"Ambulance" is pronounced [?mbj?l?ns] with the stress on the second syllable, the "bu" syllable. It means ambulance.
"Ambulance" is an English word derived from "ambulant", meaning "movable" or "walking". In the hospital and emergency services industry, "ambulance" refers to a mobile ambulance equipped with specialized medical equipment and medications.
The exact definition and use of "ambulance" may vary slightly from country to country. In the U.S., "ambulance" usually refers to an ambulance equipped with medical equipment and paramedics for emergency rescue and escort of critically ill patients.
In Canada, an "ambulance" can be a specialized medical ambulance fleet that is serviced by various regional governments or private organizations. The role of the ambulance fleet is to provide trained medical professionals and the necessary medical equipment in a medical emergency to ensure that the patient is transported in a timely manner.
In the UK, an "ambulance" is a group of healthcare providers who work together to provide emergency care to the public and patients. The service is usually made up of hospitals, ambulance crews and healthcare professionals from all over the world.