English name: Chloroacetone; Acetonyl chloride
Molecular formula: C3H5ClO
Structural formula:
Molecular weight: 92.52
CAS No.: 78-95- 5
RTECS No.: UC0700000; FM7525000HS code:
Hydroxyacetone, water soluble 5
RTECS No.: UC0700000; FM7525000
HS No.:
UN No.: 1695
Dangerous Goods No.: 61601
IMDG Rule No.: 6098
Appearance and properties: colorless liquid with irritating odor.
Main Uses: Used as insecticide, lachrymator, also used in the production of drugs and so on.
Melting point: -44.5
Boiling point: 120
Relative density (water = 1): 1.16
Relative density (air = 1): 3.2
Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 1.33 (20 ℃)
Solubility: soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, ether, chloroform.
Critical temperature (℃):
Critical pressure (MPa): Refractive index: 1.435
Heat of combustion (kj/mol):
properties Avoid contact with the following conditions: light.
Combustibility: Flammable
Constructive Fire Hazard Classification: A
Flash Point (℃): 7.0
Spontaneous Ignition Temperature (℃): Ignition Temperature (℃): not available
Lower Explosive Limit (V%): not available
Lower Explosive Limit (V%): not available
Lower Explosive Limit (V%): not available
Hazardous Characteristics: May be flammable in the presence of high heat, open flame, or in contact with oxidizing agents. In contact with high heat, open flame or oxidizing agent, there is a danger of causing combustion. High heat decomposition, corrosive, irritating fumes. When exposed to high heat, the pressure inside the container increases, and there is a danger of cracking and explosion. Flammability (red): 2 Reactivity (yellow): 0
Combustion (decomposition) products: carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen chloride, phosgene.
Stability: Stable
Polymerization Hazard: Cannot occur
Contraindications: Strong oxidizers, strong bases.
Fire extinguishing methods: mist water, foam, carbon dioxide, dry powder, sand. Vapor is heavier than air, easy to gather in low places. Vapor in an enclosed area can explode when exposed to fire. Vapors can spread to long distances, catch fire in the presence of an ignition source, and cause reignition. Storage containers and their components may be projected great distances in all directions. If the substance or contaminated fluid enters a waterway, notify downstream users with potential water contamination, notify local health and fire officials and pollution control authorities.
Transportation Hazard Class: Class 6.1 Poisonous Substances
Dangerous Goods Packaging Symbol: 14
Packaging Class: II
Storage and Transportation Precautions: Store in cool, ventilated bins. Keep away from fire and heat source. The temperature of the warehouse should not exceed 30℃. Prevent direct sunlight. Keep the container sealed. Store separately from oxidizers. Lighting, ventilation and other facilities in the storage room should be of explosion-proof type. There should be fire and explosion-proof technical measures for tank storage. Prohibit the use of spark-prone mechanical equipment and tools. Handling should be lightly loaded and unloaded to prevent damage to packaging and containers. Attention should be paid to personal protection in dispensing and handling operations. ERG Guide: 131 ERG Guide Classification: Flammable Liquid - Toxic Specifications Reagent grade, chemically pure, boiling range 117~119℃.
Harmful Contact Limits: ACGIH(1): (CEILING) 1ppm; 3. 8mg/m3 Note: (1) Skin contact is more hazardous.
Invasive route: inhalation, ingestion, dermal absorption
Toxicity: LD50: 100mg/kg (rat oral); 140mg/kg (rabbit dermal) LC50: 262ppm for 1 hour (rat inhalation)
Health hazards: The product decomposes under the action of sunlight and generates tear gas, which is a kind of tear gas and will be poisoned if accidentally taken or inhaled. and inhalation will be poisoned. Corrosive eyes, skin and respiratory tract, can cause pulmonary edema a few hours late, serious cases of death risk. Health Hazard (Blue): 2
SKIN CONTACT: Remove contaminated clothing and rinse with running water. Keep patient warm and quiet. Inhalation, ingestion, or skin contact with the substance can cause a delayed reaction. Ensure that medical personnel are aware of the personal protection associated with the substance and take care of themselves.
EYE CONTACT: Immediately open upper and lower eyelids and flush with running water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation: Remove from scene to fresh air. If breathing is difficult, give oxygen. In case of respiratory arrest, administer artificial respiration immediately. Seek medical attention. If the patient ingests or inhales the substance do not use mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, use a one-way valve mini-breather or other appropriate medical respirator.
Ingested: In case of accidental ingestion give sufficient amount of warm water, induce vomiting and seek medical attention.
Engineering Controls: Tightly seal and provide adequate local and full exhaust ventilation.
RESPIRATORY PROTECTION: A gas mask is recommended for possible exposure to its vapors. Self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) should be worn in high concentration environments. Above the NIOSH REL concentration or not yet established REL, any detectable concentration: self-carrying positive-pressure full facepiece respirator, air-supplied positive-pressure full-facepiece respirator supplemented by an auxiliary self-carrying positive-pressure respirator. Escape: Air-purifying full facepiece respirator (gas mask) fitted with an organic vapor cartridge, self-contained escape respirator.
Eye protection: Wear chemical safety glasses.
Protective Clothing: Wear polyethylene film gas resistant clothing.
Hand protection: Wear protective gloves.
Others: Smoking, eating and drinking are prohibited at the work site. After work, shower and change clothes. Pay attention to personal hygiene.
Leakage Disposal: Evacuate the leaking contaminated area to the safe area, prohibit unrelated personnel from entering the contaminated area, cut off the source of ignition. Emergency personnel wear self-contained breathing apparatus and protective clothing specially recommended by the manufacturer (complete isolation). Do not come into direct contact with the spill and plug the leak when it is safe to do so. Spray water mist to reduce evaporation. Absorb with a mixture of sand or other non-combustible adsorbent, then collect in a dry, clean, covered container and transport to a waste disposal site. It can also be flushed with large amounts of water and the diluted wash solution put into the wastewater system. If a large number of leaks, the use of berms to shelter, and then collect, transfer, recycling or harmless treatment after the waste.