C1 academic scene
When asked about homework, I was told that the paper I wrote before was very good. I hope I can seize the opportunity to have a conference next semester.
L1 Art
L2 Art Category
Academic art. Regarding the development of Rome’s Salon (from what is officially considered “academic” to realistic).
C2 campus scene
During a rehearsal for a play, a student lost something and asked the teacher for help.
L3 Materials Science
For superconducting materials, wire copper is said to be too lossy and other applications are mentioned. superconductor. Generally, copper or aluminum are used to make wires, but there is resistance and heat loss. Superconductors have no resistance, but superconductors require extremely low temperatures and can only be used in laboratories. So we developed a high-temperature superconductor. High-temperature superconductors don’t need such low temperatures. They were applied in New York, but there were some problems. They can also be used in medical equipment. Japan also uses them to make trolley buses (?), so superconductors have great potential. ? (repeat 2018.10.28)
L4 Biology
The story of spider spinning and catching prey.
C3 academic scene
He was about to take his own open class. He planned to divide his classmates into several groups to discuss math problems. The instructor suggested that he should divide the students with good grades and poor grades evenly to prevent uneven levels in each group. Secondly, The first is that each group must be taken into consideration, and you cannot just look at one group until the end of get out of class.
L5 cognitive science
The meaning expressed by a baby's crying and other actions (in two aspects: to acquaintances and strangers).
L6 Sociology
Can a civilization that does not rely on agriculture but relies on fishing survive? (Background supplement) In early societies, hunting, plant gathering and fishing were the three main ways for humans to obtain food. However, with the emergence of agriculture and animal husbandry, the impact of hunting and plant gathering on humans gradually decreased, leaving only fishing as crucial to human civilization. The history of fishing as practiced by people around the world, including fishing and the ancient West and East, the New World and the Old World, the rise and fall of civilizations, the dominance of commerce, and more.
One of the obstacles to this research is that there is little trace of the fishing industry’s role in the past. Fishermen have always been secretive by nature and are unlikely to leave many traces in the historical record. Most of their work tools were also perishable, leaving only tiny imprints for archaeologists to explore. From the pyramids in Egypt to the Angkor Wat in Cambodia, all kinds of huge projects and complex societies rely on a large number of "anonymous" mobile food producers. They collect food, hunt, and fish, and all actions are based on the seasons and available resources. Depends on edible organisms.
C4 academic scene
In class feedback after going to the art museum, the girl didn’t understand why the car appeared in the art exhibition hall.
L7 Biology
The mandibles of ants help them take off, protect their nests, etc. (Background supplement) The trapjaw ant has a unique skill. It can eject itself through its huge jaw and escape by jumping. For more than a century, human scientists have been studying the amazing jaws of trap-jaw ants. His jaws can bite or eject at a speed of 40-60 meters per second, which is faster than 160 kilometers per hour. It is also considered to be one of the fastest forms of locomotion ever developed in the animal kingdom.
When they hit the hard ground with their jaws, the instantaneous high speed can throw their entire bodies into the air through the interaction. When a trapjaw ant is pulled into a sand pit by an antlion, it hits the ground so hard that it bounces out of the trap.
Previous research has shown that trapjaw ants only use their mandibles to hunt or transport larvae. Jumping behavior captured in a recent observation video shows that their jaws are also used to help themselves escape predators.
It is unclear whether this skill of escaping by bouncing is a skill they have learned or a skill they accidentally released during the struggle. But only a mandible this powerful and strong can do this.
L8 Art Category
Why does the museum display cars? It mentioned the categories of cloth and sculpture, and finally asked about fresco.