I think Zhong'an Dinghui's IMES can be regarded as a production execution system with the characteristics of integration, knowledge and intelligence. Integration, knowledge, intelligence and the international proposed IMES framework idea is the same, comprehensive system integration is to establish
MES and related systems of data and business channels, to realize the production process data information collection; Knowledge management is to put all the information and data, analyzed into the knowledge at the same time combined with artificial knowledge into the MES system, so that
MES not only provides a platform for information processing, but also provides a platform for information processing, but also provides a platform for information processing.
MES not only provides an information processing platform, but also a manufacturing knowledge management platform; Intelligence emphasizes on the basis of information, data, knowledge, to provide a sense of site abnormalities, through the early warning mechanism to start the decision-making
processes, processes to achieve synergy between the various professions and the implementation of the supervision of the way the process.