Can I cancel my phone card without ID?

No, you have to carry your original ID card.

1, do not use the card, a certain period of time, if there is a monthly fee for the card, it will be deducted. 60 days after the cancellation of the number, if there is a registered have to go to the cancellation, otherwise the money owed by then have to go to pay.

2, cell phone number is not used must need to cancel the phone card, otherwise it will always produce monthly fees, and 3 months after the automatic cancellation of the number, but the original cost will exist into the blacklist of the business hall, and again in the local cell phone number, you need to make up for the original cost to be processed.

3, cancel the phone card, bring the original ID card and cell phone card to any local mobile business hall for the cancellation of the phone card, if the arrears of fees to make up for the costs; if the card still have telephone charges, the return of telephone charges.

Lost cell phone or number deactivation precautions:

1, backup phone book

Some people's cell phone address book contains too many important customers, but neglect, and so throw the old card to know that it is too late. In addition, it's best to keep the old card after replacing it so that it doesn't get used.

2, cell phone numbers do not need to cancel in time

Some friends in the replacement of cell phone numbers directly to the old cell phone card abandoned, that as long as not used will automatically close the cancellation. In fact, although it will be automatically canceled, it will take a few months, during which time the system will automatically deduct the monthly fee for each month until it is canceled.

3, change the bank card binding

After the change of the cell phone number, you need to change the password of all kinds of bank cards and credit cards bound to it as soon as possible. You can also log on to the Internet banking to modify the account information of the Internet banking and change the cell phone number. If you have already stopped and canceled your number, you can only bring your bank card and ID card to the bank's business office.

4, change Taobao, Alipay and other applications binding

Can be changed directly from the website directly change the binding cell phone number. In the case of Taobao, for example, to replace the new cell phone number requires the original binding cell phone verification code, if you can not receive the verification code can only apply for mail replacement or contact customer service to modify.

5, member information change

Some supermarkets points card, daily chemical store points card, are directly say cell phone number can enjoy discounts and accumulated points. Please remember to change it in time.

Expanded Information:

The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the "Regulations on the Registration of Real Identity Information of Telephone Users," which stipulates that from September 1, 2013, users will be required to provide valid documents to register their identity information when applying for access to the Internet for fixed-line telephones, mobile telephones, and wireless Internet access cards. This is another breakthrough in the real-name policy in the past three years, and a milestone move to further standardize the telecom market and maintain network information security.

The cell phone number is the login name, as long as you bind the cell phone, and can also be intimate to tell you whether this phone registered Taobao, Alipay; do not know the login password? The system will also tell you what to do if you forget your password, all you need is a cell phone verification code and you're done. That is to say you just have a cell phone number, account and password have.

Communication carriers' customer service staff said that if a cell phone number owes more than 60 days, it may be canceled and recycled, when to put it back out to reuse, the time can be longer or shorter, this is not necessarily.


Phoenix News - Mobile phone number not used to shut down the machine on the end of the matter? It's a big mistake!

Baidu Encyclopedia - Cell Phone Numbers