What kind of contraception was used in ancient times? Why do ancient people have three wives and four concubines, but the population is still so small?

Although the development of science and technology is not advanced enough now, some of the technological means in ancient times were still very advanced. Couple life is not just for better succession, but also for the physiology of all normal requirements, if sex once can get pregnant, on all normal daily life harm or very big, and children and more and exhausted, and then have to choose some contraceptive methods, then the ancient people are how to contraception?

Folk also have records, I heard that the rose tea is the palace out of the birth control recipe, said if the emperor hates some of the handmaiden was lucky, let the eunuchs to the handmaiden down, with the rose tea liquid to wash away the lower part of her body, I heard that this can make the handmaiden body semen clean, there are also some wild stories, said the emperor before the concubines, if there is no stay, the eunuchs will help the woman's massage, to make sure the emperor will not stay in the body, and to ensure that the woman's semen. Ensure that the emperor's semen will not be left on that woman's body, so that can play a practical role in contraception.

But even now, there is no 100 percent reasonable contraceptive pill, Wei Xiaobao is a contraceptive pill is not successful example. In the past, many of the women from the green house after the good, all lifelong infertility, is to eat for a long time to destroy the reproductive function of the soup, and even sterilization surgery, the so-called food so-called "cool medicine", also contains blood exhaustion of the ingredients, although it can be jeopardized by the birth of a pregnancy, but may not be sterilized surgery.

Birth control is very simple for contemporary people, but not easy for ancient people. Because during pregnancy, although it is a prerequisite for human reproduction of offspring, people never realized that pregnancy was something. It wasn't until the mid-19th century that experts figured out that it was because a man's sperm met an egg cell and then fertilized. Birth control, which is all about protecting the sperm and egg, has its roots in the invention of contraceptive methods such as the condom, the ring and the pill.

Ancient people couldn't quite figure out how humans got pregnant, but they did know that pregnancy was a male-female encounter, with the man's semen entering the woman's body. They also learned that contraception is a better method than physical isolation, for example, the ancient people of our country stuffed gauzy tinfoil and ragged balls of cloth into women's bodies as a kind of natural barrier to segregate semen into women's bodies. There are also exam qualification said, China's ancient people also use the fat of the fish to make condoms for contraception.

Think of the big guys on how people in ancient times contraception is also very clear, from the view of the above categories of contraceptive methods, this contraceptive method or that there is a certain degree of risk, and will even cause greater harm to the female body. With the continuous development of scientific and technological progress, does not have the conditions of scientific research rationalization of the contraceptive measures of course will gradually be replaced.

As to why the ancient population is so sparse, in fact, because: the medical level is very low, many people also missed many opportunities for medical treatment, even if it is an outbreak of disease, but also can make the whole village of people surprised, the second is that the ancient wars often happen, all the warriors real-life version of the battle, so also happens to have a very high mortality rate, the third is that the ancient people have traditionally been the male supremacy awareness of the inferiority of women heavier, the third is that the ancient people, the male supremacy of women's consciousness. At that time, everyone has always believed in the patriarchal consciousness, so that many people are taking the birth of a boy as the pursuit of perfection.

And once a girl is born to sell her daughter, the concept of male superiority and female inferiority can no longer be found, coupled with the backwardness of ancient science and technology, medical equipment is not sound, the newborn birth survival rate is low, because the ancient people, although the three wives and four concubines but the number of reproductive capacity and grow up in good health is small, coupled with the underdevelopment of medical science and technology, the birth of the old and the sick and the death of the people and more.

The above is an illustration of this conundrum!