The e-commerce data analysis indicator system is divided into eight categories of indicators, including overall operational indicators, website traffic tired indicators, sales conversion indicators, customer value indicators, commodity and supply chain indicators, marketing activity indicators, risk control indicators and market competition indicators. Different categories of indicators correspond to different aspects of e-commerce operations, such as website traffic indicators correspond to website operations, sales conversion, customer value and marketing activities indicators correspond to e-commerce sales.
1. Overall e-commerce operation indicators
Overall operation indicators
Traffic category indicators Unique Visitors (UV)
Page Visits (PV)
Page Visits Per Capita
Order generation efficiency indicators Total Orders
Visit to Order Conversion Rate
Overall sales performance Indicator turnover amount (GMV)
Sales amount
Customer unit price
Overall indicator sales gross profit
Gross margin
E-commerce overall operation of the overall indicators are mainly oriented to the crowd of e-commerce operation of the senior management, through the overall operation of the overall operating indicators to assess the overall effectiveness of e-commerce operations. E-commerce overall operation overall indicators include four aspects of the indicators:
(1) Traffic category indicators
Unique visitors (UV), refers to the number of non-repeating users who visit the e-commerce site. For PC websites, the statistical system will "plant" a cookie on the browser of each user who visits the website to mark the user, so that whenever the user who is marked with a cookie visits the website, the statistical system will recognize the user. Within a certain statistical period, such as (one day), the statistical system will utilize the weight elimination technology to record only one user with the same cookie who visits the website several times in one day. On the other hand, in the mobile terminal, the way to distinguish between independent users is to count independent users by independent devices.
Page visits (PV), i.e., page views, are recorded once for each visit to an e-commerce website or each web page in a mobile e-commerce application, and accumulated for multiple visits to the same page.
Page views per capita, i.e., page views (PV)/unique visitors, which reflects the stickiness of website visits.
(2) order generation efficiency indicators
The total number of orders, that is, the sum of the number of visitors to complete the orders placed online.
The conversion rate of visits to orders, that is, the ratio of the number of orders placed on the e-commerce site to the number of visits to the site.
(3) overall sales performance indicators
Website turnover (GMV), the amount of e-commerce transactions, that is, as long as the Internet user to place an order, generating an order number, it can be calculated in the GMV.
Sales amount. The sales amount is the total amount of money the goods sold.
Note: Whether this order is finally sold or not, some orders placed without payment or canceled, are counted as GMV, the sales amount generally refers only to the actual amount of money sold, so the GMV figure is generally larger than the sales amount.
Customer unit price, that is, the ratio of the order amount to the number of orders.
(4) Overall Indicators
Gross profit on sales, which is the difference between sales revenue and costs. Gross profit on sales only deducted from the original cost of goods, not deducted from the cost of the period not included in the cost of expenses (administrative expenses, financial expenses, operating expenses).
Gross profit margin, an indicator of the profitability of e-commerce companies, is the ratio of gross profit on sales to sales revenue. For example, Jingdong's 2014 gross profit margin rose steadily for four consecutive quarters, from 10.0% in the first quarter to 12.7% in the fourth quarter, reflecting the improvement of Jingdong's profitability.
2. Website Traffic Indicators
Common Traffic Indicators
Traffic Scale Indicators Unique Visitors (UV)
Page Visits (PV)
Traffic Cost Indicators Visitor Acquisition Costs
Traffic Quality Indicators Bounce Rates
Length of Page Visits
Page Visits per Person
Page Visits Per Capita
The number of visits to a website is the most common. Visits
Membership indicators
Number of registered members
Number of active members
Active member rate
Repurchase rate
Average number of member purchases
Repurchase rate
Retention rate
(1) Traffic size indicators
Commonly used traffic size indicators include the number of unique visitors and page visits. Including the number of unique visitors and the number of page visits, the definition of the corresponding indicators in the previous (e-commerce overall operating indicators) has been described, will not be repeated here
(2) traffic cost tired indicators
unit visitor acquisition cost. This indicator refers to the ratio of the placement cost incurred by the ad campaign to the number of unique visitors brought by the ad campaign in the traffic promotion. The cost per visitor is best analyzed in correlation with the average revenue brought in by each visitor and the conversions brought in by those visitors. If the cost per visitor goes up, but the conversion rate and revenue per visitor stay the same or go down, there is likely to be a problem with the traffic promotion, with a particular focus on cheating in channel promotion.
