What is the scope of mortgaged property? Mortgage contract and mortgage creation is how?

Mortgage, the creditor for the debtor or a third party, does not transfer possession of the property provided as security for the performance of the debt, in the debtor does not perform the debt or the occurrence of the parties agreed to realize the mortgage, the property can be discounted or on the auction, sale of the property of the price of the right to receive priority compensation. In the mortgage legal relationship, the person who enjoys the mortgage for the mortgagee (i.e., the creditor), to provide mortgage property for the mortgagor, for the security of the property is known as the mortgage property. So what is the scope of the mortgage property?

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What is the scope of the mortgaged property?

1. It can be mortgaged

(1) buildings and other land attachments;

(2) land use rights for construction;

(3) sea use rights;

(4) production equipment, raw materials, semi-finished products, and products;

(5) buildings, ships, and aircraft under construction;

(6) means of transportation;

(7) other properties not prohibited from being mortgaged by laws and administrative regulations.

Tip the mortgagor can mortgage the above listed properties together

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2. Not to be mortgaged

(1) land ownership;

(2) collectively owned land such as homesteads, self-reserved land, and self-reserved mountain The right to use the land, but the law provides that can be mortgaged;

(3) schools, kindergartens, medical institutions and other non-profit legal persons set up for the purpose of public welfare education facilities, medical and health facilities and other public welfare facilities;

(4) ownership, right of use of the property is unknown or disputed;

(5) the law has been seized, detained, supervision of the property;

(6) the property;

(7) the right to use the land, the right to use the land, the right to use the land, and other public welfare facilities. /p>

(6) other properties which are prohibited to be mortgaged by laws and administrative regulations.

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