What is the difference between silicone tube and rubber tube

One, the nature of different

1, silicone hose: is liquid, gas and other materials for circulation and coating carrier.

2, rubber hose: it is the tube for gas transportation.

Two, different uses

1, silicone tube: can be widely used in aviation, electronics, petroleum, chemical industry, machinery, electrical appliances, medical, oven, food and other industrial sectors of good electrical insulation sealing, liquid transportation materials. Precision on behalf of, oil pipeline, household appliances sealing, drinking water pipeline sealing, medicine and so on.

2, rubber hose: supporting electrical appliances, electronics, furniture and equipment, toys, hardware, medical equipment, sporting goods, audio, lighting, machinery, automobiles, motorcycles, ships, aviation, the working environment of the harsh wire coat combing water, non-stick to many materials can play a role in isolation and other areas of industry.

Rubber hose:

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Silicone Tube:

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Three, the main performance of the different

1, silicone tubing: excellent resistance to high temperatures (250-300 ℃) and low temperatures (-40-60 ℃) Performance, good physiological stability, with excellent resilience and permanent deformation of small (200 ℃ for 48 hours is not greater than 50%), breakdown voltage (20-25KV/mm), ozone, ultraviolet. Radiation resistance and other characteristics, special silicone rubber has oil resistance.

2, rubber hose: most rubber hose with non-toxic, environmentally friendly, but some of the higher requirements of the oil and gas hose, in the rubber material added flame retardant, flame retardant contains toxic and harmful substances on the human body and the atmosphere will have a slight impact.

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