What is the principle of the damping spindle on the laptop?

The principle of the damping spindle on the laptop: in fact, it is through the squeeze between the gasket and the gasket to produce friction, the size of the friction is the number of gaskets installed in the number of nuts and screwed loosened related.

For example, the laptop spindle when we turn over the laptop screen, the need for a certain degree of strength, and this strength does not need to be very large and when we stop turning over, the screen will not be up and down, left and right, but by the friction on the spindle to make the laptop screen to stay in the position we want.


Damping spindle common problems:

Damping spindle is the most common problem is the spindle spacer wear problem is also common in the use of the spindle shaft equipment problems, mainly spindle spacer metal characteristics caused by: metal, although the hardness of the high, but poor concessions (deformation can not be restored), poor impact resistance, resistance to shock, and the use of the spacer. , poor impact resistance, poor fatigue resistance, so it is easy to cause adhesive wear, abrasive wear, fatigue wear, micromotion wear, etc..

Most of the damping shaft wear is not easy to notice, only when there is a damping arbitrarily stay in the magnitude of large, unusual noise, etc., will cause to notice, but by the time people realize, most of the drive shaft has been worn, so that the damping effect becomes smaller.

Damping shaft applications:

Common damping shafts are: laptop damping shaft, cell phone damping shaft, desk lamp damping shaft, monitor damping shaft, camera damping shaft, pos machine damping shaft, etc..

Damping spindle structure:

Damping spindle structure according to different application scenarios and classification can be divided into: a word type damping spindle, wrapped damping spindle, shrapnel type damping spindle.

Baidu Encyclopedia - Dampers