Shanghai Sheng aid medical equipment limited company recruitment information, Shanghai Sheng aid medical equipment limited company how?

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Company Profile:

Shanghai Sheng Aid Medical Devices Ltd. was founded on Tue Sep. 23 00:00:00 CST 2014, the registered capital of 100.00 million yuan, the legal representative is Wang Jiqiang, the company's address is the first floor of No. 7073, Lane 99, Jingshang Road, Fengjing Town, Jinshan District, Shanghai, the unified social credit code and tax code is 91310116312551936B, industry is the wholesale of medical supplies and equipment, the registration authority is the Shanghai Municipal Jinshan Branch of the Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce, the scope of business is medical equipment (see license), Class Ⅰ, Ⅱ medical equipment, mechanical equipment and accessories, electromechanical equipment sales. Ltd. is 310116003168594

Branch offices:

Foreign investment:

