Bill Gates English Quotes

Bill Gates Quotes in English

1. The failure of a team of industrial and mercial enterprises to lose more than any other reason.

The failure of a team of industrial and mercial enterprises to lose more than any other reason.

2. In this world, no one can bring you down. If your own faith is still standing.

In this /, Sunday morning there are a lot of things waiting for us to do!

Religion is not very effective in terms of time allocation. There are many things to do on Sunday morning!

46. Luck is a factor, however, I think the most important factor is our foresight I've never been able to put on my eyes to see far. I've never looked at the world through a telescope.

Luck is a factor, but I think the most important factor is our vision and a high degree of insight. Ive alpany, there is no strong service team, to Ive alpany, there is no strong service team, to provide users with prehensive and thoughtful service, it is simply unimaginable.

Bill Gates Quotes

Bill Gates Quotes

1, TV is not real life. In real life, people actually have to leave the coffeehouse to do their jobs.

2. Selling hamburgers is not beneath your dignity. Your grandparents had a different understanding of selling hamburgers, and they called it an opportunity.

3. A great opportunity doesn't mean you'll be successful.

4. If you believe that every life is equal, you will find it unacceptable when you realize that some lives have been saved and others abandoned. We say to ourselves: it can't be so. If this is true, then it deserves to be at the top of our list of things to work for.

5. Finding a solution from this complex world can be broken down into four steps: defining the goal, finding the most effective method, discovering the new technology that applies to that method, and at the same time making the smartest use of the technology that is available, whether it is a complex drug or the simplest mosquito net.

6. You can't get people excited unless you can make them see or feel the impact of action.

7, the magic of the network is not just that it shortens the physical distance, making the sky far away. It also dramatically increases the chances that people with **** the same idea will come together and we can **** work together to solve the same problem.

8. Don't let the complexity of the world hold you back. Be an activist. Make it your mission to solve human inequality. It will be one of the most important experiences of your life.

9, Microsoft is always only 18 months away from bankruptcy.

10, when someone is worried about making a living, he can often eat more bitter, to do what he could not do before, adversity in the people more able to play his potential and achieve a cause, so never underestimate the people in adversity.

11, people recognize is the success of the people experienced more failures, just they get up from the failure and continue to move forward.

12, be kind to the people you hate, because maybe one day you will work for such a person.

13, a company to develop rapidly thanks to the hiring of good talent, especially the need for smart people.

14, to our top 20 talent poached, then I tell you, Microsoft will become an insignificant company.

15, big success depends on the team, small success depends on the individual.

16, filial piety can not wait.

17, think more about competitors.

18, some people always put the success of others are attributed to luck, their own failure is said to be bad luck. Today's results are the result of your past efforts, if you are not satisfied with today's results, indicating that your past efforts are not enough, if you just complain today and do not take action, that leaves tomorrow's or complaints! If you are more negative, then you are farther away from success, so never have negative thoughts.

19, I think, if you have an idea, to turn the impossible into reality, this road may be longer, but you can find your partner or a few friends to encourage each other to complete this long journey. You can set up your own cliques, your clubs, etc. and work out some actionable steps to make sure you are moving towards your dream every single day.

20. I think there are a lot of opportunities in the financial sector and in other fields, and there are a lot of places that can be tapped into. I know a lot of people enter the financial field because of the high salary, but I want to say that the sense of achievement you get in the financial field may not be as good as writing a program in the field of information technology, or inventing a vaccine in the field of medicine to bring you a sense of achievement. We have a lot of work to do, and we have to do it maybe by having real innovation. And then your innovation can benefit more people.

21. I left Harvard without even realizing how unequal the world is. Human inequalities in health, wealth, and opportunity are so frighteningly large that they force countless people to live in despair. I learned a lot of new ideas in economics and political science at Harvard. I also learned a lot about new advances in science. But the greatest human advances have come not from these discoveries, but from those that have helped to reduce human inequality. No matter what the means, democracy, a robust public **** education system, quality health care, or broad economic opportunity, reducing inequality has always been humanity's greatest achievement.

22. If we can find a way to do this that helps the poor while generating profits for businessmen and votes for politicians, then we have found a sustainable path to development that reduces inequality worldwide. The task is infinite. It cannot be fully accomplished, but any conscious attempt to address it will change the world.

23. I believe that the problem is not that we don't care, but that we don't know how. All of us in this yard at this moment have always had moments in our lives, one way or another, when we witnessed a human tragedy and felt a thousand sadnesses. (Classic quote) But we do nothing, not because we are indifferent, but because we don't know what to do and how to do it. If we knew how to do it effectively, then we would take action.

