The NTF is the ε11 Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 ("Nine-Tailed Fox")
Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are elite units of personnel drawn from all divisions of the Foundation. Mobile Task Forces (MTFs) are elite units of personnel drawn from all parts of the Foundation, mobilized to deal with specific threats or situations that are at times beyond the capabilities or expertise of ordinary field personnel and - as their name suggests - may be moved between facilities or locations as the need arises. Mobile contingents represent the "elite of the elite" in the Foundation.
Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 handles security within the SCP Foundation under the supervision of MTF Alpha-1. They are the special operations team deployed to Foundation sites when standard protocols fail and multiple breaches are imminent. As such, most operations are graded by them.
Q: What is the Mobile Task Force?
A: A Mobile Task Force is a group or group of individuals representing the Foundation's best and most effective field agents and researchers who are sent out to deal with a special incident or threat that would be impossible or difficult to deal with by normal facility personnel. Compare this with medical personnel:
Foundation technicians and guards are like nurses; they can perform day-to-day care and routine objectives such as injections or medication administration, though don't have the knowledge or authority to determine medical conditions or perform complex measures.
Foundation intake teams, tactical teams, and researchers are similar to junior physicians or general practitioners; they can do thorough examinations and perform care of a more precise nature, though their time is valuable, so they are called in only when needed.
A mobile contingent is similar to a surgeon or other specialist; they are called in for situations that cannot be handled by the usual personnel, or when the situation is beyond their capabilities. They are valuable and rare, but they are the best of the best and skilled at dealing with any special situation.
Nevertheless, just as not all medical specialists are surgeons, not all members of the Mobile Task Force are armed soldiers with machine guns and explosives; given that the anomalies the Foundation deals with come in all shapes and sizes, it's not an exaggeration to say that the Foundation has made the Mobile Task Force the smartest of field biologists or elite hackers, both of whom have their specialties, but aren't skilled in combat.
Q: How big is a mobile task force?
A: The size of a mobile task force depends on its area of specialization and mission requirements. A hacking team might have as few as six members, though a combat-oriented unit would be much, much larger. Using the U.S. Army as an example, an attack on an average home would require at least 50 trained soldiers, with one group (at least 12) securing the perimeter, one group attacking the home, and one group tasked with supporting the other groups.
Mobility Task Force is an elite unit and not all SCP projects or individuals need them; just as Navy SEALs don't direct traffic or catch thieves, mobilizing a mobility task force for an inert project or one that doesn't show an active or autonomous threat is not necessary.
Q: When should a maneuver task force be used?
A: Remember, the Mobile Task Force is elite, the strongest the Foundation can offer. Individual field agents, intake teams, and response teams stationed at sites around the world are all capable of doing their jobs, but when they encounter something that even veterans can't understand, it's time to call in the experts.
Simply remembering that they are the elite means that there are tons of jobs that need them therefore they are split up. Just like door-to-door dispensing, there's no need to fly a team halfway across the world to deal with a problem.
Note: Doctors, please don't do a level A memory wipe on me, I'm attracting level Ds to join in