(3) traffic quality indicators
Bounce Rate (Bounce Rate) is also known as the bouncing rate, the number of times for browsing a single page that is out of the number of visits to the page, the bounce rate can only be measured as a landing page (LandingPage) of the visit. If you spend money to do promotion, landing page of the bounce rate is high, probably because of the promotion of channel selection errors, promotion channel target population and and be promoted to the target population of the site is not enough to match, resulting in the majority of visitors to visit a visit to leave.
Page visit duration. Page access time refers to the time a single page is accessed. It is not the longer the page visit duration the better, it depends on the situation. For e-commerce sites, page visit duration should be viewed in conjunction with the conversion rate; if the page visit time is long but the conversion rate is low, there is a high probability of problems with the page experience.
Page views per capita. Page views per capita refers to the average number of pages viewed by each visitor during the statistical period. Page views per capita reflects the stickiness of the site.
(4) Membership indicators
Registered members. Refers to the number of registered members in a certain statistical period.
Active members. The number of active members, refers to the total number of members in a certain period of consumption or login behavior.
Active member rate. The proportion of active members to the total number of registered members.
Repurchase rate. Refers to the total number of purchasing members that generated two or more purchases during the statistical period.
Average number of purchases per member. The average number of purchases made by each member during the statistical period, i.e., total number of orders/total number of purchasing users. E-commerce sites with a high member repurchase rate also have a high average number of purchases.
Member repurchase rate. Refers to the rate of members who were active at the end of the previous period who made purchases in the next period of time.
Member retention rate. Members in a certain period of time to start visiting your site, after a period of time, will continue to visit your site is recognized as retention, this part of the membership of the proportion of new members at that time is the new member retention rate, this retention is calculated in accordance with the active to calculate, another method of calculating retention is calculated according to the consumption of a certain period of time, that is, a certain period of time in the subsequent period of time of the new consumption of users in a period of time cycle (time). The other way to calculate retention is by consumption, i.e., the rate of members who continue to consume after a certain period of time (the time period can be daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and semi-annually). The retention rate is generally based on the retention of new members, but of course it can also be based on the retention of active members. The retention rate reflects the ability of the e-commerce company to retain members.
3 . Website Sales (Conversion Rate) Class Indicators
Website Sales (Conversion Rate) Class Indicators
Shopping Cart Class Indicators Base Class Statistics Add to Cart Count
Add to Cart Buyers
Add to Cart Buyers
Add to Cart Merchandise Count
Conversion Class Statistics Conversion Rate of Shopping Cart Payments
Place Orders Class Indicator Base Class Statistics Number of Orders
Order Amount
Number of Buyers Placing Orders
Conversion Class Statistics Conversion Rate of Browsing Orders
Payment Class Indicator Base Class Statistics Payment Amount
Number of Paying Buyers
Number of Paying Items
Conversion Class Statistics Conversion Rate of Browsing-Paying Buyers
Order -Payment Amount Conversion Rate
Order-Payment Buyer Conversion Rate
Order-Payment Duration
Transaction Class Metrics Successful Class Statistics Transaction Successful Orders
Transaction Successful Amount
Transaction Successful Buyers
Transaction Successful Commodities
Failure Class Statistics Transaction Failure Orders
Failed orders buyers
Failed products
Refund statistics
Refund amount
Refund rate
(1) Shopping cart indicators
The basic indicators include the number of times shopping carts were added, the number of buyers who added carts, and the number of buyers who added carts and the number of customers who added carts within a certain period of statistical period. number, number of buyers added to the shopping cart, and the number of products added to the shopping cart.
Conversion indicators, mainly shopping cart payment conversion rate, that is, the ratio of the number of buyers who joined the shopping cart to the number of buyers who joined the shopping cart within a certain period of time.
(2) order indicators
Basic indicators, including the number of orders, the amount of orders and the number of order buyers within a certain statistical period.
Conversion indicators, mainly browsing order conversion rate, that is, the ratio of the number of buyers ordering to the number of website visitors (UV).
