Easy to use, automatic and intelligent
◇ No need to adjust the camera hardware or lens before the start of the eye movement experiment, which improves the efficiency of the experiment and minimizes the human error factor.
◇ Calibrations are guided by the system and can be performed before or after recording, taking only 15 seconds
◇ The IR-based AOA-Track?technology enables eye-tracking devices to accurately and objectively superimpose eye-movement data on real-world scenes and objects. The data is automatically superimposed without the need for manual coding and can be directly obtained for statistical analysis.
◇ Fully compatible with Tobii Studio eye movement data analysis software, you can use the data visualization, statistics and analysis tools in Tobii Studio to objectively study the eye movement data
Friendly, user-friendly design and technology
◇ Lightweight, spectacle-like design with eye movement recorder makes the whole system look very ordinary. Approachable
◇ Hardly any camera or reflector is visible, and subjects do not need to wear heavy recording equipment
Accurate and Reliable Data Tracking
◇ Tobii Glasses provide accurate data tracking capabilities. The fixed physical structure eliminates the need to adjust camera hardware or lenses, increasing experimental efficiency and minimizing the human error factor
◇ Parallax compensation technology is used to ensure the accuracy of eye movement data at different observation distances while the subject is moving.
◇ Innovative eye movement data synchronization, AOA-Track?data visualization and scene video function.
◇ The auxiliary recorder captures eye movement data, sound, video, AOA snapshot and IR-marker data. It also displays eye-tracking quality and battery level