(Rockefeller Financial Group)
One of the ten largest consortia in the United States. It is the largest monopoly group in the United States based on the oil monopoly of the Rockefeller family, and extends its power to all sectors of the national economy through the continuous control of financial institutions. Founder J.D. Rockefeller started with oil, and in 1863, he opened an oil refinery in Cleveland, and in 1870, he expanded the company to form the Ohio Standard (originally translated as American Word) Petroleum Company on the basis of the factory, which soon monopolized the petroleum industry of the United States and invested in the financial industry and manufacturing industry with its huge profits, and its economic strength developed rapidly. Total assets in 1935 only 6.6 billion dollars, to increase to 82.6 billion dollars in 1960, an increase of 11.5 times in 25 years. Subsequently, it continued to gain great development, in 1974, the total assets increased to 330.5 billion U.S. dollars, more than the JP Morgan consortium, jumped to the top of the U.S. top ten consortiums. The largest oil companies in the United States have 16, of which 8 belong to the Rockefeller consortium.
The Rockefeller consortium is a typical example of the control of industrial capital by banking capital. It has a huge financial network, with the Chase Manhattan Bank as the core, under which there are more than a hundred financial institutions such as the Chemical Bank of New York, the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, and the Equitable Life Insurance Company. Through these financial institutions, it directly or indirectly controls many industrial and mining enterprises, and occupies an important position in various economic sectors, such as metallurgy, chemistry, rubber, automobiles, foodstuffs, air transportation, telecommunications, and the arms industry. The arms companies under its control are: McDonnell Douglas, Martin Marietta (controlled with the Mellon Consortium***), Sperry Rand and Westinghouse Electric (controlled with the Mellon Consortium***). The Rockefeller consortium also controls five of the largest U.S. airlines, either alone or with other consortia***, including United Airlines, Pan Am, American Airlines, Trans World Airlines and Eastern Airlines.
After the 1973 energy crisis, the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries countries and the United States monopoly capital launched a tit-for-tat struggle, to the Rockefeller consortium to a heavy blow. The consortium took various measures to restore this unfavorable situation. First of all, it participated in the development of domestic oil in the United States, and fought for the leasing rights of offshore oil fields in the coastal areas of the country, and in 1976 it obtained 1.3 million acres of oil leases in Alaska and the middle of the Atlantic coast. It also worked with the Anglo-Dutch Shell Oil Company*** to develop oil fields in the British North Sea. It has also penetrated other related sectors of the energy industry. In addition, there is a strong move towards the petrochemical industry.
Rockefeller consortium not only in the economic field dominant, in the government also placed a large number of agents, swaying the U.S. government's domestic and foreign policy. Through organizations such as the Rockefeller Foundation and the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Rockefeller Consortium penetrated into education, science, health, and even the arts
Rockefeller Consortium Empire State Building
and all aspects of social life in order to expand its influence.
But the Rockefeller Consortium's economic power has been declining since the 1980s, and with it its status, which has been surpassed by the Morgan Consortium. Mainly because the United States consortiums penetrate each other, the Rockefeller consortium belongs to large enterprises such as Exxon and large banks such as Chase Manhattan Bank, etc., have been subjected to the penetration of other consortiums and become *** with the control of the enterprise.
Morgan consortium
(Morgan Financial Group)
The United States, one of the ten largest consortiums in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, for the rule of the United States economy monopoly capital consortium. Founder J.P. Morgan in his father J.S. Morgan capital on the basis of the 1871 partnership with the founding of the Drexel Morgan company, engaged in investment and credit and other banking business. 1894 partners died, the sole proprietor of the 1895 renamed J.P. Morgan and the company as a base camp, to the financial services and economic sectors (such as steel, railroads, and public utilities, etc.). Such as steel, railroads and public utilities, etc.) to expand their power, began to form a monopoly consortium. 1912, the Morgan consortium controlled 13 financial institutions, with total assets of 3.04 billion U.S. dollars, of which the strength of the Morgan company is the most powerful, dominant in the U.S. financial sector, Wall Street financial bosses called Morgan as "the banker's bankers ". World War I Morgan consortium made a fortune, after the war with its strong financial capital, infiltration of the national economy in all sectors; the 30s, Morgan consortium controlled by large banks, large enterprises, the total assets accounted for the United States eight consortiums at the time of more than 50%.