(3) Payment indicators
Basic statistical indicators, including the amount of payment, the number of paid buyers and the number of paid products in a certain statistical period.
Conversion indicators. Including browsing-paying buyers conversion rate (number of paying buyers/number of site visitors), order-payment amount conversion rate (payment amount/order amount), order-payment buyers conversion rate (number of paying buyers/number of ordering buyers) and order-payment time (the difference between the time of ordering and the time of payment).
4. Customer Value Indicators
Customer Value Indicators
Customer Indicators Cumulative Number of Customers Purchasing
Customer Unit Price
New Customer Indicators Number of New Customers
Acquisition Cost of New Customers
Customer Unit Price of New Customers
Existing Customer Indicators Frequency of Consumption
Last Time of purchase
Amount spent
Repeat purchase rate
Customer metrics. Common customer metrics include the cumulative number of customers who have made purchases in a given statistical period and the price per unit. Customer unit price is the average amount of goods purchased by each customer, that is, the average transaction amount, that is, the ratio of the transaction amount to the number of users of the transaction.
New customer indicators. Common new customer indicators include the number of new customers in a certain statistical period, the cost of acquiring new customers and new customer unit price. Among them, the new customer unit price is the ratio of the transaction value generated by the customers who have consumed in the store for the first time to the number of new customers. Factors affecting new customer unit price are not only related to the quality of the promotion channel, but also related to e-commerce store activities and related sales.
Repeat customer metrics. Common old customer indicators include consumption frequency, time of the most recent purchase, consumption amount and repeat purchase rate. Consumption frequency refers to the number of times a customer has made a purchase within a certain period of time; the time of the most recent purchase indicates how far away the customer's most recent purchase is from the present time; and the amount of customer consumption refers to the amount of money that the customer has purchased in the most recent period of time. The higher the frequency of purchase, the closer the most recent purchase is to the present, and the higher the amount of money spent, the more valuable the customer is. Repeat purchase rate refers to the number of times a consumer repeats the purchase of the brand's products or services; the more repeat purchases, the higher the consumer's loyalty to the brand, and vice versa, the lower it is. Repeat purchase rate can be based on two caliber statistics: the first, from the perspective of the number of customers, repeat purchase rate refers to the number of orders in a certain period of time in the number of two and more than the number of people and the total number of orders than the ratio, such as in one month, there are 100 customer transactions, of which 20 are purchased twice and more, then the repeat purchase rate of 20%; the second, by the transaction, that is, the number of repeat purchases transactions with the total number of transactions The ratio of the number of times, such as a month, a **** generated 100 transactions, of which 20 people have a second purchase, 10 of these 20 people and three times the purchase, the number of repeat purchases of 30 times, repeat purchase rate of 30%.
5. Commodity Class Indicators
Commodity Class Indicators
Total Product Indicators Number of SKUs
Number of SPUs
Number of SPUs Online
Product Advantage Indicators Exclusive Product Revenue Shares
Number of Brands in Branded Stocks Branded Stocks
Number of Brands Online
Uploading of Uploaded Commodities Number of SKUs
Number of SPUs of products on shelves
Number of SPUs of products on shelves online
Number of products on shelves
Number of products on shelves online
Number of products on shelves for the first time in the first launch
Number of products on shelves online for the first time
Total number of products indicator. Including SKU, SPU and online SPU. SKU is the smallest physically indivisible unit of inventory. SPU is Standard Product Unit, which is the smallest unit of merchandise information aggregation, a set of reusable, easily retrievable standardized information, which describes the characteristics of a product. In layman's terms, a product with the same attribute values and characteristics can be called an SPU. e.g. iphone 5S is an SPU, while iPhone 5S configured as a 16G version, 4G cell phone, the color is gold, and the network type is TD-LTE/TD-SCDMA/WCDMA/GSM is an SKU. online SPU is the number of SPUs of the online product.
Product dominance indicators. It is mainly the revenue share of exclusive products, i.e. the ratio of revenue from products sold exclusively to total sales revenue.
Brand stock indicator. Includes brand count and online brand count indicators. The number of brands refers to the total number of brands of merchandise. The number of brands online refers to the total number of brands of online merchandise.
Shelf. Includes the number of SKUs of products on shelves, the number of SPUs of products on shelves, the number of SPUs of products on shelves online, the number of products on shelves and the number of products on shelves online.
