Repurchase rate formula

Repurchase rate formula:

Formula 1: Number of repeat customers/number of customer samples.

Formula 2: Number of transactions from repeat customers / number of customer samples.

Expanded knowledge of repurchase rate:

Repurchase rate is short for repeat purchase rate, which is a rate calculated based on the number of times a consumer repeats a purchase of a product or service from a store. The repurchase rate is a reflection of the consumer's loyalty to the product or service, the higher the repurchase rate the higher the loyalty, and vice versa the lower.

Measures to improve the repurchase rate:

1. Categorize and stratify users. Businessmen can be divided according to the user's clicking habits or user habits, different classes of consumers should also have different management measures, whether it is product quality, price or commitment, etc.. Are to do optimization, so as to achieve the purpose of attracting users to retain users.

2, store style unity. Store style unity is very easy to attract users, unified store style is easier to grow the user's browsing time, it is also easier to collect old users, attract old users to repurchase.