What are the products of medical device class I

The state of medical devices in accordance with the degree of risk to implement classification management.

The first class is a low risk, the implementation of routine management can ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical devices.

The second category is a moderate risk, need to strictly control the management to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical devices.

The third category is a high risk, need to take special measures to strictly control the management to ensure the safety and effectiveness of medical devices.

Class I medical devices include:

Basic surgical instruments microsurgical instruments

Neurosurgical instruments ophthalmic surgical instruments

Ear, nose and throat surgical instruments oral surgical instruments

Thoracic and cardiovascular surgical instruments abdominal surgical instruments

Urological and anorectal surgical instruments orthopedic surgery (orthopedics) surgical instruments

Orthopedic surgery (orthopedics) surgical instruments

Third class of medical devices is those with high risk and require special measures to ensure their safety and effectiveness. (Orthopedic) Surgical Instruments

Obstetrics and Gynecology Surgical Instruments Family Planning Surgical Instruments

Injection and Puncture Instruments Burns (Plastic) Surgical Instruments

General Diagnostic Instruments Medical Electronic Instruments and Equipment

Medical Optical Apparatus, Instruments, and Endoscopic Devices Medical Ultrasound Instruments and Related Devices

Medical Laser Instruments and Devices Medical High-Frequency Instruments and equipment

Physical therapy and rehabilitation equipment Chinese medicine apparatus

Medical magnetic **** vibration equipment medical X-ray equipment

Medical X-ray accessory equipment and components of medical high-energy radiation equipment

Medical nuclide equipment medical ray protection supplies, devices

Clinical test and analysis instruments medical laboratory and basic equipment apparatus

Extracorporeal circulation and blood processing equipment implantable materials and artificial organs

Operating room, emergency room, diagnostic and treatment room equipment and appliances stomatology equipment and appliances

Ward care equipment and appliances disinfection and sterilization equipment and appliances

Medical cold therapy, cryotherapy, refrigeration equipment and appliances stomatology materials

Medical hygiene materials and dressings medical suture material and Adhesives

Medical polymer materials and products interventional equipment