Because of the increasing competition between the consortiums, other consortia and all the Morgan consortium as the main target of the attack, and thus its strength position is relatively declining, once for the Rockefeller consortium over. In order to restore the decline, it has taken a variety of measures. In the financial aspect, the use of strong financial foundation, expanding strength. In industry, actively develop new technology industry, since the 60s, in the electronic computer, high-speed photocopiers and microfilm and other process sectors, has jumped to the top. The International Business Machines Corporation (IBM), to which the consortium belongs, is the world's largest producer of electronic computers. The consortium's original well-established industries such as electrical equipment, power equipment and atomic energy equipment have also made great progress. In the arms industry, the Morgan consortium controlled by the General Electric Company, General Dynamics and Grumman Aircraft Company, the United States Department of Defense ranked as the largest arms contractor in the forefront. To the late 70's, Morgan consortium of trust assets grew rapidly, greatly exceeding other consortia, to electronic computers and other cutting-edge technology industry, and the rise of the consortium's economic strength has grown exponentially. Morgan consortium whether in the control of the number of enterprises and assets owned, and are above the Rockefeller consortium.
The Morgan consortium has a strong foundation in the financial industry. Its main pillar is J.P. Morgan. Morgan is one of the world's largest multinational banks, with 10 subsidiaries and many branches in the country, and more than 1,000 communication banks. It has branches or representative offices in about 20 major cities abroad and has stakes in financial institutions in nearly 40 countries. Its operations are characterized by extensive stock trading and the operation of huge trust assets. It controls stakes in 37 foreign commercial banks, development banks, investment companies and other enterprises. In addition, there are Manufacturers Hanover Company, Bankers Trust Company of New York, as well as Northwestern Bancorp, Prudential Life Insurance Company, and New York Life Assurance Company. On the industrial and mining side there were mainly the International Business Machines Corporation, the General Electric Company, the International Telephone and Telegraph Company, the U.S. Steel Corporation, and the General Motors Corporation; and on the utility side there were the American Telephone and Telegraph Company and the Southern Company.
First National City Bank Financial Group
(First National City Bank Financial Group)
One of the ten largest consortiums in the United States, it was the eastern consortium that emerged after the war. Although the history is short, but the total amount of assets under its control has exceeded that of several old consortiums, jumping to the forefront of the top ten consortiums. The consortium to the first Citibank as the core, relying on its huge capital, to the arms industry (such as rockets, missiles, and aircraft, etc.) and civil industry (such as electronics, chemicals, petroleum, and non-ferrous metallurgy, etc.) to expand the power to control a large number of famous large enterprises and large companies. It is also one of the most active consortia in foreign expansion.
First Citibank's predecessor was the Citibank of New York, founded in 1812, one of the oldest banks on Wall Street. By the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, under the control of the two big families, Stillman and Rockefeller, as the standard oil system (Mobil Oil System) funds dispatch center, and thus gained rapid development. 30's by the world economic crisis, the business was hit, the business fell apart. In the wave of corporate mergers that occurred in the 1950s, it was revitalized and merged with the First National Bank of New York in 1955, changing its name to the First Citibank of New York, and then to its current name in 1962. The bank was the centerpiece of the First Citibank consortium, which made it into the top ten consortiums in the United States.
