What are the types of airplanes

By engine type, there are propeller airplanes and jet airplanes.

Propeller airplanes are the most primitive type of powered airplane, the kind we see in old movies and documentaries. It uses the rotation of the propeller to push the air towards the back of the plane, and its reaction force pushes the plane forward, and of course, this type of plane is still in use today.

Jet airplanes include turbojets and turbofan jets. Most of the passenger planes we fly in today are jets, which can travel at speeds of 500-1000 kilometers per hour and carry 400-500 passengers or 100 tons of cargo.

Aeroplane (aeroplane, airplane) is a heavy aircraft with one or more engines of the power plant to generate forward thrust or tension, by the body of the fixed wing to generate lift, flying in the atmosphere.

Aircraft are the most common type of fixed-wing aircraft. According to the type of engine they use, they can be categorized into jet and propeller planes.

The airplane is one of the most significant inventions of the early 20th century and is recognized as having been invented by the Wright Brothers, Americans. Their flight on December 17, 1903, was recognized by the Federation Internationale de l'Aeronautique (FAI) as "the first controlled, sustained powered flight of a heavier-than-air aircraft," and in the same year they founded the Wright Aircraft Company.

Since its invention, the airplane has become an indispensable means of transportation for modern civilization. It has profoundly changed and influenced people's lives, and opened up the history of people's conquest of the blue sky.

Inventor Wright Brothers

Reference - Baidu Encyclopedia of Airplanes