There are usually no enemies who come to the hospital to unplug your tubes. And then when you're actually intubated, you don't really need to be unplugged, because it's one thing if you wake up or not. Most of the above situations are inside the ICU, where outsiders are absolutely forbidden to enter, a doctor and a nurse take care of 2-3 patients, and there are also caregivers to monitor them 24 hours a day, and if these people pull out the patient's tubes, it must be a case of depression. Another is the operating room, which is watched over by a dedicated person, the anesthesiologist, until the operation is over and the patient wakes up, and then his job is over, so it's unlikely that anyone could come in and unplug the power source either. Even if even if there is a big shot intubation, a variety of enemies waiting to retaliate, it must be heavily guarded, a variety of jcss protection, and then, you pull out of the ventilator there is a cardiac monitoring, as long as the oxygen saturation falls, immediately high decibel alarm, nurse sister will be a hundred-meter sprint to arrive, it is difficult to say that unplugging the power of the person is too late to escape the scene of the crime it. So, instead of unplugging the power, it is better to tie a small person at home to curse your enemy to never wake up reliable.