Because since this coking plant has a water treatment this one, it shows that this unit is still relatively large, with a certain social consciousness, are generally state-owned enterprises to engage in these thankless projects.
Water treatment, in the coking plant, generally do waste water treatment, mainly phenol water test.
In the coking experiments, water treatment positions should be the most relaxed, the relative harm to the human body is also the smallest, like coking benzene, tar experiments are very harmful to the human body positions.
The reason why I say so sure, because I myself in the coking plant work, my girlfriend in the unit of the laboratory, is to do water treatment this piece.
However, if you are going to a coking plant, you don't necessarily have to be in the laboratory, if the unit is a state-owned enterprise, the safety and environmental protection department should also be very important, you can consider trying to get into this department.
Environmental health work.
I hope you can help.