24. Like the expectations of the age, I have a message for all of you graduating today: you have to choose a problem, a complex problem, a problem of profound human inequality, and then you have to become an expert on that problem. If you can make that issue the centerpiece of your career, then you will be outstanding. But you don't have to do the big things. In just a few hours a week, you can use the Internet to get information, find like-minded people, discover problems, and find ways to solve them.

25, with specialties to get rich, armed with knowledge. Everyone has knowledge and specialties, beggars are the same, just you did not find it.

26, I no longer as before that IQ is irreplaceable. To be successful, you must also know how to make wise choices, as well as have a broader thinking.

27. Steve Jobs was the most successful person in the industry when it came to public relations. But he did it by talking about how bad other people were.

28, young people lack experience, but please do not forget: young is your biggest capital. Don't be afraid to make mistakes and don't shy away from challenges; you should stay the course and work hard and harder at getting ahead.

29, just graduated from high school you will not earn 40,000 dollars a year, you will not become a vice president of a company and have a car with a telephone until you will be this position and car phone are earned.

30, fairness is not always there, in all aspects of life and learning there are always some can not be as expected. But as long as you adapt to it, and stick to it, you can always receive unexpected results.

Bill Gates Quotes Bill Gates Classic Quotes Book

Bill Gates Quotes Bill Gates Classic Quotes Book

Bill Gates (Bill Gates), full name William Henry Gates III, referred to as Bill or Gates. born on October 28, 1955 in Seattle, Washington, the United States, entrepreneur, software engineer, philanthropist, Founder of Microsoft Corporation. He was the Chairman, CEO and Chief Software Designer of Microsoft.

Bill Gates began computer programming and design at the age of 13, and at the age of 18, he enrolled in Harvard University, dropped out of Harvard a year later, and in 1975, together with his friend Paul Allen, founded Microsoft, where Bill Gates served as Chairman, CEO, and Chief Software Designer.

Bill Gates was the richest person on the Forbes Global Rich List for 13 consecutive years from 1995-20xx, and the richest person on the Forbes U.S. Rich List for 20 consecutive years.

In 2000, Bill Gates established the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and in 20xx Bill Gates announced that he would donate $58 billion of his personal fortune to charitable foundations, and in 20xx Bill Gates stepped down as chairman and knocked off Carlos Slim to return to being the richest man in the world.

On September 29, 20xx, Forbes released its list of the 400 richest Americans, and Microsoft founder Gates topped the list for the 22nd consecutive year with a net worth of $76 billion

On March 1, 20xx, Forbes released its latest list of the world's richest people, and although Bill Gates's personal wealth was $4.2 billion less than in 20xx, he topped the list this time with a total of $4.2 billion. Although Bill Gates' personal wealth is $4.2 billion less than it was in 20xx, he still tops the list for the third consecutive year with a personal fortune of $75 billion. In October 20xx, Forbes released its list of the 400 richest Americans, and Bill Gates topped the list for the 23rd year with $81 billion in assets.

Bill Gates Quotes Bill Gates classic quotes (a)

1, so that your most impatient customers are your greatest source of learning.

2, just in terms of time allocation, religion is not very effective, Sunday morning there are a lot of things waiting for us to do it!

3. Like most e-mail users, I get dozens of spam e-mails every day, most of them claiming to help me stay out of debt or get rich quick. It's funny, if not actually true.

4. Success is a poor teacher, and it tricks smart people into thinking they can't lose.

5. This is the best time to enter the business world, and there will be more change in the next 10 years than in the last 50 years combined.

6. Celebrating successes is appropriate, but it is more important to learn from failures.

7, if the situation has been very bad when you realize the trouble, it is already too late. Be hopeful, unless you always keep a sense of crisis.

8. I am convinced of the long-term value of any method of improving communication between people, whereby they learn from each other and **** with each other in an effort to achieve the freedom to recognize each other.

9. When I was a child I dreamed a lot of dreams, and many of them have come true. I had the opportunity to do a lot of reading, which gave me the opportunity.

10. I believe that if you give people a solution to a problem, they will take action.

11. Many of the brilliant ideas born at Microsoft came from the top?

12. Looking to the next century, the real leaders will be those who give people hope.

13. If you really can't do it right, then at least make it look good.

14, The God of Fortune will patronize everyone in the world, but if she finds that the person is not ready to meet her, she will walk in through the door and fly out through the window.

15. I don't know if God really exists, but I think the principles of religion are worth endorsing.

16, If all I wanted to do was win, I would have run to another stage a long time ago. If I had set the finish line for myself before, don't you think I would have crossed it years ago

17. We always overestimate the changes that are going to happen in the next year or two, and we always underestimate the changes that are going to happen in the next 10 years. So don't let yourself be caught in the dilemma of doing nothing.

