Hazardous waste knowledge

Hazardous Waste Facts

The "Medical Waste" symbol you often see on hospital garbage cans is actually "Hazardous Waste" in the waste classification standards.

What is hazardous waste?

According to the definition of the National Hazardous Waste List, solid waste (including liquid waste) with one of the following circumstances, that is, hazardous waste: corrosive toxicity, flammability, reactivity, or infectious and so on, one or a substitute for Maru kind of hazardous characteristics; does not rule out the existence of hazardous characteristics, may have a detrimental impact on the environment or human health, in accordance with the need for the management of hazardous wastes.

What are the hazards of hazardous waste?

First of all, hazardous waste may have corrosive, toxicity and other characteristics, will seriously damage human health, carcinogenic, teratogenic, and even life-threatening; at the same time, in the long run, due to the hazardous waste contains a large number of hazardous substances, randomly discarded will be on the groundwater and soil caused by serious pollution, damage to the bad environment.

What kind of hazardous waste is generated in daily life?

Waste pesticides and disinfectants and their packaging, waste medicines and their packaging, waste paints and solvents and their packaging, waste film and waste photographic paper, waste mineral oil and its packaging, waste fluorescent tubes, waste thermometers, waste sphygmomanometers, waste nickel-cadmium batteries and mercuric oxide batteries, as well as electronics, all of the above are hazardous wastes that need to be taken care of!

What should I do with hazardous waste?

Generally divided into four types (of course, as an individual only need to daily life in the hazardous waste, do a good job of garbage classification, so that they can be reasonably dealt with)

Landfill method - hazardous waste into a certain thickness of the thin layer, to be compacted, and covered with soil.

Incineration: After treatment through high-temperature decomposition and deep oxidation integrated process.

Curing method: cement, plastic, water glass, asphalt and other coagulants with hazardous waste to be mixed with curing, so that the harmful substances contained in the sludge is closed in the curing body is not leached.

Chemical method: through the acid and alkali neutralization, oxidation and reduction and precipitation, the harmful substances into harmless substances.

Above, is the big science of hazardous waste, visible as a keen citizen, do a good job of garbage classification so that hazardous waste can be reasonably dealt with, is a very important thing.