What is corn processing equipment, there are several kinds of corn processing equipment?
Corn processing equipment is the processing of corn into other products, you want to do a big business, the required output is how much per day, if the raw material is corn germ, then there must be equipment: softening equipment (crusher, softening pot, embryo milling machine equipment and equipment with a scraper connection), oil equipment (steam frying pot, oil press), oil equipment (air pumps, filters, slagging machine, oil tanks) If your output is large, it is recommended to put on the leaching equipment (leach, dryer, evaporation system), if there is leaching equipment, there must be packaging equipment (automatic packaging scale), in addition to an oil storage tank. It should be noted that the investment in leaching equipment is larger, and the danger is one of the largest, the main auxiliary material in this section is solvent, a liquid that is more flammable than gasoline. If the production line is 150 tons / day, this set of equipment has to be about 10 million yuan. Corn processing equipment include: press embryo milling machine, impact loose powder machine, electric manual gate valve, electric manual tee, single and double bin grading sieve, twine remover, impeller shutter, corn ballast breaker, corn embryo lifting unit and so on. The supply of complete sets of equipment has been completed Shanghui Alcohol corn embryo lifting a complete set of process equipment; Hart Beer malt, rice pre-treatment process equipment. New products as well as the refinement of the old products to enhance the annual launch of new products