Sensors and medical devices which development prospects

Medical device industry, right, according to the foresight industry research institute "China medical device industry market outlook and investment forecast analysis report" shows that at the end of 2014, China's population aged 60 years old and above 212.42 million people, accounting for the proportion of the total population of 15.5%; the number of people aged 65 years old and above 137.55 million people, accounting for 10.1%, for the first time to break through 10%. China has entered an aging society (when a country or region has 10% of its total population aged 60 or above, or 7% of its total population aged 65 or above, it means that the population of the country or region is in an aging society), and the trend is still intensifying, and it is expected that in 2025 China's population aged 60 or above will exceed 300 million.

The rise in the proportion of elderly people, as well as the enhancement of people's health care awareness, will pull the demand for medical resources continue to climb, especially for medical high-value consumables and the demand for home-based intelligent medical equipment, health insurance coverage and reimbursement ratio of the increase will also further provide demand protection.