What are the precautions for large precision equipment lifting relocation

Chengyang Jinfengxiang Machinery Leasing Co., Ltd. undertakes equipment handling, 100-ton crankshaft crane rental, whole factory relocation, container handling, machinery and equipment assembly, forklift rental. The company has a number of 3-20 tons forklift, 3-4 tons fork height of 4.5-5 m. 8-50 tons crane, special towing heavy equipment winches, ground cattle, dedicated to the movement of heavy equipment heavy rail, with experienced lifting mechanics, installers, machinery operators and advanced mechanized equipment. Equipment relocation, lifting and pulling, crane rental, forklift rental, equipment relocation and other businesses.

Large equipment lifting and handling operations lifting safety precautions are as follows:

(1). Lifting site road must be level and solid, backfill, loose soil layer to be treated. Must be a variety of lifting and hoisting machinery running parts, safety devices and spreader, rigging for detailed safety inspection, lifting equipment safety devices should be sensitive and reliable. At the same time should be lifting equipment, wire rope, wind rope, chain, hooks and safety devices and other machinery and equipment to check, to ensure safety and reliability, not allowed to run with disease. Before hoisting test hoisting inspection, confirm that there is no error before operation.

If the soil is soft, the road should be paved separately. Crane shall not be parked on the slope work, also does not allow the crane two sides of a high and low.

(2). Large equipment lifting and handling operations are strictly prohibited overload lifting.

(3). Large equipment lifting and handling operations are prohibited oblique hanging. Oblique hanging will cause overload and wire rope out of the groove, and even cause the rope pulling and overturning accidents. Oblique hanging will also make the weight in the ground out of the rapid swing, may touch the person or other objects.

(4). Large equipment lifting and handling operations tied components of the sling shall be calculated, all lifting tools, should be regularly inspected, the damage to make identification, tying methods should be correct and firm, in order to prevent lifting in the sling broken or slipped from the components, so that the crane loss of weight and tipping. (5). Do not lift the weight of unknown major components of equipment.