First time. Includes the number of first time on-shelf products and the number of first time on-shelf online products.
6. Marketing Activity Indicators
Marketing Activity Indicators
Marketing Activity IndicatorsNew Visitors
New Registrations
Total Visits
Number of Orders
Conversion Rate of Orders Placed
Advertisement Placement IndicatorsNew Visits
New Registrations
Total Visits
Number of Orders
UV Order Conversion Rate
Marketing Campaign Indicators. Includes new visitors, new registrations, total visits, number of orders, order conversion rate, and ROI, where order conversion rate is the ratio of the number of orders placed as a result of a campaign to the number of visits to the campaign during the campaign period. Return on Investment (ROI) is the ratio of the amount of transactions generated during a campaign to the amount of the campaign's cost of placement.
Ad placement metrics. Including the number of new visitors, the number of new registrations, the total number of visits, the number of orders, the UV order conversion rate, the advertising return on investment. Among them, the order conversion rate is the ratio of the number of orders placed as a result of an advertisement to the number of visits to the campaign. Return on Investment (ROI) is the ratio of the amount of transactions generated by an advertisement to the amount of the cost of the advertisement placement.
7. Wind control indicators
Wind control indicators
Buyer evaluation indicators buyer evaluation
Buyer evaluation seller
Buyer evaluation uploaded pictures
Buyer evaluation rate
Buyer praise rate
Buyer bad evaluation rate
Complaints indicators initiated complaints (complaints) number
Complaint rate
Number of complaints withdrawn
Buyer evaluation indicators. Including the number of buyer evaluations, the number of buyer evaluations of sellers, the number of buyer evaluations of uploaded images, the buyer evaluation rate, the buyer's favorable rate and the seller's poor evaluation rate. Among them, the buyer evaluation rate refers to the ratio of the number of sellers participating in evaluation in a certain period of time to the number of buyers in that period of time, reflecting the user's participation in the evaluation, e-commerce sites are now actively guiding the user evaluation as a reference for other buyers when shopping. Positive buyer review rate refers to the ratio of the number of buyers with positive reviews to the number of buyers in a certain period of time. Similarly, the bad buyer review rate refers to the ratio of the number of buyers with bad reviews in a certain period of time to the number of buyers in that period of time. In particular, the poor buyer review rate is a very noteworthy indicator that needs to be monitored, and once you find that the poor buyer review rate is accelerating, you must be vigilant, analyze the reasons for the increase in the rate of poor reviews, and make improvements in a timely manner.
Buyer complaint indicators. Including the initiation of complaints (or appeals), withdrawal of complaints (or appeals), the complaint rate (the number of buyers complaining about the proportion of the number of buyers) and so on. Both the number of complaints and the complaint rate need to be monitored in a timely manner in order to identify problems and optimize them in a timely manner.
8. Market Competition Indicators
Market Competition Indicators
Market Share Related Market Share Rate
Market Expansion Rate
User Share
Website Ranking Transaction Ranking
Traffic Ranking
Market Share Related Indicators, including Market Share, Market Expansion Rate and User share. Market share refers to the proportion of transaction value of an e-commerce website to the overall transaction value of all e-commerce websites of the same type in the same period; market expansion rate refers to the percentage increase in the share of a shopping website compared to the previous statistical cycle; user share refers to the proportion of unique users visiting a shopping website to the total number of unique users visiting all B2C shopping websites in the same period.
Website ranking, including transaction volume ranking and traffic ranking. Transaction volume ranking refers to the ranking of the transaction volume of an e-commerce website among all similar e-commerce websites; traffic ranking refers to the ranking of the number of unique visitors of an e-commerce website among all similar e-commerce websites.
In short, this article introduces the basic index system of e-commerce data analysis, covering traffic, sales conversion rate, customer value, commodity categories, marketing activities, wind control and market competition indicators, these indicators need to be systematic statistics and monitoring, in order to better discover the health of e-commerce operations, in order to better and timely improvement and optimization, to improve the e-commerce revenue. Such as sales conversion rate, which is essentially a funnel model, such as from the website home page to the final purchase of each stage of the conversion rate of monitoring and analysis is a very important direction of analysis of the health of the website operation.