First Citibank consortium so the development of such a rapid, mainly due to the economic strength of the consortium is by the first Citibank and arms production with a close relationship between the large companies and large enterprises. It controls the arms production of Boeing and United Aircraft Corporation, in addition to the production of large civilian airliners, has always been the United States of America's major arms contractors, mainly contracted jet bombers, the Minuteman Ⅲ intercontinental missiles, Apollo program and the manufacture of rockets and cosmic space launchers and other military products, every year, from the military ordering to obtain a staggeringly high level of profits. Other businesses owned by the consortium are Atlantic Richfield Oil Company (controlled with the Morgan Consortium***), Phillips Petroleum Company (controlled with the Morgan Consortium***), Xerox Corporation, Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, Crawler Tractor Company (controlled with the Morgan Consortium and the DuPont Consortium***), and the National Cash Dispenser Company, which produces electronic computers. On the commercial side, there is the Penney Company (controlled with the Morgan Consortium***) and the Jewelry Store (controlled with the Chicago Consortium***). All of the above companies have monopolies at home and abroad.
Du Pont Financial Group
(Du Pont Financial Group)
One of the ten largest American financial groups, the Du Pont family is a consortium that relies on the chemical and arms industries. The founder was a French immigrant, E. I. du Pont de Nemours. He fled to the United States during the French Revolution, and founded DuPont in 1802 in Wilmington, Delaware, to run the gunpowder business; after the DuPont family's five generations of operation, DuPont finally became a typical family trust. During World War I, DuPont's assets increased from 75 million dollars before the war to 300 million dollars in 1918; it became one of the largest monopolies at that time. The Du Pont Consortium was also formed, and in 1935, the total assets of the Du Pont Consortium increased to 2.63 billion dollars, ranking sixth among the eight largest consortia in the United States at that time. In the Second World War, the DuPont consortium from the Pentagon to obtain 21 billion dollars worth of military orders, and after the war to participate in the manufacture of the atomic bomb, the economic strength of the ten consortiums in the fifth; but to the 60's, due to the intensification of competition between the consortiums, DuPont consortium's position declined, and retired to the ninth place.
The economic strength of the DuPont consortium is dominated by the industrial and mining industries. in 1974, the consortium's industrial and mining assets accounted for 69% of its total assets. Industrial capital was in turn concentrated in DuPont and General Motors. DuPont is the largest chemical company in the United States, and 80% of its raw material needs are petroleum. Since 1973, the repeated impact of the oil crisis. 80's, the company turned to the development of the plastics industry and vigorously carry out scientific research, the production of products not based on petroleum as raw materials, such as microbial fermentation production of synthetic fibers. DuPont consortium of another large company General Motors (with the Morgan consortium *** with control), is the largest U.S. automobile company.
The DuPont consortium's bank capital is weaker than other consortia, lack of a well-funded financial institutions as the core, in the long run, its financial business had to rely on the Morgan consortium and other consortia to provide funds. The du pont consortium is a typical family trust, the du pont consortium basically consists of the du pont family, and most of its capital is the wealth of the family. All important positions were controlled by members of the family until the first half of the 1970s; the company's chairman and managing director were successively filled by "capable" outsiders.
The DuPont family is the oldest, richest, and most singularly wealthy family in America. This family has been maintained for 200 years, rare in the world. 1990s DuPont family control wealth of 150 billion dollars, out of the 250 tycoons, 50 super-rich. The founder of the family was Irene DuPont. The founder of the family is Irene DuPont, by manufacturing gunpowder to make a fortune, and then because of a gunpowder explosion, the family wealth is gone. early 20th century DuPont family out of the DuPont "big three." They re-entered the business, the family into the world's most important business. They started up again and brought the family into an unprecedented period of prosperity. The family's wealth is considered a second life, and the transmission of power is unique. In the third generation, there are at least 10 pairs of marriage between cousins within the family, making it the largest inbred family in the United States.
Boston Financial Group
(Boston Financial Group)
One of the ten largest consortiums in the United States, and one of the oldest monopoly consortiums in the country. It was formed by the 19th century operation of the slave trade and rich Boston area Lowell, Lawrence, Adams, and the Lodge family with the emerging Kennedy family. At that time, these families from overseas colonial plunder accumulated huge sums of money invested in commercial banks, insurance business and investment companies, and rely on these financial institutions to provide funds to operate the textile, tanning, shoes, clothing, food and chemicals and other light textile industry. Because of the rapid development of the textile industry, to the early 20th century, Boston, these generations of intermarried families, the First National Bank of Boston as the core, the formation of the Boston Consortium.
