Generic Technical Structure Types

The generic technical structure types are as follows:

1, array (Array): a linear data structure consisting of elements of the same type, accessed by subscripts.

2, chained table (Linked?List): a linear data structure, consisting of nodes, each containing data and a pointer to the next node.

3, stack (Stack): a last-in-first-out data structure, can only be inserted and deleted at the top of the stack.

4, Queue (Queue): a first-in-first-out data structure, can only be inserted at the end of the queue, the head of the queue to delete elements.

5, tree (Tree): a non-linear data structure, composed of nodes and edges, each node can have multiple children.

6, graph (Graph): a non-linear data structure, consisting of nodes and edges, each node can have multiple neighboring nodes.

7, hash table (Hash?Table): a data structure based on the implementation of the hash function, can be efficient lookup, insertion and deletion operations.

8, heap (Heap): a fully binary tree structure, with the heap order nature, can be used to implement the priority queue and other data structures.

9, String (String): a sequence of characters, often used to represent text data.

10, file (File): the basic unit of data and information storage in the computer, can be used to store programs, text, images, audio and other data.

General purpose technology:

General purpose technology refers to technology that can be applied to a wide range of fields and industries with broad applicability and flexibility. General-purpose technologies cover a wide range of subject areas, such as computer science, electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, and materials science. They can be useful in different fields to solve various problems.

The development of general-purpose technologies has played a great role in the development of modern society. In the field of computer science, one of the representative achievements of general-purpose technology is Internet technology. The popularization and development of the Internet has brought about the arrival of the information age and changed the way people acquire and transmit information. In the field of electronic engineering, one of the representative achievements of general technology is chip technology. Chip technology has a wide range of applications, including cell phones, computers, automobiles, medical devices and so on.