What are the principles of classification and classification, characteristics or sources of radiation

The main types of modern radiation are electromagnetic radiation, particle radiation, ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. Electromagnetic radiation is mainly X-rays and Y-rays and ultraviolet rays; particle radiation is mainly a-particles, electrons and positrons, protons, neutrons, negative mesons and heavy ions.

Human exposure to radiation opportunities: induction heating, quenching, smelting, welding and cutting, electronic tube exhaust sealing, etc.: short-wave heating medium heating: wood, grain, vegetables, fresh fruit, paper, etc., drying, rubber vulcanization, plastic products, such as hot products heat bonding; Ultra-short-wave radiation: radio communications, television, physical therapy; microwave radiation are mainly: radar navigation, communications; continuous wave is mainly for the timber, medicinal herbs The continuous wave is mainly for wood, medicine, leather heating, drying, physical therapy and scientific research.

Modern radiation human contact with the most: cell phones, beepers, home theater, audio, audio-visual equipment, television, computers, disinfection cabinets, electric water heaters, refrigerators, electronic physiotherapy, fitness equipment, electric oven, microwave ovens, air conditioning, game consoles, video telephones, walkie-talkies, home with radiation in the construction of the building decorations and chemical fabrics, such as chemical textiles, chemical textiles, such as electrostatic radiation is known as the family's "Invisible killer", is quietly harming human cells and tissues and body systems. City outdoor high-voltage lines, transformers, paging stations, television stations, radio stations, computer information sites, games and entertainment venues, ultraviolet rays and other unknowingly damaging to the body's cells and various systems. In medical treatment, for people receiving radiation therapy, rays have different degrees of damage to cell tissues, organs, skin and immune function.

Office automation to alleviate a large amount of human and material resources, but also to the human body harm, such as computers, photocopiers, scanners and so on. Engaged in radiation-related people, such as: medical workers engaged in radiation, electric power workers, welding authors, radiation research workers, especially for the nuclear industry, research, development and production, engaged in gold, silver, copper, iron, tin, manganese, vanadium, lead and other mining development and depth of the development and production of the population, the radiation on its cellular tissues and the various systems of the hazards of the population, is also greater.

In the natural world, cosmic rays, the earth's radioactive substances and due to the destruction of the atmospheric ozone layer, the increase in the size of the hole, the sun's ultraviolet radiation enhancement, climate warming and other factors on the human body increased radiation hazards.

Biological effects of radiofrequency radiation: the most sensitive response to the nervous system; the impact on learning and behavior: "pathologically retarded individual inertia". The metabolism of brain tissue has a greater impact; there are changes in the morphology of brain tissue, the blood and immune system effects: the circulatory system has a stimulating response, long-term repeated acceptance of radiofrequency radiation can appear lymphocytes, and affect the body's iron metabolism, thus affecting the generation of erythrocytes and cause immunosuppression, dysfunction; reproduction and embryonic development effects: high-intensity radiation can cause testicular oedema, degeneration of the spermatogenic epithelium and testicular Reproductive and embryonic development effects: high-intensity radiation can cause testicular edema, spermatogenic epithelial degeneration and testicular fibrotic changes; microwave radiation teratogenic effects of the study concluded that: high-intensity radiation can be caused by stillbirth and appearance of deformities increased; mutagenic and carcinogenic effects: high-intensity radiation can lead to chromosomal aberrations. According to Polish scholars reported: high-intensity radiation will make the cells undergo pathological changes, the emergence of tumors.

The effects of ionizing radiation on the human body are: DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) damage, cellular sublethal and potentially lethal damage, apoptosis, reduced cellular immunity and oncogenes. Make chromosomal aberrations, cell death due to loss of genes or displacement, resulting in cell mutation and loss of reproductive capacity. Pathological changes in various systems and organs, larger doses of irradiation, parenchymal cells significantly reduced, incomplete cell regeneration, often proliferated by fibrotic tissues, such as the proliferative capacity of vascular blood cells, resulting in a serious lack of peripheral blood cells, inhibit lymphocyte regeneration, affecting the collective cellular immunity and antibody generation. Affect the digestive system, the small intestine is the most sensitive, in order of the esophagus, colon, rectum, oral cavity, small intestine stem cells and proliferative blood cell changes are most pronounced, serious ulcers will be formed. Nervous system is highly sensitive to, after irradiation easily caused by phytoneurological dysfunction, producing nausea, dizziness, fatigue and other symptoms, mainly secondary to vascular damage and blood circulation disorders, showing oozing inflammation or embolism and other damage. Endocrine system, large doses of irradiation, pituitary cell sensitivity, ray so that spermatogenic tubules atrophy, spermatogenesis stops, and some will even be permanently sterile. Skin: the irradiated skin tissues release histamine-like substances, subepidermal learning light expansion, edema, severe cause blistering dermatitis, or even necrosis, ulcers. Due to poor circulation, granulation tissue inactive, easy to break again. Lens: rays caused by the lens of the insoluble protein increase, the irradiated cells produce fibers, easy to occur turbidity, serious can cause cataract. Bone: Growing cartilage is sensitive to rays, chondrocytes decrease after irradiation and produce stagnation. Osteoblasts are more resistant to radiation, large doses of irradiation occurs bone necrosis, bone fracture and osteomyelitis, the internal circulation of the bone is affected. Other organs: interstitial vascular changes in the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, etc., more parenchymal cells are sensitive to radiation.

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