Drinking water: tap water usually supplied by water companies, also known as raw water. Drinking water cannot be directly used as preparation and preparation or test water.
Pure water: pharmaceutical water made from drinking water by distillation, ion exchange, reverse osmosis or other suitable methods, without any additives. Purified water prepared by non-heat treatment methods such as ion exchange method, reverse osmosis method and ultrafiltration method is also called deionized water. Purified water distilled by a specially designed distiller is usually also called distilled water. Purified water can be used as solvent or test water for preparing common pharmaceutical preparations, but not for preparing injections.
Water for injection: purified water is used as raw water, distilled by a specially designed distiller, condensed and cooled, and then filtered by membrane. At present, there are multi-effect distillers and air pressure distillers in general use. Distilled water can only be used as water for injection after being filtered by Huizhou microporous membrane, and the pore size of Huizhou microporous membrane should be ≤ 0.45 micron. Water for injection can be used as a solvent to prepare injections.
The structural design should be simple, reliable and easy to assemble and disassemble. The surface of the internal and external walls of the equipment should be smooth and level, without dead angle, and easy to clean and disinfect. Parts surface should be aluminized, etc. Anti-corrosion and anti-rust surface treatment. Avoid using paint outside the equipment to prevent peeling.
Therefore, pharmaceutical purified water equipment is designed for pharmaceutical industry water, which can achieve aseptic effect. Only by combining pure water equipment with disinfection technology can pharmaceutical companies meet their production needs. The core technology of the equipment adopts reverse osmosis process and is equipped with water softener to ensure the stable operation of RO system without being affected by hardness, so that the effluent quality can meet the high standard requirements.