
Domain Divine Power: 10 times per day to dispel or destroy creatures of the earth elemental system, or to rebuke or command creatures of the atmospheric elemental system, add 1 to the caster level when casting a spell of the good system; 10 times per day to reroll dice; 10 times per day to protect a boundary (objects within the boundary gain a +20 resistance bonus on their next immunity check for a maximum of 1 hour)
Class Spell Ability: a spell of Ba'alham Te can use goodness class spell abilities equivalent to a caster level of 21 to use other class spell abilities at a caster level equivalent to 20. The base immunity DC for a spell-like ability is 32 + the spell's level. aid,air walk,antimagic field,blade barrier,bread enchantment,chain lightning,control weather,control winds,dispel evil,demental swarm(
Spell-like abilities: Bahamut can use spell-like abilities of goodness equal to caster level 21 to use other spell-like abilities equal to caster level 20. evil,demental swarm,entropic shield,freedom of movement,gaseous form,holy aura,holy smite,holy word,magic circle against evil,mind blak,miracle,mislead,obscuring mist,prismatic sphere,protection from elements,protection from evil,repulsion,sanctuary,shield other,spell immunity,spell resistance,spell turning,summon monster IX (goodness-based spells only),whirlwind,wind wall.
Sacred immunity: attribute damage,attribute draw,acid,cold,instant death,disease,disintegration,electricity,energy draw,fire Mind-affecting effects, paralysis, poison, sleep, shock, shapeshifting, imprisonment, banishment.
Transcendent Divine Abilities: change form, change size, change reality, celestial god, manipulate creatures (non-evil dragons, or any dragon with Charisma no higher than 12), Divine Force Elemental Mastery, Divine Storm, Divine Shield, Extra Domain (Luck of the Machine), Extra Sensory Enhancement (Blindsight), Shapeshifting, Spell Immunity+, with "+ " for unique abilities, as described below.
Breathing Underwater: Bahamut has the indeterminate supernatural ability to breathe underwater (though as a god, he doesn't really need to). He can freely use his dragonbreath weapons, spells, and other abilities underwater.
Properties: amulet of proof against detection and location,bracers of armor +8,cloak of displacement,cube of force,gem of brightness,glove of storing portable hole, ring of resistance +5, rod of alertness, rod of cancellation, and staff of power. Bahamut carries or wears these items only when in human form. Bonus bonuses to items*
Daily Divine: 6/10/9/9/9/8/7/7/7/7/7/; base DC = 23 + spell level
Warlock Known Spells (6/9/9/9/8/8/8/8/7/7; base DC = 22 + spell level)
Other Divine Abilities:
As a weak divine power , Bahamut automatically takes a 10 on any roll (including Attack Dice, Damage Dice, and Immunity), and Bahamut does not treat a natural value out of 1 on Attack Check and Immunity Check rolls as a Certain Failure, but as a Normal Failure. He is immortal.
PERCEPTION: Bahamut can see (either normal vision or darkvision), hear, touch, and smell up to 10 miles away. In addition, he has blindsight at a distance of 10 miles and can see invisible creatures and creatures made of direct Ether within 1600 feet (considered a direct activation of the Scouting Invisibility spell). As a standard action, he is able to perceive anything within 10 miles of any animal, his followers, holy relics, objects associated with him, and any location where her name has been spoken within an hour. He was able to immediately extend her perception to 5 places. He is immediately able to stop the perceived power of a god with a godlike rank equal to or less than his in 2 places for up to 10 hours.
Priesthood Perception:Bahamut can sense any event that affects the safety and well-being of good dragons, as long as that event is suspected to affect at least 500 dragons.
Automatic Action: Bahamut is able to use any of its Knowledge-based skills as a free action, as long as the DC for that task is 20 or lower. He is able to complete 5 similar free actions per round.
Creating Magic Items: Bahamut is able to create magical armor and other protective items, such as a ring of elemental resistance, or items that can manipulate the element of chi, such as a ring of chi elemental commands or a chi elemental manipulation incense burner, as long as the item's trade price doesn't exceed 30,000 GP.
Bahamut often appears in the guise of an old man or a young adventurer who's just starting out in the world. young adventurer in the mortal world. Each time he descended to the earth, seven young golden dragons were usually chosen to follow and protect him as honorable guards, taking the form of travelers or animals. Bahamut is always cautious and careful to guard against Tiamat's wiles, ready to take any action he deems necessary to control Tiamat's influence in the mortal world and to restore the damage she has caused. Bahamut never turned his back on any orderly and good creature in danger, but he also rarely interfered directly in any affairs in the mortal realm unless Tiamat did so. In lieu of interfering, he will help good and orderly creatures with medical treatment, the giving of advice, and information. Bahamut is also an old recluse who can unravel the mysteries of many things with careful and accurate prophecies (often providing clues to those players with enough perception to use and find them), and may be a kindly stranger who will offer the player a safe haven or cast a spell the player needs.
Bahamut's earthly wanderings have become the verse of lore sung by the mouths of many a bard, none more famous than a tale of a humble old man and his seven trained canaries guiding people by the roadside and enlightening them. Nor did anyone know that even a small band of ogres, led by an ogre wizard, had not attacked the old man and his canaries.
Bahamut's Incarnation: as Bahamut's body, but with a godlike rank of 5; defense rating 66 (contact 19, caught off guard 66); attack bonus +71 melee (4d8+21/19-20,bite), +66 melee (2d8+5,2 claws), +66 melee (4d6+10, 2 wings), +66 (4d6+31, tail swipe), or spell +71 melee contact or +55 ranged contact; damage reduction 40/+4, SR 37, divine aura (50 ft., DC 27), immunity to adjustments Toughness +47, Reflexes +33, Will +46; all skill adjustments reduced by 5
Dragon's Breath: as Bahamut proper, but immunity to all DCs reduced by 5
Transcendent Divine Ability: change form, change Size, Manipulate Creatures (non-evil dragons, or any dragon with Charisma no higher than 12), Divine Shield, Extra Domain (Fortune of Fortune), Shapeshifting Spell-like Abilities: caster level 15, base immunity DC of 27 + spell level