Classification of medical equipment

Medical machinery is classified into the following main points:

1. Classification by risk level

Risk level is divided into three categories, according to is labeled Class I, Class II, Class III. The first category is the more frequent use of doctors, routine, high safety medical machinery. The second category refers to machinery that has a certain degree of risk and must be supervised and controlled by a person. The third category refers to instruments used to maintain the life of the patient, most of these machines need to enter the human body, hidden risks are higher, compared with the second category of machinery that requires constant care.

2. Functional classification

This classification is relatively simple, medical machinery mainly plays a diagnostic, therapeutic role in two major, so also divided into diagnostic and therapeutic machinery, our common thermometer is a diagnostic machinery, more detailed classification, he should be divided into physical diagnostic machinery. Imaging machinery such as ultrasound, magnetic **** vibration. In addition the electrocardiogram belongs to the electrophysiological machinery.

The signs of therapeutic role is divided into general, auxiliary, radiation, these kinds of machinery. Ventilator is a typical auxiliary therapeutic machinery, gamma knife belongs to radiation therapy machinery, like endoscope belongs to ordinary therapeutic machinery.

3. Classification of active and passive machinery

Here active and passive can be understood as whether it is plugged in. Those that are not driven by energy are passive machines, while the opposite is active machines. On the basis of passive and active is divided into non-contact with the human body and contact with the human body machinery, through the literal meaning of the word we can understand is based on whether to enter the human body to distinguish between passive non-contact with the human body apparatus, passive contact with the human body apparatus, active non-contact with the human body apparatus, active contact with the human body apparatus, the four sub-categories of the human body apparatus. The syringe used for infusion is a passive contact with human body machinery, and the machinery used in people's rehabilitation belongs to passive non-contact human body machinery. The implanted devices in the human body belong to the active contact human body machinery, the electrocardiogram in the above article is the active non-contact human body equipment.