1, dental technology
Dental technology is the name of the relevant higher vocational colleges and universities enrolled in the Ministry of Education of the country, aims to cultivate students' professional core competencies - the basic operational skills of restorative process technology of the oral cavity.
Specialized core courses and major practical sessions: oral anatomy and physiology, oral medicine, oral surgery, orthodontics, restorative materials, restorative processes, dentistry, oral aesthetics, restorative process training, dental apprenticeship, graduation internship, and other major characteristics of the courses and practical sessions of each school.
2, stomatology
Students majoring in stomatology mainly learn the basic theories and basic knowledge of stomatology, and receive training in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of oral and maxillofacial diseases, and have the basic ability to diagnose, repair and prevent common and frequent diseases in the oral cavity.
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Secondly, the academic system is different
1, the dental profession is a specialty of undergraduate colleges and universities to open a system of study of four years.
2, stomatology technology is a higher vocational colleges and universities to open the specialty, the academic system is three years.
Three, employment prospects are different
1, the prospects of the dental profession: China's dental patients, the proportion of patients is relatively high, the number is also larger, more and more people to see the dental, and the serious shortage of dentistry, so there is still a fairly broad space for the development of dentistry in our country, so the choice to study the prospects of the profession of dentistry is still very good.
The market demand for dentists is very large, and the salary is also very high. Can be said to be a more popular profession, students want to enter the big city of the big hospital work, then choose a better school dental medicine program is very necessary.
2, oral medicine technology professional prospects: oral medicine technology after graduation, mainly for denture processing plant, dental medical units, technical room, oral equipment supply units, engaged in dental prosthetics, oral mechanics, oral sales and other aspects of the work.
Specifically, it is mainly engaged in the denture processing plant in the oral medical denture production and other aspects of the work, in the dental medical unit of the technical room engaged in dental technician work, dental equipment and equipment supply units engaged in the sale of dental equipment and equipment work.
/baike.baidu.com/item/oral medicine/19105124 "target="_blank "title="Baidu Encyclopedia - Oral Medicine">Baidu Encyclopedia - Oral Medicine
/baike. baidu.com/item/oral medicine technology" target="_blank "title="Baidu Encyclopedia - Oral Medicine Technology">Baidu Encyclopedia - Oral Medicine Technology