The First National Bank of Boston was founded in 1859 and merged with the Bank of Massachusetts in 1903, still known as the First National Bank of Boston. It was one of the first multinational banks in the United States. In addition to the bank, the Portudon Consortium owned four prominent insurance companies, with the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company and the Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company being the largest.
The Boston Consortium was not as strong in industrial and mining enterprises as the large eastern consortia. It controls the industry was mainly light textile industry, from the 1950s, the use of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's scientific research results in the development of new technology industry, from the light textile industry to electronics, optics, space, missiles and other aspects of development. For example, the company it controlled, Tequestron, merged many small and medium-sized companies after the war, and its strength grew, and its business direction shifted from the light textile industry to the development of the aerospace industry and the electronics industry, and it became a diversified company with more than 70 subsidiaries. It manufactured aviation and aerospace products, various electronic components, and airplane parts, and also operated in the clockwork, furniture, and poultry industries. One of its subsidiaries, Bellevue Aircraft Corporation, was an arms exporter that built helicopters for the Pentagon and foreign countries. Boston consortium in the development of new technology industry has superior technical strength, Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology and other famous universities of scientific research results, a strong impetus to the development of cutting-edge industries in the Boston area. Its affiliated Tekstrom, Ray Sion and Bora Lloyd companies, due to the stimulation of the emerging technology industry, the economic strength of the rapid growth. Politically, the Boston Consortium had joined forces with the Rockefeller Consortium to support J.F. Kennedy's presidency. Kennedy in the White House, for the Bordenton consortium for a large number of military orders, caused by the Morgan consortium's strong dissatisfaction. 1963 November alliance Kennedy assassination, to the Boston consortium a big blow, so that it is in the competition with other consortiums in the status of the declining.
Mellon Financial Group
(Mellon Financial Group)
One of the ten largest consortiums in the United States, centered on the Mellon family, with a large monopoly capital group of financial start. Founder T. Mellon in 1869 founded Thomas. Mellon father and son bank in 1869, the rapid development. 1902 renamed Mellon National Bank is the Mellon consortium to start the financial pillar. It took this as a starting point and gradually integrated with industrial capital, and the consortium was gradually formed. The financial institutions controlled by the Mellon Consortium, in addition to the Mellon National Bank, there are the National Bank of Pittsburgh and General Reinsurance Company. For a long time, the Mellon Consortium through these financial institutions control the Pittsburgh region's banking capital and industrial capital.
The oldest of the industrial and mining companies controlled by the Mellon Consortium is the Aluminum Company of America. Its predecessor was the Pittsburgh Smelting Company, which was controlled by the Mellon and Sons Bank in 1890.Since 1910, Alcoa has had a monopoly on the production of aluminum in the United States and is one of the industrial pillars of the Mellon Consortium. Another important industrial pillar was the Gulf Oil Company. It is one of the largest oil monopolies in the United States, and its main business includes oil extraction, refining, transportation and marketing; since the 1980s, it has expanded its production capacity of petrochemicals and ethylene, and it occupies the third place among the U.S. chemical companies. Mellon consortium in the steel industry production also holds a certain position, with Amco Steel (with the Rockefeller consortium, Cleveland consortium *** with control), National Steel (with the Cleveland consortium *** with control) and Wheeling - Pittsburgh Steel Company, Allegheny-Ledlum Industrial Company and other four large Steel Company. In addition, the consortium owns Westinghouse Electric Company (under common control with the Rockefeller Consortium***), Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company (under common control with the Rockefeller, Chicago and Cleveland Consortium***), and Rockwell International Corporation. Rockwell, which is not infiltrated by any consortium, specializes in the design and manufacture of airplanes, missiles, and rockets, and has long been a major and profitable contractor for the Pentagon and NASA.
Cleveland Finanial Group
(Cleveland Finanial Group)
One of the ten largest consortiums in the U.S., named for its location in Cleveland.
