How much does it cost to get a set of braces?

On October 28, 2019, a CITI client reported that Zhang had protruding teeth and that the cost of orthodontic treatment ranged from $15,000 to $70,000 dollars.

Fluctuations in orthodontic prices are caused by the following factors.

1. Private providers charge more than public hospitals because orthodontic treatment is a long-term process based on "years" and requires regular reviews. Many patients find it inconvenient to seek treatment due to their daytime studies or work. The private sector can provide flexible services at night or longer hours to facilitate patients at a relatively higher cost.

2. Prices have also risen in healthcare facilities where doctors are more professionally qualified and well-equipped with medical equipment. In addition, the complexity of the patient's mouth is also an important factor.

3, the price of orthodontic treatment is related to the type of material used by the patient, and the cost of treatment varies with different orthodontic equipment (also known as braces).

Expanded Information:

p>Orthodontic braces usually take a long time to wear.

Each patient has different malocclusions, different orthodontic treatments, and different lengths of braces. Generally, patients need to wear braces for one and a half to two years for orthodontic treatment.

But in some cases, such as when a patient's malocclusion is more complex, the situation is more complicated, or the patient is less cooperative during treatment, the treatment period may be slightly longer.

Hangzhou First People's Hospital -- How long does it usually take to get braces for orthodontic treatment

People's Daily News

Hangzhou First People's Hospital - How long does it take to get braces
People's Daily Online