18, as long as there is a strong and persistent heart, a mediocre ordinary people will have a day of success, otherwise even if it is a brilliant talent, can only meet the fate of failure.

19, we all know that many people want to leave their accumulated wealth to the next generation, this is of course reasonable and unjustifiable. But for me personally, it would be more beneficial to society, and more beneficial to my children, if I could give back to society the enormous wealth that I am fortunate enough to be in charge of, and use it for important endeavors, such as science and technology, education, medical research, social services, and other areas.

19. Until we educate every child in a wonderful way, and until every city's downtown is thoroughly cleaned up, we have nothing left to do.

20. When Paul Allen and I created Microsoft 30 years ago, I had a lot of dreams about software development. We wanted our software to have a significant impact on the world, and having computers at every desk and home was always a topic of discussion. To our surprise and excitement, much of what we dreamed about has become reality and touches many aspects of our lives. I never imagined that an incredibly important company could have been born from these first ideas.

21. Strong desire is also very important. One needs to be strongly motivated to succeed in a good career. You have to have something other than what you have in mind, and you have to do your best to seize that opportunity.

22, if you have made a far-reaching plan, then go ahead and realize that goal with the utmost effort in your life.

23, our goal is not to become a device center, but to become a user center.

24, life is unfair, to adapt to it.

25, The world doesn't care about your self-esteem. It's counting on you to accomplish something before you feel good about yourself.

26, if you think your teacher is harsh, wait until you have a boss. Bosses don't have term limits.

27. If you get into trouble, it's not your parents' fault, so don't complain shrilly about our mistakes and learn from them.

28. Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They're the way they are today because over the years they've been paying your bills, doing your laundry, and listening to you blabber on about how cool you are. So if you want to save the rainforest by eradicating the parasites in your parents' lifetime, you might as well go ahead and purge the bugs from your room's closet.

29. Your school may no longer make distinctions between the best and the worst students, but life is still making similar distinctions. In some schools failing grades have been abolished, and schools give you countless opportunities to find the right answer if you want to. This is not remotely similar to anything in real life.

30. Life is not divided into semesters. You don't have summers off to rest, and there aren't several employers who are happy to help you discover yourself; find the time to do it on your own.

Bill Gates quotes Bill Gates classic quotes (two)

One, Life is not fair, get used to it.

Two, The them.

If you get into trouble, it's not your parents' fault, so don't complain shrilly about our mistakes; learn from them.

Seven, you the parasites of your parents generation, try delousing the closet in your own room.

Before you were born, your parents weren't as boring as they are now. They're the way they are today because over the years they've been paying your bills, doing your laundry, and listening to you talk about how cool you are. So if you want to save the rainforest by eradicating the parasites in your parents' generation, you might as well go ahead and clear the bugs out of your room's closet.

Bill Gates quotes Bill Gates classic quotes (three)

1 、People like to watch TV shows, but you don't watch, that's not your life. As long as you work in the company, you have no time to watch TV series. (Advise you not to watch, or you go on the road to watch TV series, and watch with great interest, then you will lose the qualification of success).

2 , when you fall into artificial difficulties, do not complain. (You have to quietly pick yourself up and rise again).

3 、Society is full of injustice. You do not want to transform it first, you can only adapt to it first. (Because you can not control it).

4, never criticize others behind the back, especially can not criticize your boss ignorant, mean and incompetent. (Because of this mentality, will make you go on a bumpy and difficult road to growth).

5, you just graduated from high school, usually does not become the CEO, until you get the CEO position in hand. (Until then, people don't mind that you just graduated from high school).

6, in school, the teacher will help you learn, to the company but not. If you think that the school teachers require you to be very strict, it is you have not entered the company to work. Because, if the company is not strict with you, you are going to lose your job. (You must be awake to realize: the company is more strict than the school).

7, you have to understand: before there was you, your parents were not as boring as they are now. You should think of it as the great price they paid to raise you. (You always have to be grateful and filial piety to them, is the hard way).

8, there are holidays in the school, to work in the company is not, you can hardly rest, rarely easy holidays. (Otherwise you run behind together in your career, and it will even put you behind forever).

9, in school, you test the first few is not so important, but into society is not. No matter where you go, to be divided into equal rankings. (Society, companies to rank, is a common thing, to drum up the courage to compete to the right).

10, the world does not care about your self-esteem, people only look at your achievements. Before you do not have achievements, do not overemphasize self-esteem. (Because the more you emphasize self-esteem, the more detrimental to you).

