What is the recommended brand for ranking Apple third party batteries?

Apple batteries are consumables, and although the original ones are the best after the Apple 7, you can consider replacing them with third-party batteries after the batteries are depleted by more than 50% since Apple doesn't sell original batteries. The next three third-party battery brands are recommended in ranked order.

1, Desai

This lithium-ion battery manufacturer is the Apple battery domestic foundry, factory located in Huizhou. The overall performance is very good, the design capacity has 1810mAh, current 433mA, the actual power will be a little higher than the design capacity, probably also can use more than a year. But note that you must buy through official channels, and scan the QR code on the back of the battery to identify authenticity.


Scud battery is a national brand, operating for a long time, the technology is also trustworthy. It has an average charging time of about two and a half hours, charging energy up to 14.88Wh, and the average time taken for continuous use of fully charged power is about 5 hours. It's relatively durable overall, with the biggest advantage being that it charges quickly, though the cycle count isn't as good as the original battery.

3, Pinsent

Pinsent's advantage is that it can provide door-to-door free battery installation service. After all, cell phone battery installation is more delicate, the average consumer is difficult to operate, this is still a great advantage. Pinsent Masons lithium batteries have another advantage, which is the large discharge capacity. Up to 3073mAh discharge proved its long battery life, which is about 10 minutes higher than the scud battery.