Feijia Max its registration approval clearly states that it is an auxiliary therapeutic instrument, the name of "ultrasound therapeutic instrument", which is a broader instrument, the approval of the instrument is written: for the shoulder and neck, waist and abdomen, limbs parts of the chronic tissue injury pain, as well as scarring, Neurodermatitis adjunctive treatment. As well as to promote postpartum uterine recovery, for medical institutions rehabilitation, dermatology, plastic surgery, obstetrics and gynecology related diseases of auxiliary treatment. Take a closer look at the name, role and use of this instrument, as well as the launch of the time will find that the ultrasonic cannon is not a professional anti-aging treatment equipment, but an auxiliary treatment of pain, used in dermatology, gynecology, plastic surgery and cosmetology, as well as rehabilitation of the relevant diseases of the auxiliary treatment, and did not mention any corresponding projects related to anti-aging, the face of anti-aging is not even a mention of the word! This ultrasonic cannon micro-point focus and large focal area of the way, there is no breakthrough ultrasonic knife technology barriers, just an alternative, not the so-called "advanced upgrade". Ultrasonic gun is more like the Korean version of the ultrasonic knife imitation 7D poly Lattice, at most a gentle skin care maintenance type of instrument, need to be used several times to have a little effect, and not Netflix bloggers recommended that so magical, so beautiful! Ultrasonic cannon from the launch to now less than half a year, the user is certainly not much, let alone a large number of customers of the real experience! So its safety and anti-aging effect is indeed to be examined and wait. Therefore, consumers should be rational about the ultrasound gun, do not be misled by some of the Netflix bloggers.