Which station is the closest to Panjin People's Hospital?

Panjin People's Hospital is the closest to the bus stop: People's Hospital - Bus Station (near Hemai Junqiang Building, Panjin, Liaoning Province). According to Baidu map query, People's Hospital - Bus Station is 0.2km away from Panjin People's Hospital, two minutes walking time, route: People's Hospital - Bus Station departure, departure south to Hemai Road towards Huibin Street, turn right on Huibin Street, turn right on the route, arrive at the First People's Hospital - Outpatient Clinic of Panjin i.e. No. 104 Huibin Street, Panjin City, Liaoning Province. Panjin People's Hospital is a comprehensive public hospital located in Panjin City, Liaoning Province, China, the hospital was founded in 1958, after years of development, has become one of the important medical institutions in the Panjin area, Panjin People's Hospital has modern facilities and advanced medical technology, to provide a comprehensive range of medical services, which is equipped with internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics and gynecology, ophthalmology, stomatology, and many other clinical departments. It is also equipped with various types of advanced diagnostic and treatment equipment. In addition to regular outpatient and inpatient services, Panjin People's Hospital also carries out a variety of specialized outpatient, emergency rescue and physical examination services.