The second half of the 19th century, Cleveland area of several closely linked wealthy families, mainly Mather, Hanna, Humphrey, Eaton and other families, the use of local rich coal and iron resources, the founding of the iron and steel industry, and obtain huge profits, and then invested in the banking industry, and to the development of the rubber industry and railroad transportation. After the First World War has the conditions of the consortium, in 1935 has assets of 1.4 billion U.S. dollars, for the United States at the time of the eighth consortium. During the Second World War, it gained further development, and in 1955, its assets increased to 15.7 billion dollars, rising to the sixth consortium in the U.S. In the 1960s, due to the regional limitations of the consortium, its strength declined.
The Cleveland consortium's economic strength is based on steel, rubber, railroad transportation and other sectors, in the United States basic industries have a certain position. The steel industry is the consortium's main interest, it controls four of the 10 largest steel companies in the United States, namely *** and Steel, Lex Youngstown, Amco Steel (with the Mellon Consortium, Rockefeller Consortium *** with control) and National Steel (with the Mellon Consortium *** with control). Cleveland consortium also has important interests in the U.S. rubber industry, two of the largest rubber companies in the United States - Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company and Featherstone Tire & Rubber Company, are Cleveland and other consortiums **** with control. Cleveland consortium financial capital is weak, it owns the Cleveland Trust Company and other five financial institutions, the strength is limited, raising funds only to rely on the eastern consortium, especially the Morgan consortium of financial institutions.
Chicago Finanial Group
(Chicago Finanial Group)
One of the ten largest consortiums in the United States, is a consortium in the Midwest region of the U.S. In the early twentieth century, by the local wealthy family McCormick family, the Wood family and the emerging Klang family composed of the Chicago area as the center of the activities and named.
The Chicago area has a favorable climate, adequate rainfall, fertile land, suitable for the development of agriculture and animal husbandry, and has long been an important food area and livestock area in the United States. Agriculture and animal husbandry developed, meat processing and agricultural machinery industry with the development of the Chicago area soon became second only to New York's industrial and commercial center and financial center. These wealthy families combined to form the Monopoly Consortium, which had assets of $4.3 billion in 1935, ranking fourth among the eight largest consortia in the U.S. at the time.
The Chicago consortium's financial strength was relatively strong, with five major banks: Continental Illinois, First Chicago, Harris Bank, Northern Trust and Bank of America. There are also two insurance companies: CNA Financial Corp. and States Insurance Co. In recent years, the Chicago consortium has been sidelined by Wall Street conglomerates and is far less financially powerful. Continental Illinois was infiltrated by the Morgan consortium, has become two consortiums *** with the control of the company; the first Chicago company and for the Rockefeller consortium control, the Chicago consortium has been virtually subordinate to the two consortia.
Chicago consortium controlled by the industrial sector, mainly agricultural products processing industry and the traditional agricultural machinery manufacturing industry, as well as agricultural areas for the object of business. In the agro-processing industry, it controls 12 meat-processing companies, the larger of which are Esmark and United Foods. In agricultural machinery, it owns the International Harvester Company, the Crawler Tractor Company (which it controls along with two Rockefeller consortiums***), and the Deere and Company. These three agricultural machinery companies produce 60% of the national tractor sales market. After World War II, the Chicago consortium's expansion into the oil industry was notable for its large investments in Indiana Standard Oil and Texaco, which belonged to the Rockefeller consortium, and for its important personnel combinations.
The Chicago Consortium held an important position in business. It owned huge commercial retail companies such as Sears Loubucks, Union Department Stores, Jewelry Stores and Marshall Field's. Sears Loubucks Company was founded in 1866, operating mail order business in the early 20th century has gained tremendous development, retail stores and supply points all over the United States, the company's assets in 1982 increased 36.6 billion U.S. dollars, annual sales of 30 billion U.S. dollars, the first in the U.S. among the department stores.
