Classification of Government Revenue and Expenditure Subjects 2022

Legal Analysis: Economic Classification of ExpendituresThe economic classification of expenditures mainly reflects the economic nature and specific purposes of government expenditures. The economic classification of expenditures has two levels of categories and sections, and the subjects are set up as follows: 1. Salary and welfare expenditures. There are 7 sections: basic salary, allowance, bonus, social security contributions, food expenses, food subsidies, other salary and welfare expenditures. 2. Expenditures on goods and services. There are 30 sections: office expenses, printing costs, consulting fees, handling fees, water, electricity, postage and electricity, heating costs, property management costs, transportation costs, travel expenses, overseas expenses, maintenance (care) costs, rental costs, meeting costs, training costs, hospitality, special materials, equipment acquisition costs, engineering construction costs, combat costs, military fuel costs, military other operation and maintenance costs, the purchase of uniforms, special fuel costs, labor costs, commissioning costs, trade union expenses, and other salary and welfare expenses. The following items are included in this section: hospitality expenses, equipment acquisition expenses, engineering construction expenses, combat expenses, military fuel expenses, other operation and maintenance expenses of the army, purchase of uniforms, special fuel expenses, labor service expenses, commissioned operation expenses, labor union expenses, welfare expenses, and other expenses for commodities and services. There are 12 subsections: retirement, pension, retirement (service) fees, pensions, living allowances, relief expenses, medical expenses, scholarships, incentives, production subsidies, housing provident fund, rental subsidies, subsidies for the purchase of housing, and other expenditures on subsidies to individuals and families. 4. Subsidies to enterprises and public institutions. Subdivided into 4 sections: policy subsidies for enterprises, subsidies for institutions, financial subsidies, and other subsidies to enterprises and institutions. 5. Transfer expenditures. There are 2 subsections: transfer expenditures between different levels of government, and transfer expenditures at the same level of government. 6. Gifts. Subdivided into 2 sections: grants to the domestic, grants to foreign countries. 7. Debt interest expenditure. There are 6 sections: interest payments on treasury bills, interest payments on borrowings from national banks, interest payments on other domestic borrowings, interest payments on borrowings from foreign governments, interest payments on borrowings from international organizations, and interest payments on other foreign borrowings. 8. Debt service expenditures. There are two sections: domestic debt service, foreign debt service. 9. Capital expenditures. There are 9 sections: purchase and construction of buildings, purchase of office equipment, purchase of special equipment, purchase of transportation, infrastructure construction, large-scale repairs, purchase and construction of information networks, material reserves, and other capital expenditures.

Legal basis: "Chinese People's *** and the State Budget Law"

Article 27 The general public **** budget revenue includes all tax revenue, administrative fees, state-owned resources (assets) reimbursable use of income, transfer income and other income.

General public **** budget expenditures according to its functional classification, including general public **** service expenditures, foreign affairs, public **** security, national defense expenditures, agriculture, environmental protection expenditures, education, science and technology, culture, health, sports expenditures, social security and employment expenditures and other expenditures.

General public **** budget expenditures are categorized according to their economic nature, including salary and welfare expenditures, goods and services expenditures, capital expenditures and other expenditures.

Article 43 The budget of the central government shall be examined and approved by the National People's Congress.

Budgets at local levels shall be examined and approved by the people's congresses at their respective levels.

Article 44 The financial department of the State Council shall, forty-five days before the session of the National People's Congress held each year, submit a preliminary proposal of the draft of the central budget to the Financial and Economic Committee of the National People's Congress for preliminary examination.

Article 92 If any of the following acts are committed by the government at any level and the departments concerned, they shall be ordered to make corrections, and those in charge and other persons directly responsible shall be held administratively liable:

(1) failing to prepare and submit the draft budget, budget adjustment plan, draft final accounts and departmental budgets and final accounts, as well as approving the budgets and final accounts in accordance with the provisions of this Law;

(2) ) making budget adjustments in violation of the provisions of this Law;

(iii) failing to disclose and explain relevant budgetary matters in accordance with the provisions of this Law;

(iv) setting up governmental fund projects and other fiscal revenue projects in violation of the provisions;

(v) using budget reserve, budget working capital, budget stabilization and adjustment funds, and excess revenue in violation of the provisions of the laws and regulations ;

(F) violation of the provisions of this Law to open a special account of the Treasury.