Bill Gates' advice to young people:

◇ In this world, no one can make you fall down. If your own faith is still standing.

◇ Success begins with an idea, but it is impossible to succeed with an idea without action.

◇ Rashness and negligence are equally disastrous. The reason why many young people fail is that they are reckless.

◇ Spending hundreds of dollars on a book will give you access to other people's wisdom and experience. However, if you copy everything without thinking, then sometimes it will be like a dog with a tiger.

◇ You have to implement your dream to realize its value. No matter how good the dream is, you will never get anything unless you actually do it.

◇ A lot of people like to procrastinate, they do not do the thing at hand is not bad, but do not do it, this is the biggest vice.

◇ Young people are inexperienced, but do not forget: youth is your greatest asset. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, and don't be afraid of challenges, you should stick to the end, and work hard in the process of making a name for yourself.

◇ What people realize is that successful people often experience more failures, but they get up from the failure and continue to move forward.

◇ Failure is not a bad thing, a failure can teach you a lot, even more useful than what you learned in college

◇ Extraordinary ambition, extraordinary achievements.

◇ Successful people solve problems as soon as they come across them. They don't spend time worrying, because worrying doesn't solve anything, it only increases worries and wastes time.

◇ Good habits are a treasure, once you have it, you will benefit for a lifetime. If you have the habit of taking immediate action, your life will become more meaningful.

◇ Once you make a decision, don't delay. Anything you think of, do it! Take immediate action!

◇ There are two important prerequisites for success: determination and patience.

1. Failure is inevitable, but as long as you follow through, you can always get unexpected results.

2. The God of Fortune will patronize everyone in the world, but if she finds that the person is not ready to meet her, she will walk in through the door and fly out the window.

3. Advances in science and technology will have a huge impact on people's lives, and people need to keep adapting to this change in the times, rather than waiting for the future and missing good opportunities for self-development.

4. Instead of being a grass in the oasis, it is better to be an oak tree in the bald hill, because the grass has no personality, and the oak tree heads to the sky.

5, good habits are mainly dependent on the person's self-restraint, or on the negation of the person's desire to see the self.

6. More business enterprises fail due to lack of teamwork than due to other reasons.

7, Microsoft is only 18 months away from bankruptcy. What he means is that if a company is unable to keep innovating and progressing, it may cease to exist in a year's time. This is true for businesses as well as for people.

8. If you have made an ambitious plan, then use your best efforts to realize this goal in your life.

9. Extraordinary ambition leads to extraordinary achievements.

10, the world does not care about your self-esteem, but requires you to achieve something before you feel good about yourself.

11, adhere to the next, success is waiting for you on the next street corner.

12, when your efforts are synchronized with the times, you will have a non-negligible impact on society.

13, a strong desire is also very important. One needs to be strongly motivated to succeed in a good career. You have to have a nonchalance in your mind and you have to try your best to grab that opportunity.

14, no one will understand you until you are successful.

15, in the school, you test the first few is not so important, but into society is not. No matter where you go, you have to be divided into equal rankings.

16, celebrate success is good, but learn the lessons of failure is more important.

17, we do not understand the technology of governance staff, because, to seek a balance between technology and governance as effortless as possible.

18, a governor if you do not understand the work of their subordinates, then he will not be able to effectively govern them.

19, recklessness and negligence caused by the scourge of comparable. There are a lot of young people fail, is to lose in the work of frivolous this point.

20. If I only wanted to win, I would have run to another stage. If I had set the finish line for myself before, don't you think I would have crossed the line years ago.

21, the more time you spend planning, the less time you need to get the job done.

22, certainly action does not necessarily lead to satisfactory results, but do not take action on the results of no satisfaction.

23, young people lack of experience, but do not forget: young is your biggest capital. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, don't be afraid of challenges, you should stick to the end, and work hard in the process of getting ahead.

24, my work is really a race, I like in things to the critical juncture when the feeling of going all out. At this time, people often have a super level of performance.

25, I am convinced that any way to improve communication between people has long-term value, people learn from each other, and *** with the effort to achieve the freedom to identify with each other.

26, the world does not care about your self-esteem, only care about what you do, and then to emphasize your feelings.

27, the world does not care about your self-esteem, people only look at your achievements. Do not overemphasize self-esteem until you have achieved something.

28, we will always design for the future in mind, our employees always follow the latest hardware and software technology.

29, every day there will be an opportunity, every day there will be an opportunity to be useful to someone, every day there will be an unprecedented, as far as the opportunity will not come back.

30, the use of talent, only limited to the collection is far from enough, it is important to talent not only to be good at recognizing the advantages, but also dare to boldly use, in order to let it fully show their talents.