California Financial Group
(California Financial Group)
One of the ten largest financial groups in the United States. It is one of the ten largest conglomerates in the United States. The new conglomerates that emerged after World War II included the Bank of America Group, the San Francisco Group, and the Los Angeles Group. The economic strength of these three groups during the Second World War, with the rapid development of the arms industry in California and get a sharp increase, especially the growth rate of financial capital is particularly amazing, the formation of the Bank of America as the financial center of the consortium. 1974 has assets of 167.1 billion U.S. dollars in the United States in the top ten consortiums in the United States in the third, in the United States of America, the political and economic life in the main role. It and the southern consortium to form a new force of arms industry group, and become the old northeastern consortium to compete with the force.
The California consortium's financial capital is extremely strong, with major commercial banks such as the Bank of America, Bank of the West Corporation, Security Pacific Corporation, and Wells Fargo and Crocker National Corporation in the San Francisco area.
Bank of America is the financial core of the California consortium, its predecessor for the Italian immigrants descended from A. P. Giannini in the early 20th century founded the Bank of Italy. Due to the rapid growth of business, by the 1920s it had become the largest bank in the western United States; in the early 1930s, it merged with the Bank of America in California and was renamed the Bank of the Americas (known as the National Trust and Savings Bank of the Americas). World War II brought it huge profits, surpassing the then Chase National Bank of New York as the largest commercial bank in the United States. However, the Bank of America's largest voting rights were already controlled by the J.P. Morgan Consortium and the First Citibank Consortium, and the California Consortium's power in the Bank of America was far less than it had been before.
California consortium controlled by the industrial and mining enterprises, before the Second World War to agriculture and mining industry; during the war and after the war, because California has become the United States largest arms production base, the consortium controlled by the industrial companies to arms production. Examples include Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Litton Industries, and Northrop. These companies were among the top ten arms dealers and arms exporters in the United States. After the war, Lockheed Aircraft Corporation has long been at the top of the U.S. Department of Defense's arms orders. But the control of these arms-producing companies, gradually fell into the hands of the eastern consortium, the California consortium's position of strength has relatively declined.
Texas Financial Group
(Texas Financial Group)
One of the ten largest consortia in the United States. After the Second World War, a new consortium in Texas, mainly relying on the development of the oil industry and arms industry. K.W. McKesson, S. Richardson, H.L. Hunt, J. Parkland, J.A. Elkins and other founding families as representatives.
The Texas consortium's banking capital was relatively weak, although it owned four banks and three insurance companies, but it did not form a strong financial center. four banks were: the First National Bank of Dallas, the First City National Bank of Houston, the Bank of Dallas *** and National Bank and the Texas Bank of Commerce. The industrial and mining enterprises controlled by the Texas consortium were the largest, the Tenneco Company of Houston. Originally one of the largest oil and gas pipeline transportation companies in the United States, it has grown into a multibusiness conglomerate, which, because of infiltration by the Rockefeller consortium, has become a company controlled by both consortia **** together. In the arms industry, the Texas consortium controls two prominent companies. One is the LTV company (formerly translated Lin-Temco-Water Company), founder J. J. Lin, good at mergers, in 1960 merged with the Temco aircraft manufacturing company, and then in 1961 merged with the Water Company (manufacture of airplanes and missiles). 80's since the diversification of business, but still mainly in the manufacture of arms, profits The company has diversified since the 1980s, but still focuses on arms manufacturing, which is very profitable and growing rapidly. The other is Hughes Aircraft Company, founded in 1933, whose business was limited to design and experimental manufacturing, and only began commercial production in 1942, manufacturing airships, reconnaissance cameras, and a variety of aircraft parts. in the first half of the 1980s, the company's production of electronic control systems and other electrical components in the United States aircraft manufacturing industry in the lead, so the company's business is booming, and the turnover has increased greatly. In addition, the Texas consortium owns a number of companies that produce cutting-edge technology industrial products, such as Texas Instruments Inc.
and Wall Street's famous investment banks: Goldman Sachs, etc., in addition: Warren Buffett, Soros, Rogers, etc.