31, I do not know whether God really exists, but I think the principle of religion is worth agreeing.

32, if you think your teacher is harsh, wait until you have a boss to think that way. Bosses don't have term limits.

33, the practical implementation of your dream in order to realize its value, no matter how good the dream is, unless you really physically do it, it will never pay off.

34, this is the best time to enter the business world, the next 10 years will make more changes than the last 50 years combined.

35, at any time, a large part of the human brain is not used, so when you look around, you can make full use of the brain.

36, to praise someone, it is best to write it down in black and white; if you want to reprimand someone, you should use the phone without leaving a trace.

37, out of the school life is not like in the school as a semester, there is no summer vacation. There are not a few bosses who are happy to help you discover yourself, and you have to rely on yourself to get it done.

38, the success of the subject as soon as they encountered the hands to solve. They don't spend time worrying, because worrying doesn't solve any problems, it only increases worry and wastes time.

39, the world does not care about your self-esteem, only care about the results you made, and then to exaggerate your feelings.

40. Be kind to the people you hate, because maybe one day you will work for such a person.

41, TV is not real life. In real life each person has to leave the cafe to work.

42, for a company to the company, there is not a strong service team to provide users with comprehensive and thoughtful service, it is simply unimaginable.

43, the reason why he is proud of his leadership of Microsoft, is because in this group gathered a large number of people who love the cause of Microsoft as he does.

44, the God of Fortune will patronize everyone in the world, but if she finds that the person is not ready to meet her, she will come in through the door, and then fly out of the window.

45, the world does not care about your self-esteem, the world is counting on you to achieve something before you feel good about yourself.

46, to see if the boss is good at governing his employees, from the compensation he pays his employees can undoubtedly make a judgment.

47, when you understand the needs of the customer, you must be happy to think about how to make the product closer to and help customers.

48, in this world, no one can make you fall. If your own beliefs are still standing.

49, fairness does not always exist, in all aspects of life and learning there are always some can not be as expected. But as long as it is adapted to it, and follow through, always receive unexpected results.

50, the company can come up with some ideas for employees to find a better way to do things, and as far as not to order that you must choose such a process, you must do so, it certainly does not work.

51, there is no Cold War, life is not a semester system, no employer has a hobby to help you find yourself, please use your own time to do this.

52, failure is not a bad thing, a failure can teach you a lot, even more than what you learned in college.

53, our goal is not to become a device center, but to become a user center.

54, know exactly what you want to do, know exactly what you can do is the two keys to success.

55, when you are in an artificial predicament, do not complain, you can only learn the lesson in silence.

56, once you make a decision not to delay. Anything that comes to mind, do it! Immediate action!

57, there is no enthusiasm for the operator, but also to educate dedicated employees.

58, the founding of a company like the establishment of a building, there is no blueprint, it is impossible to smooth construction, no one can not be in the absence of a blueprint for the case of construction. The blueprint for the establishment of the cause is to order a business plan.

59, great success depends not on the strength is toughness. Social competition is often the competition of staying power, perseverance and perseverance of the successful often become the last laugh, laugh the best people.

60, if the situation has been very bad when you realize the trouble, it is already too late. Be hopeful unless you always keep a sense of crisis.

Inspirational English Quotes

Inspirational English Quotes

1, I disapprove of e to those )

56, A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.

A thousand-li journey.

A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.

57, Nothing is impossible!

Nothing is impossible!

58, Youth means limitless possibilities.

Young is unlimited possibilities.

59, Dare and the e to me unless I go to it.

Victory will not come to us, I must go to victory myself.

63s take the place of dreams.

As long as a man has a quest, he is not old. Until regret takes the place of dreams, a man is not old.

65It's great to be great , but it's greater to be human.

It's great to be great, but it's greater to be truly human.

66. ase to struggle and you cease to live.

Life is more than a struggle.

Lincoln quotes in English

Lincoln quotes in English

1. A good scholar will become a great man.

A good scholar /, and the tree is real.

Quality is like a big tree, and fame is like a tree. The shade is e people for a long time, or fool all the people all the time, but you can not fool all the The shade is e people for a long time, or fool all the people all the time, but you can not fool all the people for a long time.

47. The height of a fountain does not exceed its source; the same is true of a man's career, he will never achieve more than his own beliefs.

The height of the fountain does not exceed its source; a mans career is also in the , they should not be free. They are also not able to maintain the They are also not able to maintain the freedom in the long run.

50. I will not necessarily win, but I will act sincerely. I will not necessarily be successful, but I will be consistent in my beliefs. I will stand shoulder to shoulder with anyone who is honest and equal in outlook.

I dont have to her.